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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I am riddled with the flu and I feel awful but I don't think that's a strong enough case to phone in sick. I don't like phoning in sick anyway having something trivial like a flu seems to be throwing a sicky material

You obviously don't have the flu, Raff. Flu isn't trivial.

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Yep. If you're even questioning whether you should/could be in work, you absolutely don't have 'flu, you are just a sap.

Free medical diagnosis courtesy of Mrs M

Chris_DK may not have felt to bad when he posted but I bet he feels worse now.

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So glad the unions got us sick pay so that we could phone in when we are ill.

Some people seem to want us to return to the stone ages.

You accept holiday pay so why not sick pay?

I haven't worked there long enough to get sick pay, but that's irrelevant.

It's the hassle you get when you go back that I can't be bothered with. Not saying that a return to work isn't necessary but sitting down with your boss questioning when the explosive diarrhoea started is frankly not enjoyable.

Yeah this. I always seem to think they're trying to rumble me in case I pulled a sicky.

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The Flu is fucking horrific! Had it once several years ago and was unable to move for days. Started to hallucinate,ran a fever, the whole lot.

When I was finally able to drag myself to the GP she asked if I had any episodes of bursting in to tears while ill (which I had). Apparently the Flu can cause severe depression on a temporary basis.

Took me about a month to fully recover and must have lost about a stone in weight.

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A load of my wife's dad's family added me on Facebook a while back after meeting them at her gran's birthday in Manchester. All aunties and cousins and the like. Every single one of them has since posted a succession of racist/sectarian/bigoted shite on Facebook and shared stuff from Britain First and the like. I get that Greater Manchester (they're all from Rochdale, Middleton, Oldham etc) is fucking grim, but you don't have to also reflect that grimness in your personality.

Also, as an aside, but also annoying; they all look like they're from Greater Manchester. Wee baw faces, bulldog expressions, stout, squat, balding and ugly. The women and men look exactly alike. Exactly how I imagine Grim O'Grady off here to look.

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I've had it just the once. I was due in on a night shift, went to work with a vague feeling of not being quite right at 7pm. By 9.30, I needed to get home as I couldn't walk the length of myself. Despite having been asleep for the full day, I climbed into bed and was out like a light and couldn't move for several days after. I have never felt so bad in all my life and it took several weeks to feel normal again. 'Flu doesn't f**k about.

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My missus has just joined Facebook. She has no idea how it works, what it does, how things magically appear on her timeline or who she is friending. Im also getting an hourly update on "items" which she thinks are interesting.

Its like having the Top Five Annoying Things on Facebook live in my living room every evening.

Ive asked her if she's witnessed any Britain First, Muslims Out posts for people she knows and she was completely taken aback that this could happen (despite her timeline being full of dildo factory pictures from some random family member of hers). I said I'll give it a week.

You should chalk some thieving gypsy signs outside the house to freak her out when she gets a be ware o gramme.

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A load of my wife's dad's family added me on Facebook a while back after meeting them at her gran's birthday in Manchester. All aunties and cousins and the like. Every single one of them has since posted a succession of racist/sectarian/bigoted shite on Facebook and shared stuff from Britain First and the like. I get that Greater Manchester (they're all from Rochdale, Middleton, Oldham etc) is fucking grim, but you don't have to also reflect that grimness in your personality.

Also, as an aside, but also annoying; they all look like they're from Greater Manchester. Wee baw faces, bulldog expressions, stout, squat, balding and ugly. The women and men look exactly alike. Exactly how I imagine Grim O'Grady off here to look.

They'll maybe claim to be City or United fans, but which of Scotland's gruesome twosome is their "big" team?

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