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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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3 hours ago, A96 said:

Cooking instructions on tins or packaging being almost impossible to read without a magnifying glass, mainly due to the tiny size of the print and/or the colour of the print being too wishy-washy to stand out against the background.

Getting old m8, annoys the f**k out of me too. Even more annoying when the rest of the branding waffle you can read from 10 yards.

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12 hours ago, A96 said:

Cooking instructions on tins or packaging being almost impossible to read without a magnifying glass, mainly due to the tiny size of the print and/or the colour of the print being too wishy-washy to stand out against the background.

That's been a bugbear of mine for ages , another that gets me is when supermarkets put a price sticker over the cooking instructions 

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Twitter's 'DerekClarkSport'

An attention seeking weirdo who seems to exist solely in an attempt to get retweets from Rangers fans. Any other 'fitbaw broadcaster and writer' acting in the way he has been since the Morelos "attempted murder" tweet would've gone purple with embarrassment and disappeared.

But not our Derek. Still acting like one of these weird Old Firm fan pages, still desperate for retweets. 

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Listening back to some of Si Ferry's interviews, maybe just me but the amount of times fairly decent players talk and laugh about how they cheated during running drills, did the bare minimum in training and loved a drink annoys me. Seems to be generally accepted as normal in Scottish football and foreigners, some from countries that are actually good at football, coming in with new ideas to change this culture are dismissed . Did they ever think if you tried a bit harder that playing a season or two for Celtic/Rangers wouldn't be the pinnacle of your career?? 

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1 hour ago, Torpar said:

 Did they ever think if you tried a bit harder that playing a season or two for Celtic/Rangers wouldn't be the pinnacle of your career?? 

Probably not. Think most are happy enough with that. 

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3 hours ago, Torpar said:

Listening back to some of Si Ferry's interviews, maybe just me but the amount of times fairly decent players talk and laugh about how they cheated during running drills, did the bare minimum in training and loved a drink annoys me. Seems to be generally accepted as normal in Scottish football and foreigners, some from countries that are actually good at football, coming in with new ideas to change this culture are dismissed . Did they ever think if you tried a bit harder that playing a season or two for Celtic/Rangers wouldn't be the pinnacle of your career?? 

A few months ago I was reading the Record while at work and there was a short interview with someone playing in the Seaside Leagues, I forget who or what team. He was in his late twenties and he was talking about how he still hoped he could get a move to a full time team so he could finish training at 12 and be done for the day rather than have to go to work then go to training. 

See also: Mark Connolly's answer.

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3 hours ago, Torpar said:

Listening back to some of Si Ferry's interviews, maybe just me but the amount of times fairly decent players talk and laugh about how they cheated during running drills, did the bare minimum in training and loved a drink annoys me. Seems to be generally accepted as normal in Scottish football and foreigners, some from countries that are actually good at football, coming in with new ideas to change this culture are dismissed . Did they ever think if you tried a bit harder that playing a season or two for Celtic/Rangers wouldn't be the pinnacle of your career?? 

Wasn't it Berti Vogts that said Scottish players were great in training when it was stuff they lowered good at , but not so keen on improving the things they were poor at ? 

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19 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

We still have players unable to use both feet. Not so long ago there was almost a mini crisis at national level as the whole of the Scotland defence were 'left footed'.

Hence the shouts for Hutton, Bates, McCrorie and Whittaker

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20 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

We still have players unable to use both feet. Not so long ago there was almost a mini crisis at national level as the whole of the Scotland defence were 'left footed'.

Reported for sectarianism...!

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40 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

I should've probably looked at a weather forecast before deciding that this would be the morning I'd get up at sunrise and go cycling downtown to take advantage of the no cars.


Summer in Harthill... 

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