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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who are willing to be spoon-fed their tv and music grinds my gears. They slag folk off for listening to stuff that isn't in the charts or tv that isn't on ITV1 on a Saturday night. Calling it shite just because they haven't heard of a band or tv show.

Each to their own of course, I feel some folk need to broaden their horizons a bit.

I would add to that anyone who uses NME or pitchfork for their music tastes in an attempt to be alternative. But they are as bad as what you said as they are lying about their knowledge.

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I hate it when in traffic the person in front of you is about a bus length from the car in front of them. I'm not sure why but it just does my tits in, just stop a sensible distance behind.

Its even more annoying at roundabouts when there so far away they miss a massive gap, I'm so very impatient haha.

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I hate it when in traffic the person in front of you is about a bus length from the car in front of them. I'm not sure why but it just does my tits in, just stop a sensible distance behind.

Its even more annoying at roundabouts when there so far away they miss a massive gap, I'm so very impatient haha.

It's probably so they can keep moving at a slow speed without having to stop and start all the time. It is a pain though. If anyone has driven up sir Harry Lauder road in Edinburgh at 5pm they will see a perfect example of this.

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The massive bias shown by the commentators in the Arsenal vs Bayern Munich game. They've given Bayern a few throw-away compliments in the first half, but stopped way short of saying how out-of-their-depth Arsenal are and how big the gulf in quality is.

They've fallen over themselves 'hoping something good happens', being completely blinkered to the fact that it already has. They (along with everyone else) have seen a superb away performance in Europe where the visiting side have been clinical, organised, quick and ruthless. But that can't be the case. This is Arsenal, and they're an ENGLISH side, don't you know.

Rant over.

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I am spending yet another day in work sitting next to someone who is clearly a stranger to soap. He is absolutely stinking.

My boss's way of dealing with the problem is to make sure that she sits as far away as possible from him and then pretend there's nothing wrong :thumbsdown

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Not knowing how to quickly count your posts on specific threads (yup, trying to do the other 'cheerfulness index' thread but failing miserably).

Click on the replies count on the thread. Scroll down until you find yourself.

Edited by Cyber_soccer
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I am spending yet another day in work sitting next to someone who is clearly a stranger to soap. He is absolutely stinking.

My boss's way of dealing with the problem is to make sure that she sits as far away as possible from him and then pretend there's nothing wrong :thumbsdown

Why don't you just say to them?

It's the smelly person who should feel embarrassed coming into work stinking, not the person pulling them up for it.

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I hate it when in traffic the person in front of you is about a bus length from the car in front of them. I'm not sure why but it just does my tits in, just stop a sensible distance behind.

Its even more annoying at roundabouts when there so far away they miss a massive gap, I'm so very impatient haha.

Yeah, this annoys me also. Especially when you have to brake suddenly due to them being dickheads.

Edit - also large lange rovers and people carriers, they are too big to judge the gap in front. Usually you are told to look two cars in front but I can't see because of your oversized piece of shit.

Edited by DAFC
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Why don't you just say to them?

It's the smelly person who should feel embarrassed coming into work stinking, not the person pulling them up for it.

I probably should, but I'm really pissed off with my bosses attitude to the whole thing. She's well aware of the problem but just pretends it's not happening.

Anyway, I'm leaving in a few weeks time so it won't be my problem then.

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I probably should, but I'm really pissed off with my bosses attitude to the whole thing. She's well aware of the problem but just pretends it's not happening.

Anyway, I'm leaving in a few weeks time so it won't be my problem then.

Have a curry for lunch, spent the afternoon droping some stinkers of your own. chemical warfare

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I get pissed off at those texts that tell you could be eligible for £2,500 for an accident.

Got one the other day, even more blatantly telling me lies... "You have £2809.32 waiting in your name for the accident you had".

Then to compound that, down EK Shopping Centre for lunch, so old bat tried to stop me to ask me if anyone I knew had an accident or injury recently. A shifty-looking ambulance chaser lurked nearby. She got short shrift I can tell you.

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