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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Everyone moaning about women should dry their eyes.

If they bother you that much then just steer clear of them.

Or is that too simple?

EDIT - clearly this isn't meant in an anti-women way, I mean that if you find yourself getting frustrated because you like certain women, then just steer clear of them in a romantic sense.

That's better.

Edited by stuart.
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I knew someone would say that, thanks for not disappointing :P . I feel obliged to make it clear that I don't go for both, my petty nag is men moaning about woman and woman moaning about men .

I think the situation can be summed up like this:

Men - Woman are hellish. They take exception to petty things; remember trivial little things; PMS; will say they aren't bothered about you going out with your mates, but you know fine they are bothered about it and they show they're bothered, even if they won't admit it.

Woman - On second thoughts, I'm not actually sure what it is we do that annoy them. I'll go with 'Men are c***s'.

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Spent my afternoon driving round Glasgow Airport like a right c**t because I took a right turn instead of carrying on into the drop off point. My frustrations were worsened by an Asian taxi driver doing two miles an hour round and round the car park (not ideal when your trying to keep the fee to a minimum) til I managed to juke him at the exit. I then reached the barrier where the machine asked for £1.50 then wouldn't accept my card therefore I had to drive back into the fucking circuit of frustration and pay. They CCTV folk must have thought I was a right suspicious c**t, wreckless driving and then charging through the stairwells like a madman.

Done my good deed of the day and help some old granny that had just returned from her holidays down the stairs with her bags - f**k knows what she was doing on the 3rd level of the car park. :lol:

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I knew someone would say that, thanks for not disappointing :P . I feel obliged to make it clear that I don't go for both, my petty nag is men moaning about woman and woman moaning about men.

Always happy to oblige :D

I think the situation can be summed up like this:

Men - Woman are hellish. They take exception to petty things; remember trivial little things; PMS; will say they aren't bothered about you going out with your mates, but you know fine they are bothered about it and they show they're bothered, even if they won't admit it.

Woman - On second thoughts, I'm not actually sure what it is we do that annoy them. I'll go with 'Men are c***s'.

Why do women always complain about men?

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Exactly, moaning is pretty good.

I hate people who scrounge "sp" off the social.


I am a world class moaner. My new trick is moaning because I have nothing to moan about. It's very rare, but it does happen, and I'm so glad I've finally found a way to make it work.

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Why do women always complain about men?

Because they like to complain? There's also the fact that many men are lazy, useless human beings :)

I need to read my personal study for tomorrow.

I'll take a rough guess, and say I'm about one eighth of the way through.

Oh dear.

Same, but we also have to prepare notes and a title for tomorrow.. I'm about a quarter through my book though.

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