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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Been slipping with the eating lately, so was back on the fitness trail with a vengeance today. 16 miles on the spin bike at the gym (35 mins), 10 minutes on the leg curl (27kgs at the mo, looking to build that up over time), then lastly 60 sit ups (or whatever they call them) on the ab cruncher. Lochend amateur boxing club round from my work have punchbag sessions during the week, so hoping to get to at least 2 sessions a week. I've got a shirt that a bought for a wedding last year that i ordered online, turns out to be a slim fit, I've got a wedding in September so my target is to be able to fit into it properly by then. I'm 5'7 and just under 14st, so I could really do with shifting a bit of weight.
  2. You sure you weren't in Thailand?? Anyway nine Haggis balls?? Love them. Where was this establishment?? Get it telt, I want to go there.
  3. Anyone tried black pudding pakora?? Had it once from Aldi, was a bit meh.
  4. I'm surprised anyone wanted to sit next to him after reading the first paragraph. "Fairly pissed myself" [emoji848][emoji848]
  5. Had a plague of ants at work at work last week. In the office And the canteen. Unlike me, the were still there at 5pm.
  6. Offered to make roast potatoes for tea, and was told to have a rest and she would do it. Then got moaned at for not offering to help.
  7. I already knew them and have met them before. Unlucky son, have another shot.
  8. This got we wondering, would anyone ever introduce themselves to a p&b'er in public, if they knew it was that Person possibly?? I introduced myself to zen archer, but we had already agreed to say hello if I saw him at the fitba. Don't think I'd shout "Haw, you from p&b??" At someone though. Did the thought of possibly speaking to Bobby cross your mind at the time??
  9. Oh, I could eat them for fun. I'm partial to frying a couple and having them on a buttered roll.
  10. We've Got new neighbours 2 doors up, who are french. The wife - oh, I'd love to try French cuisine, especially snails legs".
  11. This. Had a drive to Berwick today, popped in to home bargains to have a look for cheap Ales, and found it for 69p a bottle. Still in date before any c**t asks.
  12. Can't mind which it was, i know he sold it, don't know if it was moved on. Lovely walk along the canal though, walked 4 miles in total.
  13. If he has, then I genuinely didn't know. Then again, the pars fan I spoke to was an older gentleman with a tracksuit top that he's probably had since the late 80s, and a cap with hundreds of pin badges on it. Dottery auld c**t had probably forgotten spence had went elsewhere.
  14. Lewis Spence is signing for us, apparently. This came from a pars fan.
  15. It was niddrie mains road and some of the surrounding routes. The wisp was closed as well. The wife works at Cameron toll so it was a bloody pain getting there.
  16. One of the main routes through Edinburgh being Shut because of c***s on bikes.
  17. @sjc look where I've had a walk by this morning
  18. I'll stick my neck out here - no mention of Texas thus so far?? Fantastic live band.
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