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Mock fifa fitness test attempt last night.

6 x 40m sprints then 20 repeats of 150m in 30s and 50m recovery in 40 seconds. I missed 4 of the early long runs but completed 16, I have not felt the pain I feel across my body today in a long time. I had a look over my heart rate stats for the session, on the last run my heart rate peaked at 197bpm, which is 1 above my theoretical maximum.

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On 19/10/2016 at 17:37, tigerton said:


Do it. Track running is great, and interval sessions are really good for building up speed.

Me and a couple of guys from our club have been doing 6x 1 mile efforts on Wednesdays for the last few weeks with 2 min recovery. Hoping to see some benefits in upcoming races. It's bloody hard!


That was brutal! 2x3x1km. Run 1km within six minutes, the quicker you are the more break before you go again. After doing that three times you have a two minute break before starting again. Was fecked by the end, managed to do all my runs inside four minutes - partly because I stupidly tried to keep up with the person in front of me.

Someone brought fresh raspberries though so not all bad :)

Edited by Stu
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3 hours ago, Stu said:

That was brutal! 2x3x1km. Run 1km within six minutes, the quicker you are the more break before you go again. After doing that three times you have a two minute break before starting again. Was fecked by the end, managed to do all my runs inside four minutes - partly because I stupidly tried to keep up with the person in front of me.

Someone brought fresh raspberries though so not all bad :)

I like the sound of that session! Keeping the 1km efforts under 4 mins is good, and does give a long recovery!

Our mile efforts session starts at 6 x 1mile with 2 minute breaks. The the next week, 2 of the miles are replaced with a 2 mile effort. By the 4th and final week, you do 3 x 2 mile efforts. Meant to build pace towards targeting a 10k pb, so we'll see how it goes at the Jimmy Irvine in 3 weeks!

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Been sidelined for the last two weeks but got back in the swing with a plod at Hazlehead this morning.

(Morrison - how d'you find it last week? I chickened out, fairweather bassa that I am ;) ),

About to gear up for a harsh bout of HIIT in the next three weeks, personal trainer time because I really need an arse-kicking just now....


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On 21/10/2016 at 13:14, tigerton said:

I like the sound of that session! Keeping the 1km efforts under 4 mins is good, and does give a long recovery!

Our mile efforts session starts at 6 x 1mile with 2 minute breaks. The the next week, 2 of the miles are replaced with a 2 mile effort. By the 4th and final week, you do 3 x 2 mile efforts. Meant to build pace towards targeting a 10k pb, so we'll see how it goes at the Jimmy Irvine in 3 weeks!

I think six lots of a mile really would kill me, especially if there isn't a break half way through. And increasing it to two miles is just brutal. Still, it seems to have paid off - Friday was the quickest I've ever been over one of my regular routes and I kept it under 8 minute averages for a half marathon distance this morning.

My latest gibberish is now up if anyone wants a read: http://smtid.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/and-runnin-son-is-racin.html

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I think six lots of a mile really would kill me, especially if there isn't a break half way through. And increasing it to two miles is just brutal. Still, it seems to have paid off - Friday was the quickest I've ever been over one of my regular routes and I kept it under 8 minute averages for a half marathon distance this morning.

My latest gibberish is now up if anyone wants a read: http://smtid.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/and-runnin-son-is-racin.html

Love the Nascar bit. There'll be plenty rubbin at Talladega today.
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Been sidelined for the last two weeks but got back in the swing with a plod at Hazlehead this morning.

(Morrison - how d'you find it last week? I chickened out, fairweather bassa that I am [emoji6] ),

It was bloody dreadful!

Love the course, which is deceptively tough, but the start and finish areas were rivers. Which meant soaking feet, and I didn't bring a change of shoes so I've ended up with a lovely cold. Eejit.
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Very frustrating for me at the moment. Been having quite bad IT band and patella pain, so I gave myself two weeks off then attempted to do Parkrun last Saturday. Halfway in the pain came back with a vengeance and I had to hobble the rest of the way round (really should have just stopped, no idea why I didn't). Could barely walk the next day. Have now been advised by a doctor friend to take 3 weeks off any exercise using the knee, and to just start back with some cycling in the gym at that point. Was aiming to go sub-20 for my 5k by the end of the year, which I think will be a goner now. Extremely annoying!

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3 hours ago, VladimirMooc said:

Very frustrating for me at the moment. Been having quite bad IT band and patella pain, so I gave myself two weeks off then attempted to do Parkrun last Saturday. Halfway in the pain came back with a vengeance and I had to hobble the rest of the way round (really should have just stopped, no idea why I didn't). Could barely walk the next day. Have now been advised by a doctor friend to take 3 weeks off any exercise using the knee, and to just start back with some cycling in the gym at that point. Was aiming to go sub-20 for my 5k by the end of the year, which I think will be a goner now. Extremely annoying!

Was it a GP you saw? If you have a IT band issue the worst thing you can do is go cycling - I would suggest a visiting a specialist sports physio

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Absolutely gubbed with it all. Was building up the distance nicely again, looking towards getting a Sub 24 5k and a sub 2 hour half in the next few months, but all gone to shit.

Been diagnosed with glandular fever, just constant lethargy and even a 15 minute run left me near enough bed bound! Average recovery time is around 8 weeks then it'll be like starting from nothing again! Oh well, life goes on.

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Was away down south volunteering just past Derby and managed 3 5kish runs early in the morning before the kids were up. Was an arboretum (spelling?) nearby, basically a huge park full of war memorials. Very impressive and pretty scenic runs. Ran with someone so wasn't as fast as I would be along but very enjoyable

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Good luck tomorrow, true rover.

I tackled Snowdonia marathon today. Three big climbs, the last of which was over 2 miles long and very steep in places. Ouch! And the last mile had a downhill of over (under?) -10%..
and that hurt, too!

Happy with my 3:36:09. Stunning place to run (once the mist cleared); would recommend if you're not fussed about time!

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