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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Christ you're sharp. One day you will be middle aged, the you'll be old, then you'll be dead.

I imagine you'll retain your w****r status throughout that chronological journey.

f**k me, that was like Cat Stevens 'Father and Son' without the w****r bit.

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Nearly there old yin. Tick tock tick tock.

I accept my own mortality with the same stoicism I accept my teams certain relegation this season.

I savour my dotage by appreciating the patronisation of young ne'r do wells such as your good self.

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I accept my own mortality with the same stoicism I accept my teams certain relegation this season.

You're clinging on to the hope that it might not happen? I think even the most optomistic of people accept that they're going to die.

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I accept my own mortality with the same stoicism I accept my teams certain relegation this season.

I savour my dotage by appreciating the patronisation of young ne'r do wells such as your good self.

As long as we don't have another cold snap, you've made it through another winter. Well done you.

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If you want to live in a society where people from certain socio-economic groups are denied any sort of decent free medical care you should move to the U.S.

Oh I don't want to deny them. Just I don't want to hear them moan down the phone how destiny's dad is a deadbeat and how they're gonna give someone a hiding the next time they see them.

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As far as I concerned feed him through the shredder.

You can put on Radio 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6......

Northsound 1 or 2, Original, SHMU, anything you like but Radio1.

It is the most appalling pollution of noise that is possible by inane wankers telling inane things to inane listeners, and the music ain't great either.

I would have snapped by now.

Sledgehammer the radio or him, whatever easier.


Talksport........FFS! Non-stop shouting to White Van Man in Essex over the sound of his van engine. The adverts are designed for total, utter halfwits. "BUY BIG HAMMERS FROM SCREWFIX!"

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Talksport........FFS! Non-stop shouting to White Van Man in Essex over the sound of his van engine. The adverts are designed for total, utter halfwits. "BUY BIG HAMMERS FROM SCREWFIX!"

TalkSport has no business being broadcast outside of England, and that's before you even get on to the utter roasters who pay money to call in and argue with the phone bait arguments they put out.

Just out of interest, how much are these hammers?

For a mate, like.

You got something that needs nailed, Moz?

Last shag on our old bed :-(. I will miss it

The missus had finally enough of your deviant ways, huh?

Sounds like Mozza might be able to sort you out.

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