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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The fact that on Nick Grimshaw's show something he calls his 'Nickstape' which is just a blocl of music uninterrupted is seen as an 'original concept'. Playing music on the radio is now not only 'original' but is seen as a concept?! What the f**k?!

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women who can't walk in a straight line. you're walking along the street, about to pass them and they take a sudden 4' swerve right in front of you, making you almost walk into the back of them.

Oh so much this.

When I'm with the other half, she always wants to do the Pavement Disco with somebody and it takes me to drag her in the opposite way to avoid them. She's always adamant that she was in the right of course.

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Webpages that bounce around the screen while they load, inevitably meaning you click on an advert instead of what you wanted.

I'm looking at you P&B!

1,000,000% this. I've got a music app that knows, it just knows, when you're going to hit the screen and the ad jumps right in front of your finger. Fly b*****ds.

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Trying to pay for my TV licence online after losing my savings card. It's a shambles. Apparently you can't just pay the rest by direct debit if you've started paying on the savings card.

Managed to pay for a license last night, checked my bank account today and it looks like they've charged me twice. Phoned them only to be told, 'we can't check our system until Monday, phone us back then!'

So that's me skint for the weekend, definitely not going out now. Raging.

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