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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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When I found out that juries consisted of ordinary members of the public, I was horrified.

I honestly cannot believe that the fate of a person's life is decided by 12 regular joes. There must be so many people who are falsely imprisoned.

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Why does everyone dread jury duty?

Isn't it just a few days skive off work?

I always thought it would be quite fun actually, a bit of a gas and that.

When I found out that juries consisted of ordinary members of the public, I was horrified.

I honestly cannot believe that the fate of a person's life is decided by 12 regular joes. There must be so many people who are falsely imprisoned.

I always knew this, but I would've thought there were intelligent people with years of experience in the justice system who are employed to be a jury. Surely their experience outweighs some random folk who are doing it for the first time and haven't a scoobie what they're doing?

I'm sooooooooooooooooooo fucking bored. I can't wait for college to start to so I actually have some substance to my days rather than sitting about the house all day every fucking day.

ORGANISE SOMETHING! Text your mates for a kickabout or to hang about or whatever. It's sunny outside, you don't have to do anything major just get out there and enjoy the summer. I know this is hypocritical coming from me but I'm working later and there is no point in actually organising something, because I'd only be out for 2 fecking hours then time to come back again. PISH.

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I'm sooooooooooooooooooo fucking bored. I can't wait for college to start to so I actually have some substance to my days rather than sitting about the house all day every fucking day.

Go and do what every other person does at that age, try some sort of chemical and attempt to get yer jam roll.

Or was that just me...? :unsure:

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Petty things that piss me off... To bring up 1 of many hundreds of examples...

And by Vectrons pointy ear, its a warm welcome back to Daddy Bear! I've not seen him around for a while, and this isn't up to his usual standard, but by Vectron, he can be quite funny sometimes.

What an arsehole.

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I have been called up for it, got a date through to go and everything - quite looking forward to it actually if selected.

I did it, it was pish. Got a horrible "glassing" assault in a horrible pub in east lothian. Everything about it was just unpleasant---even the "victim" was reprehensible (he should have been done for perjury and assault himself). They even made us walk past everyone queuing to get in/out of the court, so everyday you had to pass within a few feet of the family of the defendant. That wasn't so bad---it was when we found them guilty and then fifteen minutes later you've got to weave your way out past all these folk who're none too happy with you.

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got the letter through my door this morning, thankfully it is the high court so it'll be something important and not some silly ''he pushed me and i fell over'' case.

Sherriff court FTW. :lol: :lol:

I'm just looking to get it over and done with.

I was always banging Caesium Bromide before my trips down to Greggs. Was brilliant.

:lol: :lol: :lol: You know fine well what I meant! :rolleyes::P

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The 5pm NBS run at my work is still not out yet. In short this means i cant take my break/ have a smoke as it has to be done as soon as it appears on my PC screen. The mainframe ops have no idea when it will be ready. Oh happy days <_<

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I work in a call centre, got 2 women who sit beside me. One to my left one to my right. Both nice people, anyway some p***k of a man Jason (if you read this forum which i really hope you do as I suspect you might support the filth, if you do. I hope aids get's the better of you) asked another lady to take down my pictures of Sean Higgins winner at Morton. I argued that a photo of a County player would not offend anyone especially the 2 women I sit beside who nodded one even said "it probably motivates the lad". Was made to take them down anyway. I do not see how something as meaningless as a photo can really cause a problem. Especially Ross Bloody County. We offend sheep and that is about it.

Rant over.

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