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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I watched Goal 3 last night.

What a load of pish. The only good bit was when that Charlie c**t died.

I've never saw it. It looks quite poor, though.

I saw the first one for free, thanks to Match magazine.

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To the Commercial Hotel, Alness: If a baby falls out a highchair, which you provided, don.t try & clean the floor where his dinner landed & claim that it wasn't broken while the child is screaming in his mums arms. The highchair gave wa...y and most certainly WAS broken as the lump on my sons head shows. Your staff could do well to learn that "sorry" should not need to be a) prompted and B ) said sarcastically to the parent in these situations.

Edited by C.J
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To the Commercial Hotel, Alness: If a baby falls out a highchair, which you provided, don.t try & clean the floor where his dinner landed & claim that it wasn't broken while the child is screaming in his mums arms. The highchair gave wa...y and most certainly WAS broken as the lump on my sons head shows. Your staff could do well to learn that "sorry" should not need to be a) prompted and B ) said sarcastically to the parent in these situations.

I think you've mistakenly posted this on P&B rather than e-mailing it to the Commercial Hotel.

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A third flatmate being in A and E since you've lived there a month is a petty thing that gets on your nerves. Them being in for 4 hours and nobody knowing yet what the f**k is going on is more completely worrying. I'm bricking it.

A more fitting petty thing that gets on my nerves is the p***k who works at the security office at my bit. The guy is a total bellend, everything he does oozes cretonous dickhead. Sometimes people have trickey jobs where they aren't always the nice guy but it has nothing to do with that, the guy is just a despisable fucker.

How many people live at your gaff, Rory?

Is it a hostel or summit? :lol:

f**k that right enough, if folk are getting hurt all the time, maybe it's the hostel from the movie of the same name :death

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Well actually by flatmates I mean people who live on my floor and upstairs, as I'm up there more than my own floor. One of the injuries would probably not be allowed to be shown in a Quentin Tarintino film, guy had an accident whilst mucking about with another flatmate and severed his finger right open, mucho bloodo.

Don't know what's happening here, woke up this afternoon to the news that she's in hospital but people don't know the extent of the problem. At first thought it was something minor but now I'm getting worried that I've not heard from them at the hospital. :(


Safety scissors for you guys from here on in.

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Maybe that's why the security officer is such a knob jockey to me, although I've done nothing wrong he probably knows where I stay and therefore associates me with "we need a taxi, it's an emergency".

To be fair we also injure eachother, or so it seems.

I think the worst I had while a student was Gastric Fever, and I'm quite injury prone. I must have led a timid student existence :(

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A few things.

MORE missed oppurtunities last night. <_<

In City they were charging THREE POUNDS FORTY for Blue WKD, and I was pished enough to order two because I didn't feel like having lager (which, to be fair I had had about 6 pints of previously).

Some shyster threw a plastic cup full of vodka or some shit like that into the crowd, and, lo and behold, almost all of it landed on me.

My nice jacket I was wearing now reeks of cigars because I was lurking outside the Retreat with two of my mates who were smoking dodgy Cuban imported cigars, and my t-shirt I was wearing earlier now stinks of fag-ash an boozebecause of where I was lurking.

But fail of the weekend goes to the birthday boy we were out with. He was sat next to a rather nice looking young girl who asked if she could have her picture with him "because you're pretty hot" she said. At which point I was saying to him "get in there, ya fud. Put your arm around her and close the deal", but of course he didn't. Five minutes later, she leaves the bar with her friends and I just laughed at the lad who missed out on his "happy birthday", and he was in a bit of a sulk for the rest of the night. :lol::lol:

Get yer act together ;)

And :lol: at the birthday boy, knowing him and his supposed antics during freshers (which i most certainly think are a load of bull), that is hilarious.

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I was in a shop today, and the radio must have been on.

It started good, and I realised it was Sigur Ros's "Hippopolla". I was happy about this, however, it turned out someone had actually just sampled it for their song, and then DJ Bawbag, or whatever his name was, started doing all his DJ stuff. This was a disappointing moment for me.

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My mum used to offer to take me on really good holidays all the time and i'd say no because I was going away with my mates to some shitty 2 star apartment in ibiza and it wasn't "cool" to go away with my mum.

She eventually stopped asking and is currently en route to jamaica.

I hope one day she'll offer again

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