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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix

Perhaps I should qualify my answer...

"Anonymous" has a habit of becoming common knowledge.

And even if he's as guilty as hell, the case still has to be proved.

If it goes tits up the "anonymous" informant often ends up being the sufferer.

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If he's stealing from the company, and you're in a position where you know about it and he would know it was you who knows about it, then the chances are that you may get embroiled in it through no fault of your own if and when the company discovers the thefts. It is better to get your retaliation in first to ensure you don't end up getting accused of impropriety.

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If he gets caught and it's found out that you knew about it, you're well and truly in the shit, Keith. I'd get in there first if I were you. The fact that you already know about it puts you in a compromising position as it is. Don't let yourself get dragged in any further. The chances are the company will do everything in their power to make sure it appears they just happened to catch him, or that they had suspicions and investigated off their own backs. If you let them know that you don't want to be seen to be involved, they can hopefully work around it. No one wants to be a grass, but then neither would anyone want to get the sack and have a black mark on their employment record for covering up for a thief either.

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