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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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21 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

It's apparently because there are quite strict laws in America about how many hours actors under 18 can work.

Has that been in a while as the American Pie cast of 16/17 year olds all look mid 20s?

Edited by Gaz FFC
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Yeah it’s reasonably simple to solve.  I would highly doubt that they didn’t come with the right money.  Just say ‘no’ and point them in the direction of the nearest cash point.  

Why would you highly doubt this?

For the record they didnt leave with the item
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Came back home from work. Noticed the remains of a wing mirror lying in the road. "Oh dear, that'll cost someone" I thought. 

I take the bus to work and leave the car at home (no parking at work)- when I went to drive the car tonight I find that it's my own wing mirror that's knacked. 

It was OK this morning when I left for work. I curse the cnut who's done it. 

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