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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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56 minutes ago, GordonD said:

I can't see any politician running for office committing career suicide by stating he's in favour of that. It would be like declaring he's a devil worshipper and not a Christian.

Not just career suicide. Imagine if a presidential candidate looked like they might have a chance of winning on a platform of repealing the Second Amendment.

Millions of folk have convinced themselves that's literally grounds for murder.

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1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:

What if the Second Amendment was actually referring to the right to have arms - as in, the limbs - rather than guns, and people have just misunderstood it this whole time?

A valid question. It also seems likely that the phrase 'bear arms' in the 2nd amendment was intended to restrict the use of guns to grizzlies, bears well known for their lack of manual dexterity and inability to pull a trigger. As if further proof was needed, when have you ever heard of a bear firing a gun in the entire history of David Attenborough?

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3 hours ago, GordonD said:

I can't see any politician running for office committing career suicide by stating he's in favour of that. It would be like declaring he's a devil worshipper and not a Christian.

Correct. The demise of the 2nd Amendment will be, in my opinion, as result of an increasingly tight packed electorate getting tired of the killing, finally overcoming the rural inertia and hunting traditions. Gun control is increasingly popular in demographics that are growing, and those are the demos that will continue to grow long-term, which is why gun ownership per capital is down but per person gun ownership is up.


2 hours ago, BFTD said:

Not just career suicide. Imagine if a presidential candidate looked like they might have a chance of winning on a platform of repealing the Second Amendment.

Millions of folk have convinced themselves that's literally grounds for murder.

Yea, an actual Civil War is entirely within the realm of possibility on this subject. That’s why it’s at least 20, and more likely 40+ years to have opinions and judicial opinions start to swing back to the control side.

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4 hours ago, Oystercatcher said:

France 98 our hotel was in rue de pelican. We got lost and stopped a guy and his daughter to ask if they knew the street, turns out she was English and lived there.

Do you know rue de pelican?

blank look, what's it called?

rue de pelican

no, I don't think so, let me think

oh do you mean, rue de pelicaaan?






The hotel in the Rue de Pelican- did they present you with a large bill? 

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7 hours ago, BFTD said:

Not just career suicide. Imagine if a presidential candidate looked like they might have a chance of winning on a platform of repealing the Second Amendment.

Millions of folk have convinced themselves that's literally grounds for murder.

Would that be a bad thing?

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7 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:

What if the Second Amendment was actually referring to the right to have arms - as in, the limbs - rather than guns, and people have just misunderstood it this whole time?


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There's a poster on here who rocked up and gibbered pish in his clubs topic, fair enough. He's now taken to the rest of the board and is clearly just googling everything trying to make himself seem intelligent and/or interesting.

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1 minute ago, Mr. Alli said:

There's a poster on here who rocked up and gibbered pish in his clubs topic, fair enough. He's now taken to the rest of the board and is clearly just googling everything trying to make himself seem intelligent and/or interesting.

shitebag 😉
Not tagging them 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Alli said:

There's a poster on here who rocked up and gibbered pish in his clubs topic, fair enough. He's now taken to the rest of the board and is clearly just googling everything trying to make himself seem intelligent and/or interesting.

You might have to narrow it down a bit. 

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