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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix

I know you've probably answered this a few times on here, but how did you come to support Fulham?

English mother.

Relatives in London sent me a team photograph of Fulham when I was about ten years of age.

Been hooked ever since.

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Played golf this morning for the first time in 6 months.

Lost my two handicap before I had finished the first holemad.gif

Ended up with a triple bogey, followed up with a double and took to the fifth hole to get a par! Bollocks.

I went to the driving range today for the first time in a while and on my first shot the head of my driver successfully flew off the club and went further than the ball.

Except from that I was hitting the ball well..

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Some absolute bastard tried to steal my phone off me when I was walking along Kirkcaldy hig street earlier on. I was walking back towards the bus station from my birds and some dude came out of the pub. I had my phone in my hand flicking through tunes when I saw him put his hand on the top of the screen and try to grab it. I had a swing at him pretty much instantly and caught him flush right on the beak. He stumbled back, stopped, touched his nose with his hand, then turned and stumbled back into the pub. I wasn't for hanging about and legged it upto the bus station before he could go in and get his mates.

What kind of people do that sort of thing!? See someone with a phone, so they try and steal it. I got such a fright and the punch was more a reaction thing than anything else. I hope I bought the dicks nose, and he thinks twice about trying to do it again.

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Yeah, the portal isn't working. Dunno if it's down or if it's just the shitty internet you get in halls.

If you Google "Stirling Uni WebCT" then it takes you to the blackboard log-in which allows you to access WebCT.

If you type "https://wwwmail.students.stir.ac.uk/src/login.php" into the address bar you can access your Webmail. It's only the "My Portal" link on the Uni's website that isn't working.

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Guest The Phoenix

Thanks a lot Gaz, you've just saved me an early trip to the computer labs. Top man. :D

Indeed - that makes the reputation awards worthwhile.

Have one from me too, Gaz. :D

Edited by The Phoenix
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First time posting on this thread so given how many posts there are I'm sure these will have been covered.

I hate walking down the road with the kids and having to avoid dog shit. I mean it's worse when you see the owners just walking along and letting their dogs shit everywhere...be it pavements, parks or football pitches. They don't give two fucks about who else is supposed to enjoy and use that space...so long as their do shits. :angry:

I hate those other selfish fuckers....smokers. Well not the smokers themselves really. However those ones that refuse to give up smoking on public places. Seen people do it on the bus, in pubs, in a lift and it seems traditional for them to continue doing it at the football in the toilets and on the terraces. They don't care about the youngsters lungs being polluted. They don't care that the person sat next to them could suffer from asthma etc. Selfish b*****ds :angry:

I hate those wee neds that will quite happily come out of school and despite adults being there at the bus stop they quite openly graffiti the signs and shelter etc. Being 32yrs old I'm too old to be giving the wee fuckers the kicking I think they need....but boy is it tempting. :angry:

Spitters, those ones who just spit for the sake of spitting and think it's cool. Again the bus stop is a bad place...your stood there waiting and within 5 mins the ground is covered in it and you have to watch were your stepping. :angry:

Junkies :angry:

That'll do for now and gets me off and running.

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And once again, Kilt fails to recognise a completely insincere retort, and on this occasion thinks it necessary to return in kind with verse of a religion he doesn't even follow.

Lack of comprehension should be punished by life imprisonment. Death would be too kind.

I take it you'd prefer something along the lines of "Take the finger oot yer arse and grow a pair, ya hypocritical Tory fuckwit" then?! You bite too easy, ya p***k.

And wishing death on someone? What a clever boy!rolleyes.gif

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Erm, yes, yes it does. Everything I have, from polo shirts to shirts, all get buttoned up to the top. Polo shirts look stupid as f**k without being properly buttoned (well, in my opinion anyway).

You've got to be on a wind-up, surely.

Not even my dad buttons polo shirts right up :lol:

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I take it you'd prefer something along the lines of "Take the finger oot yer arse and grow a pair, ya hypocritical Tory fuckwit" then?! You bite too easy, ya p***k.

And wishing death on someone? What a clever boy!rolleyes.gif


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Just had to do the waddle of shame between two cubicles in the bogs as I sat down for a crap without realising there was no paper where I was!!

Wouldn't have been quite so bad but had to wait until all the work shy paper reading b*****ds had vacated the other traps.mad.gif

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yesterday someone put an anonymous note on the windscreen of my car, reading thus:

"Could you please learn how to park properly. Thank You!"

Now I could understand the outrage if I was taking up two spaces or something, or maybe parked too close to the car next to me, but my car was parked properly in a single space. :blink:

Just as well the note was anonymous. I'm going to print out a reply and stick it to my window. :D

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