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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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22 hours ago, Shotgun said:

Headphone cords are the work of Satan. If you tried to tie them in those knots it would take all morning. Leave them in your pocket for 20 minutes and it's another 1/2 hour until you can use them.

I am a firm believer that they have inherited the spirit of the late, unlamented, wire coat hanger. An evil creation whose demise was signposted in 1967, but hung on for much much longer in the dark recesses of wardrobes nationwide.

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8 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

So you’re not a Tory voter?

Be fair, GD. Moomin has confessed his sin and given a more detailed explanantion than this forum really deserves. On th eother side of the coin, I certainly don't think everyone who ever voted Labour is a committed socialist, so it would be unfair to classify him as some RW sympathiser. I think he's shown that he's not*. To err is human, and all that.


Anyone who votes Tory after the shitshow of the last decade, mind, deserves to have their guts fall out of their arsehole while they're stood in front of a hungry alligator. No excuses.

*But he DID vote Tory.  Snowden's waiting...


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23 hours ago, Perkin Flump said:

People who have a go at you for being "Tory Scum" while living in a big hoose with a swimming pool & paying their workies as close to NMW as they can get away with, Capitalistic b*****ds that they are.

Anyone who votes Tory and doesn't have a big house and swimming pool is a mug.

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Any band called “The .......(something)” being incorrectly referred to as only (something).

Prime example tonight on Radio Scotland , Get it On when the presenter Brian Burnett said,  as the song was ending “Jam ...That’s Entertainment”.


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If only there was a part of the forum dedicated specifically to politics to stop those of us not interested in it from getting bored to tears. 
People that don't take an interest in politics.

It's often them that f**k over the rest of us.
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