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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Mental now to think back at how useful teletext was. Sitting for ages, staring at the screen as it scrolled through the pages, to find the result of a pitch inspection, only to find the dreaded red "P-P" in place of the yellow "v"

No matter how many pages there were, you always seemed to join it at the page after the one you needed.

Petty things that used to get on my nerves.

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People that are "devastated" by celebrity deaths, utter bollocks :guns:bairn

The same people who never once mentioned them when they were alive but now suddenly are their biggest fans?

They probably all like the old firm or the premiership team at the top of the league or whatever gives them a boost I suppose?

You like robin Williams, well f**k me that's incredible seen as he was liked by everyone. Goes without saying.

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No matter how many pages there were, you always seemed to join it at the page after the one you needed.

Petty things that used to get on my nerves.

Or you finally get to the page that you know you're team is on but the screen contains random characters/gibberish. Or just skips straight to the next page so you have to wait ages for that page to reappear. #oldskoolseethe
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The triple mirrors you get in hotel bathrooms. I get confused. Trying to shave and I keep catching sight of some bloke beside me.

Don't forget the 'save the planet' signs. It doesn't matter if you hang the towels up or dump them in the bath, the cleaners still replace them anyway.

Also when you've left the 'do not disturb' sign on the door all day and you come back to find that they've made your bed etc. I do that on purpose as I don't really like the feel of brand new sheets every day. Who the hell does that at home normally anyway (serial shaggers apart)?

Edited by Hedgecutter
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I asked the bus driver this once while stick in a traffic jam on Union St, his reply was inspectors everywhere, they're fucked if they are caught letting people on or off outside the bus stop

It gets more irritating when drivers only drop off at stops in town (even when there's no other traffic at all) but out on the country road it's fair game to stop on any grassy verge where there's not a blind corner.

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The triple mirrors you get in hotel bathrooms. I get confused. Trying to shave and I keep catching sight of some bloke beside me.

If you shag your girlfriend standing up with her sitting by the sink it gets a bit kinky.

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The Ting Tings.

I thought we were done with these people, but they've returned in several heavily-rotated advertisement campaigns over the course of the summer. It's beyond a fucking joke, and I'm developing a facial tic that kicks in whenever I hear that whiny bitch complain about things not being her name.

The priests in exorcism movies are always badgering the demon for its name - I'm thinking that this is no coincidence.

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Their début album 'We Started Nothing' is one of my favourite débuts in the past decade. It's an utterly fantastic pop album.

I also find the lead singer very pumpable even though she looks like she may have some sort of palsy.

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