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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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On 07/11/2023 at 18:37, Salvo Montalbano said:

 same as fruit and veg is almost always at the very front to trick your mind into thinking that the shop is clean and fresh.

Big fan of this layout, because it means I can just bolt straight past all the shite I never eat, and get straight into the processed meat, booze, and crisps.

It's not even that I don't like fruit & veg, more that supermarket stuff is utterly bland and tasteless so they might as well stack those shelves with spray-painted cardboard. The proliferation and dominance of supermarkets since the 1980's is by far the biggest factor in why I've gradually lost my taste for F&V down the years. Their stuff just does not taste like the stuff I grew up on.

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11 hours ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

People who are the boss at work but carry on their boss attitude out of work. They don't even know that they are doing it. Oblivious to their own arrogance. 

Don't you have something better to do than post on here?

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Raging at the new Outlook that's suddenly been forced upon me.

No longer can I see any new email alerts for all of my multiple accounts at the same time, as you have to have the account sections expanded to see the Inbox folder, and you can't see all the account sections when they're expanded.  That and I managed to crash it within a minute.

Shite user interface designers & programmers.  Shoot sack shoot sack 'em all.

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51 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

Raging at the new Outlook that's suddenly been forced upon me.

No longer can I see any new email alerts for all of my multiple accounts at the same time, as you have to have the account sections expanded to see the Inbox folder, and you can't see all the account sections when they're expanded.  That and I managed to crash it within a minute.

Shite user interface designers & programmers.  Shoot sack shoot sack 'em all.

I didn't think you were the one  behind all those P&B aliases that pop up. 

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1 hour ago, RH33 said:

Was watching something on TV and the couple said their dog was a "jackapoo".

No you're dog is a moungral or you were stupid enough pay cash for something with apoo shoved on the end.

Back in the day if someone's beloved poodle had been pumped by next doors escaped spaniel, the resulting b*****d offspring would have been given away for nothing or drowned at birth to save the stuck up owner embarrassment. Nowadays daft cnuts pay thousands for them.

Whoever the first person was to come up with the 'exclusive breed' rather than mongrel concept really did one on the gullible and became a vets/groomers/dog walkers dream making fortunes from folk pampering them. Save yourself the money and many potential health issues from over breeding and get yourself a wee border terrier for a few hundred quid. Best wee b*****ds in the world so they are.

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Was sent a file, a few of us editing it. Sent to my work address, so signed in. It then tells me I cannot edit it unless I sign into a google account. So I make one, sign in and then it spots that my login address and google address are different and locks me out. 

Just sucks. 

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14 minutes ago, scottsdad said:


Was sent a file, a few of us editing it. Sent to my work address, so signed in. It then tells me I cannot edit it unless I sign into a google account. So I make one, sign in and then it spots that my login address and google address are different and locks me out. 

Just sucks. 

What would the Prof. do in such a situation? 

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36 minutes ago, hk blues said:

What would the Prof. do in such a situation? 

The (poppy wearing) Prof and I are embarking on a project together just now. 

He had some mental ideas and, since they put me in charge of the programme, I just said f**k it and started implementing them. I reckon that in ~2 years the workload across the team will be well down. 

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2 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

The (poppy wearing) Prof and I are embarking on a project together just now. 

He had some mental ideas and, since they put me in charge of the programme, I just said f**k it and started implementing them. I reckon that in ~2 years the workload across the team will be well down. 

There is no Prof is there, it's just you. 



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10 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

The (poppy wearing) Prof and I are embarking on a project together just now. 

He had some mental ideas and, since they put me in charge of the programme, I just said f**k it and started implementing them. I reckon that in ~2 years the workload across the team will be well down. 

"Aye, you're in charge, let me know when you're finished"

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16 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

The (poppy wearing) Prof and I are embarking on a project together just now. 

He had some mental ideas and, since they put me in charge of the programme, I just said f**k it and started implementing them. I reckon that in ~2 years the workload across the team will be well down. 

Was putting you in charge one of his mental ideas?  


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Amazon Alexa accounts. We use Google devices and all the devices, phones, tablets, speakers etc use the one centralised contacts list, so change a contact on one device and it is changed on them all. Compare that to the clusterf**k that is Alexa.

My wife’s elderly aunt uses Alexa to chat to my mother-in-law. Recently I had to change my mother-in-law’s Alexa account, so the aunt’s contact list needed updated. She has an Echo device, as well as a tablet and phone with Alexa on them. The tablet and phone are now so old that the Alexa app no longer works on them, so I went to delete the old contact details for my mother-in-law on the Echo, but it wouldn’t allow that. I installed the Alexa app on my phone and logged in to her account, but it only allows you to delete/modify contacts on the device that the contact was originally added, which is the tablet and phone that no longer work. So, from what I can see there is no easy way to delete old contacts as the contact list seems to be a collection of individual device contact lists, rather than one big master list. She now has 3 or 4 different entries for my mother-in-law in her contact list with only one of them correct, and no way of changing or deleting the incorrect ones. I hate Amazon Alexa.

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