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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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im the same, unfortunately it's just the way the shifts pan out,5 days on 2 off something like 1 in 4 weekends off :(

Is that not just Mon-Fri?

Edited by hoodless
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That advert on the TV and radio wi the kids singing "the wheels on the bus go round and round all day long"

I feel the knife wielding rage building inside of me just listening to it.

Just heard a new one which was a head scratcher. Apparently we spend 5 years of our lives blinking.

Personally I thought we blink until we die, but hey ho :ph34r:

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Is that not just Mon-Fri?

it would be if it were just day/back shift but when it comes to nights, you get (usually) a rest day then 2 days off so you actually end uup sometimes working 6 shifts in a row, as Im only 30hrs this gets evened up by doing some 4 hr shifts and in all it moves the days off forward by one day each week so this week-off tues/wed, next week will be off wed/thurs etc

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"Posh Dogs", "Glamping", and everything else invented by p***ks to allow themselves to enjoy something that they'd normally consider beneath them.

Also in this vein, every Marks & Spencer commercial for at least ten years.

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I've noticed a trend in recent years (last couple, perhaps), whereby people who are being interviewed during news and current affairs programmes on the wireless more often than not start their answer by saying, "so....".

An example might be a doctor, researcher, or academic discussing a subject such as the use of a new form of treatment for some condition or other:

Presenter: "What types of person benefits from this new form of treatment?"

Interviewee: "So....we have found that the treatment benefits blah, blah, blah...."

What is this all about? It is a totally uneccessary, and I can only assume that they have all read the same manual on how to respond to questions during radio interviews.

On reflection, it probably is just me who finds this irritating.

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Forgetting about your team's only pre-season home friendly that isn't against other Scottish part-timers.

Surprisingly irritated with myself about this.

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Old but gold - coverage of disasters implying that British lives are more valuable than anybody else's.

I know that every country's news probably does the same thing, but it's shitty nonetheless.

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I've noticed a trend in recent years (last couple, perhaps), whereby people who are being interviewed during news and current affairs programmes on the wireless more often than not start their answer by saying, "so....".

An example might be a doctor, researcher, or academic discussing a subject such as the use of a new form of treatment for some condition or other:

Presenter: "What types of person benefits from this new form of treatment?"

Interviewee: "So....we have found that the treatment benefits blah, blah, blah...."

What is this all about? It is a totally uneccessary, and I can only assume that they have all read the same manual on how to respond to questions during radio interviews.

On reflection, it probably is just me who finds this irritating.

I really can't abide it. I thought for a while it must be a technique for overcoming a stammer, but every cnut's doing it. Even my sister, who just came over from New Zealand for a bit. It's like when lots of idiots started talking like Aussies, turning every statement into a question by raising the pitch at the end. They should all be drowned in a canal, including my sister.

Edited by welshbairn
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I've noticed a trend in recent years (last couple, perhaps), whereby people who are being interviewed during news and current affairs programmes on the wireless more often than not start their answer by saying, "so....".

An example might be a doctor, researcher, or academic discussing a subject such as the use of a new form of treatment for some condition or other:

Presenter: "What types of person benefits from this new form of treatment?"

Interviewee: "So....we have found that the treatment benefits blah, blah, blah...."

What is this all about? It is a totally uneccessary, and I can only assume that they have all read the same manual on how to respond to questions during radio interviews.

On reflection, it probably is just me who finds this irritating.

I really can't abide it. I thought for a while it must be a technique for overcoming a stammer, but every cnut's doing it. Even my sister, who just came over from New Zealand for a bit. It's like when lots of idiots started talking like Aussies, turning every statement into a question by raising the pitch at the end. They should all be drowned in a canal, including my sister.

Brought both of these things up in the same post a few months back. The "So" thing I blame on American TV, every idiotic teenage girl says it and it's another moronic habit this side of the water is picking up. The Aussie thing is even more irritating, I don't think I could live with it.

On the speaking front. Another irritating way is the drawing out of the word. Again, normally accomplished by those type of lassies that think folk are impressed if they act stupid, hard to explain written down but I'll give it a go:-

I don't even like 'footbAAaaall'

OMG are you kiddIIiiiing?

I'm sure you would know what I mean when you hear it. Annoying as f*ck!

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All of this does my fucking nut in.

See also arrogant c***s (politicians being pressed to answer something in particular) who start and answer by saying "Look,...." or "Listen,....."

No, you fucking look and listen and answer the fucking question you slimy arrogant roaster.

There was a physicist talking about cancer (yeah, I didn't understand why either) on Good Morning Scotland this morning, and he kept congratulating James Naughtie on the quality of his questions. :blink:

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All of this does my fucking nut in.

See also arrogant c***s (politicians being pressed to answer something in particular) who start and answer by saying "Look,...." or "Listen,....."

No, you fucking look and listen and answer the fucking question you slimy arrogant roaster.

I know they all do it but that Danny Alexander has been answering questions he hasn't been asked for the last couple days when pressed about the bedroom tax.

Journalist -"Did you made a mess of it Danny?"

Danny - "I was in a meeting yesterday...

J - "Would you like to apologise to the families who have been evicted due to this?"

D - "What we set out to achieve was..."

The dickheads would get a lot more respect if they just came out and said "Yes we made a c**t of it and we're sorry".

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Customer comes into work at 16.56 pm (FOUR FUCKIN minutes before we shut) for stuff which he knew fine well we would have to dig out with the forklift. I had the nerve, according to him to shake my head and mutter under my breath (what does he expect me to do when he comes in at that time, cartwheels??), he then storms into the office telling my boss that me and my work colleague are "torn face c***s") and he would be back on Monday for a refund. The boss then told him that if he phoned the depot beforehand we would have the stuff ready for him no problem, as long as he gave us plenty notice. But no, according to him he was within his rights to come In as it was ONLY 4 minutes before we shut.

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Customer comes into work at 16.56 pm (FOUR FUCKIN minutes before we shut) for stuff which he knew fine well we would have to dig out with the forklift. I had the nerve, according to him to shake my head and mutter under my breath (what does he expect me to do when he comes in at that time, cartwheels??), he then storms into the office telling my boss that me and my work colleague are "torn face c***s") and he would be back on Monday for a refund. The boss then told him that if he phoned the depot beforehand we would have the stuff ready for him no problem, as long as he gave us plenty notice. But no, according to him he was within his rights to come In as it was ONLY 4 minutes before we shut.

Who does he think he is...entering open business premises...spending money... The very cheek of him.

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