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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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At first sight that law seems unfair, but I've caught people switching price tags around in a charity shop before.

I did it in a record store once when I was a kid, but in my defence is that I was young and foolish and at least it wasn't stealing from a charity.

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My proudest moment in a previous job was telling some gobby cow she wasn't getting the product at the incorrectly advertised price. 99% of the time you'd give them the discount, but as soon as she started banging on about fictional laws (including, as you say, "false advertising") and her threatening to contact trading standards, my mind was made up and I took great delight in telling her that she was still under no obligation to buy the product at the increased price if she didn't want to. She picked up her broomstick and stormed out the shop and I never saw her again.

Yeah I once had someone say "Is the 2L bottle of coke still on the deal at £1.20 (or whatever it was)?" As someone had left up the point of sale from a previous months deal, then before I checked on the till she said "Well it doesn't really matter I suppose since you have to sell it at the price advertised!". I took great pleasure in saying that I actually didn't have to sell it at that price so she could either buy it at that price or leave it. Her seethe made it all the sweeter.

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There's an old crone who lives in my building and falls out with everyone, she leaves note after note on the landing complaining about one thing or another. She fell out with someone last week because they left a deckchair in the back yard for three days on the trot and it was spoiling her view.

I had something delivered today that Yodel left with her. When i went to the door she said "Are you Barry?', i said yes. (that isn't my name, but f**k her). "You owe me twenty five pounds because i had to pay someone to cut down the Ivy outside". I told her she has no chance and she never gave me any notice of it.

Now there is a note up for the attention of Barry, my missus walked past it and said "Poor Barry, she's such a bitch".

Edited by Bobby Skidmarks
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Workmates or just people in general who call others quiet or weird because you don't fawn over their attention seeking antics.

Yes you're a histrionic, narcissitic possibly borderline saddist but please don't project your insecurity onto me.

I'm quiet because I don't need the constant pats on the head like a dog and small talk or boring innuendo laden pishy banter.

Talk to me about something interesting rather than the same loop of your insecurities please.

I've tried to talk about something other than football, weather or tits and you got whooshed and made to feel uncomfortable so now I'm weird.

Ok then, I'm weird.

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I can remember going into HMV and there was a boxset I wanted priced at £20 in one place and £15 in another. I picked up the £15 one and took it to the guy at the till and told him the situation, and asked if it was £15 or indeed £20. He went out and checked the shelves that I had pointed at. He asked where I had picked it up from and I told him. He said that it was actually £20 for the dvds but as it was their error he would give it to me for £15. I think attitude is the key in these situations. It's my opinion and I could be wrong. But had I went up and said "This might be £20 but you've made a balls up and I expect it for £15" I don't imagine he'd have been as gracious!

I can remember watching a programme a few years ago that was really informative. It was about consumer rights and the myths surrounding them. In one particular example, the guy put a £30 sign next to an ipod nano (RRP was around £150 at the time) and waited for a customer to notice and see how they'd react. Before long one guy clocked this and looked at his mate with lit up eyes. He took it to the till and the lassie (an actor) asked him for £150. He then made a scene about how it was advertised at £30 and stated he was within his right to have it for £30 as that's what it was advertised as. This went on for a bit (for dramatic effect I suppose) before the guy was informed he was on tv and then informed of his actual rights. In this instance he was in the wrong. Yes the shop had made a mistake but it didn't give the guy the right to have it at that price.

Another guy picked up the ipod and took it to the till. This time the lassie charged him £30 and he walked out the shop with it looking chuffed to pieces, naturally. This time the shop assistant followed the guy out the shop and asked him to come back in as she had made a mistake and undercharged him. She said that if he didn't come back in and pay the full price he was breaking the law and she would phone the police. The guy went back in to pay the full whack. At which point he was then informed about being on tv. In this instance had the guy kept walking then the shop would have no legal power over him. He went on to say that if you are undercharged for something, if you have went through with the transaction and the assistant hasn't picked up on it then it is their fault and legally you are fine. So basically, if you have a receipt you are in the clear and the shop can do f*ckall about it. May'be immoral on your part, but certainly not illegal.

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I did it in a record store once when I was a kid, but in my defence is that I was young and foolish and at least it wasn't stealing from a charity.

Used to do this in HMV princes street all the time.

£8 import for 50p? Don't mind if I do.

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Halfwits who open stuff and start eating/drinking it before paying for it in shops.Scum sub human scum,if you cant wait for the 2 or 3 minutes for the check out then commit suicide and do us all a favour

I don't get the attitude with that - I'd be expecting the store detectives to be chasing me. If you're that thirsty/hungry, why didn't you buy something when you first arrived? Oh, I forgot, you're a princess :rolleyes:

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Went for a pish earlier. Some guy came in just after me. He put his keys and wallet on top of the bin.

That's bizarre. Who puts their wallet down in a public place and expects it to be there when they return?

He didn't take his trousers and pants off too, did he? I've seen that before - very peculiar urinal behaviour IMO.

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Another guy picked up the ipod and took it to the till. This time the lassie charged him £30 and he walked out the shop with it looking chuffed to pieces, naturally. This time the shop assistant followed the guy out the shop and asked him to come back in as she had made a mistake and undercharged him. She said that if he didn't come back in and pay the full price he was breaking the law and she would phone the police. The guy went back in to pay the full whack. At which point he was then informed about being on tv. In this instance had the guy kept walking then the shop would have no legal power over him. He went on to say that if you are undercharged for something, if you have went through with the transaction and the assistant hasn't picked up on it then it is their fault and legally you are fine. So basically, if you have a receipt you are in the clear and the shop can do f*ckall about it. May'be immoral on your part, but certainly not illegal.

Similar thing happened to me last year. I was walking past B&Q and they were selling off all their display sheds. They'd been broken down into their component parts, loaded onto trolleys and put outside the shop with a big sign saying "Ex-Display £30". I stopped for a look and most of them were a bit ropey, not much better than firewood apart from one that looked in good nick. So I found a sales assistant, pointed out the one I wanted and paid for it. Explaining that I was just going to fetch my car from my house nearby, she put a sold sign on it. When I got back with the car, the trolley and shed were gone. Going inside the shop I saw my shed parked inside and the assistant said "Sorry, we made a mistake, that shed is actually £90". When I said that was hard lines but I'd paid the asking price and had a receipt, she started to get bolshy so I asked for the manager who came down, listened to what the assistant had to say then told her "You sold it for £30, it's your mistake. Give him the shed then come to my office"

Bloody good shed for £30 though :lol:

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The thing with grapes is that the price goes down on the grapes the more you consume and also the inventory on the grapes is always fucked because the store never sells as much as it orders. Not that I give a f**k just throwing that out there.

As for the charging for bananas that is an absolute joke. Annoying as f**k when a customer drops something and makes a mess but would never dream of trying to charge them for it! Mistakes happen

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The thing with grapes is that the price goes down on the grapes the more you consume and also the inventory on the grapes is always fucked because the store never sells as much as it orders. Not that I give a f**k just throwing that out there.

As for the charging for bananas that is an absolute joke. Annoying as f**k when a customer drops something and makes a mess but would never dream of trying to charge them for it! Mistakes happen

There's a Panorama episode in this, if you play your cards right.

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Had a result in HMV a wee while ago - bought a DVD priced £14.99 and paid for it by card - never even looked at the receipt. Got the monthly bill through and they'd charged me 14p for it. Obviously they'd have noticed if I'd paid cash... :cheers

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Alright, seeing as how we're doing the wrongly-priced DVD bit...I managed to get more than $200 worth of DVDs for free from a branch of Best Buy in the States. Someone had priced the entire Anchor Bay catalogue at $0.00, so I took one of everything up with my actual purchases, just to chance my arm. The girl on the checkout called over the manager, who looked perplexed, but let me have them without even pausing. Wouldn't even have argued if she'd said no.

What a glorious day it was...*sob*

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When I worked in Safeway I was usually stocking the shelves in the crisp and sweets section. A packet of swedgers would always get "accidentally" burst open during my shift.

Safeway, Showing your age*


also worked in Safeway

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Workmates or just people in general who call others quiet or weird because you don't fawn over their attention seeking antics.

Yes you're a histrionic, narcissitic possibly borderline saddist but please don't project your insecurity onto me.

I'm quiet because I don't need the constant pats on the head like a dog and small talk or boring innuendo laden pishy banter.

Talk to me about something interesting rather than the same loop of your insecurities please.

I've tried to talk about something other than football, weather or tits and you got whooshed and made to feel uncomfortable so now I'm weird.

Ok then, I'm weird.

Couldn't have put this any better myself. I've lost count of the amount of times people, usually in the pub, have asked me "why so quiet?" or "what's up with you?" just because I'm not stotting about acting like a c**t, back-slapping strangers and participating in the inane 'banter'.

This new thing at the end of film trailers when they say the date instead of saying "June Thirteenth" They say "June Thirteen".

It boils my fucking piss.

This is also infuriating. It's bad enough when said in a dramatic Hollywood accent but I hear it all the time on local radio advertising and it sounds awful when spoken by someone Scottish.

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