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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
He saw her at school and found her MSN, apparently not as half as good looking as me. Yet, she gave him her mobile number.. She doesnt know why he added her MSN, I just laughed. It's hard to keep calm in these situations. Thing is they see eachother at school a lot.

I wouldn't worry if I were you, he must be one ugly fucker.

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Well in Welwyn. I once chatted up a girl for aaaages and when I finally asked her if she had a boyfriend, she said "yes, right here" and proceeded to point to the guy that had been standing next to her for the entire conversation, and was even there before I approached her. I'm an idiot.


It would appear there is hope for me yet with fannies like you on the loose!

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:angry: I don't bother talking to women anymore so it certainly hasn't happened since.

I'm actually hilarious when I'm chatting women up, but not in a good way. One time my old band were doing a wee tour of England and we stopped off at Blackpool for a few days as both of the other guys in the band have their fathers living there. So, we get a place to stay, get breakfast and start drinking. We'd been drinking for at least 6 hours when I went up to the bar and spotted this absolute stunner next to me. In my drunken mess I decided I should chat her up, as she was clearly ganting for my veiny trumpet.

"So, the pleasure beach.... That's a funny name".

As soon as those words left my mouth I turned round and headed to the toilet. I sent a text to one of the guys telling him to go to the bar and get me a drink, because there was no way I could go anywhere near her after that.

Imagine us out on the beef trail together? Jesus, they'd be queuing up for miles.

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I'm actually hilarious when I'm chatting women up, but not in a good way. One time my old band were doing a wee tour of England and we stopped off at Blackpool for a few days as both of the other guys in the band have their fathers living there. So, we get a place to stay, get breakfast and start drinking. We'd been drinking for at least 6 hours when I went up to the bar and spotted this absolute stunner next to me. In my drunken mess I decided I should chat her up, as she was clearly ganting for my veiny trumpet.

"So, the pleasure beach.... That's a funny name".

As soon as those words left my mouth I turned round and headed to the toilet. I sent a text to one of the guys telling him to go to the bar and get me a drink, because there was no way I could go anywhere near her after that.

Imagine us out on the beef trail together? Jesus, they'd be queuing up for miles.


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