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Good thread this.

Like a lot of people, I did a bit of running in 2021 but when things went back to being a bit more normal I started back playing football and the running eventually just stopped.

I got the notion before Christmas, did a very slow 12k and then got bad cold (covid). Went out again Jan 1st, joined a gym and starting running on the treadmill and the odd road run. I've been consistent since, 4/5 runs a week between 5k and 14k so far. I'm not following a plan as such, just trying to get out when I can (3 kids all doing their own evening activities).

I've definitely caught the running bug. I'm really really enjoying it this time. I'm in  no rush, but I'm excited to carry on to see where it takes me. My best run so far was a 10k in sub 52mins. Felt great until the last KM.

Stinking hangover on Sunday after a heavy day at the football Saturday (rarely drink these days) and managed to get out for a slow 11k. It was rough but I felt a million times better for doing it.

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I never thought I'd say this but I'm missing running, got injured while training for the half at the great Scottish run that turned out to be a torn peroneal tendon in my ankle so just had an operation repairing that and fitting a new ligament too. I'll be hoping to start a fresh when given the all clear, any advice on how to approach training  as always appreciated 

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This mornings effort. Not bothered about pace, too old for that shit now. Felt comfortable the whole way round, I reckon if I pushed myself I could probably do the 21.1km now without a huge amount of additional effort. Now questioning if I should go for the full marathon. Never run that distance before, and have zero intention of changing my lifestyle to fit a training schedule. Will change the route next Sunday and add another 3 or 4 km on and see how I feel then…


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I absolutely refuse to believe I once ran a 10k in 43 minutes, got sub-22 at Parkrun and running a 5m/km pace was "easy".

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I keep toying with the idea of one more marathon. Then I go for a run and think, no chance I could drag my carcass round one. I should really just enter one and be done with it as I know I would commit to the training. 

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I think I need to get back to running regularly. I quite fancy committing to a marathon again, the one and only one I’ve done though was an unmitigated disaster as my son broke his leg as I started training and that threw everything off, resulting in a 7+ hour effort when it came round. So I feel like there are demons to exorcise with the distance. Did a half marathon the year following that in 2:21, but that was 7 years ago now, and it’s probably about 3 or 4 since I’ve even ran 5k.

 We’ll see, I’m notorious for saying I’ll start and then 6 months later I’m still on the couch, still a fat b*****d. 

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Legs feel fine this morning. Mentioned to the wife last night that I might go all in, her response was pretty much “f**k off”. I shouldn’t have started running again, I blame my work for pressuring me into that charity gig at the end of last year. b*****ds.

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Learnt a bit of a lesson last week.

I had a small bit of soreness on the inside of my right knee. Running might have contributed but I actually felt it sitting down at work for the first time last Tuesday, sitting like a child with my right leg tucked under my left. Didn't think much of it, that night I went a run, I could feel it but wasn't particularly sore until 6k, when I made a stupid decision to push on. Stopped at 7k. I haven't been able to run since and its starting to piss me off a little bit. Desperate to get out again.

I was on the cross-trainer, bike and Stairmaster at the gym yesterday afternoon but it all felt so mundane. Knee got through that no problem, I'm just worried about hitting the road again now in case I'm set back again.


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This mornings effort. A but tougher than last week, mostly because I barely slept last night I think. Next detour i will add should add another 4km on I think, which will cover the distance I planned on doing in April but still leaves me 8 weeks to see if I can do the full thing.


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Managed a 10k this morning for the first time in a very long time. A smidgen over 57 minutes, not that I was caring about time but wow, I'm happy to get that mental barrier broken again. 

Nearly caved at 6, but when got to 8 thought fkc it, almost there.


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Did a marathon today for the first time, on my own.  Things were going very well in the first third, well ahead of target pace.  The second third was ahead of target pace as well, but noticably tougher.  The last third was really horrible - much slower and every step was painful.  Still got under my target time, but by 5 mins and not the 20 mins that it looked like on the first third.

My body is broken now. 😖

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7 hours ago, Gnash said:

Did a marathon today for the first time, on my own.  Things were going very well in the first third, well ahead of target pace.  The second third was ahead of target pace as well, but noticably tougher.  The last third was really horrible - much slower and every step was painful.  Still got under my target time, but by 5 mins and not the 20 mins that it looked like on the first third.

My body is broken now. 😖

Fair play going and doing one yourself. That takes some doing. 

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On 12/02/2024 at 10:04, Mallo_Madrid said:

Learnt a bit of a lesson last week.

I had a small bit of soreness on the inside of my right knee. Running might have contributed but I actually felt it sitting down at work for the first time last Tuesday, sitting like a child with my right leg tucked under my left. Didn't think much of it, that night I went a run, I could feel it but wasn't particularly sore until 6k, when I made a stupid decision to push on. Stopped at 7k. I haven't been able to run since and its starting to piss me off a little bit. Desperate to get out again.

I was on the cross-trainer, bike and Stairmaster at the gym yesterday afternoon but it all felt so mundane. Knee got through that no problem, I'm just worried about hitting the road again now in case I'm set back again.



Still unable to get out. Pain had just about subsided last Tuesday, I was excited to get out. Had to stop within 100 yards, probably set me back a week or so. Really frustrating.

Looks to be a strain of the medial meniscus. I'm hoping just a grade 1 strain, I've always been able to bear weight, never had any swelling and there was no instant pop noise. So I'm fairly confident it should heal fairly quickly.

Edited by Mallo_Madrid
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This weeks effort. A little slower, not deliberately, but had the sun out the entire time and the first 7/8k had it directly in front of me, along with another 3/4K stretch near the end. Definitely felt it, even if it was still cold. Still feel I could do a little bit more with some comfort. Will see how next week goes.


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Hit 20 miles today and ran it in 2:33. Pretty amazed and delighted at progress so far, with 13 weeks to go I’m feeling really good

I was sceptical of trying to get the mileage up this early in the process but it feels like a bit of pressure off building up to doing that distance like 3 weeks before. 

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Bit of a novice question, I'm toying with the idea of the Loch Ness marathon at the end of September. I can run 5-10K fairly comfortably at an okay pace currently. Is it worth increasing distances this early on or waiting until closer to the time?

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4 hours ago, Iminavest said:

Bit of a novice question, I'm toying with the idea of the Loch Ness marathon at the end of September. I can run 5-10K fairly comfortably at an okay pace currently. Is it worth increasing distances this early on or waiting until closer to the time?

Start slowly increasing distance, but just at an easy/steady pace would be my advice.

Get used to running those sorts of distances. It might help you make your mind up on actually doing the marathon. 

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