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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. 0/10 if I could be bothered doing it....however the only pertinent question regarding 'the split' is why ? No one has ever answered that one correctly.
  2. This Phillip chap (RIP) had about as much affinity with Edinburgh as his son Charles has with Rothesay.
  3. And that was despite Lennon tickling the sectarian tummy of the Celtic support at every opportunity. What chance a decent non-bigot like Howe ? Stay clear Eddie, stay very clear.
  4. Clive Tyldesley professional and unbiased ? You've clearly never heard him commentate on England games.
  5. I do really think that some in Glasgow, and to a lesser extent Scotland in general , don't seem to grasp just how uninterested in Scottish football and the tedium that is 'the Old Firm' English people are. I've lived in Newcastle and I've lived in Kent and in my experience, not universal I accept, when it comes to the game up here they just don't care. Howe may well come for the money or a perceived route back to the premiership a la Rodgers, but I don't believe the 'lure' of challenging for a championship he probably considers meaningless or being embarrassed on an annual basis in Europe will be what brings him to Parkhead.
  6. Not if he was also offered a job in the English top flight he wouldn't.
  7. Collins then pointed out that the new Celtic chief executive was free to leave the SRI due to the conclusion of 'the 7 Nations' .
  8. So the verdict is in......By a comfortable majority we demand the end of the atrocity that is Scottish ex-professional footballers as pundits. "Roughie, Big DJ, Davie Provan, Biscuits, Pat Bonner(dishonorary Scot), Willie Miller, James McFadden, Stephen Pressley, Doddsie, Neil McCann et al, there is the dustbin of history....go jump in it !"
  9. If only someone could have said to him, "we would very much like you to join us at Stamford Bridge, Mr McManus. Is there anything we could do to persuade you ?" .
  10. Oor 'Doddsie ' just sounded like a moron. How dare you sir !!!!
  11. Both McCall & McLeish illustrate with mind numbing clarity just why ex-players and ex-managers should not be pundits.
  12. That's the one without a doubt....from "disaster for Scotland" to hysterical triumph in one evening .
  13. Pat Bonner 's a pundit .......Doddsie 's a pundit .....James McFadden's a pundit....and they know what they're talking about ?? Glad that's been cleared up..
  14. So instead of artificially making games more meaningful, you want to artificially make games less so I would challenge this myth that you get good, exciting football from 'meaningful games' . What you usually get are tense, sterile , safety first bore fests with teams too fearful to express themselves. The so called meaningless games where young players can be introduced to first team football in a relatively relaxed environment is vital to a healthy, evolving game in Scotland. Our far too small league and crazed obsession with 'meaningful games' has choked off that natural route to the introduction of young talent in Scotland which is why we don't have a healthy, evolving game.
  15. Exactly...so bigger league , place each other twice home & away, no split. Easy !
  16. All this points to just one true fact....the split is , was and always will be a complete and utter nonsense. If fucking about with fixtures & formats to try to artificially create 'meaningful games' worked then Scotland would have the most competitive and exciting top flight league in world football. It doesn't and we haven't ! Was Scottish football really worse pre-1975 ? Two divisions, play each other twice, home and away, no nonsense .... and with the wee bonus of genuine European cha!lenses and world class players coming through the system. All chucked away for what....so we could enjoy 'the bigotry festival' four times a season ? Have the delights of Old Firm fans at our grounds twice as many times a season ? Help teams other than Celtic & Rangers compete ? Play the same teams again and again and...? Whatever the reason has it really helped Scottish football ?
  17. This top 6 bottom 6 split really is a nonsense. There is a strong possibility of the team finishing 7th at the end of the season having more points than the team finishing 6th. And what's the point of it ? It doesn't improve the quality of the football. If you get excited about being in 6th place after 33 games and having another two games against the Bigotry Brothers then so be it.
  18. Yes no harm in that, so in addition to my doomed pitch to BBC Scotland for an 'Along Came Bonner ' comedy panel show maybe there's a place for 'The Pat Bonhomie Hour'. 60 minutes of banter and chit chat loosely based on our national game. Your host Pat Bonner with quests who know their way around a half-time orange. This week Pat recalls laugh a minute Celtic legend Tommy Gemmell and, with the help of Alan Preston and Willie Miller, tries and fails to come up with the name of 'the boy' in midfield for Hibs in the 1972 Cup Final.
  19. It's always useful to tune in if you need reminding that Celtic & Rangers are 'really, really massive clubs'.
  20. Previously driving a Taxi would certainly qualify you to talk about being a Taxi driver, what it doesn't automatically qualify you to be is some sort of expert on what makes a Taxi work. For those who believe that the likes of Doddsie, Biscuits, Pakki Bonner, Big DJ, Roughie etc are experts in what makes football and football teams work then I'll agree to disagree.
  21. I'm sure he is but unfortunately like almost all ex-professional footballers employed by Radio Scotland as 'pundits' , he lacks the qualities of insight, erudition, marshalling of basic facts (and indeed basic grammar) required to perform what is essentially a journalistic role. To paraphrase, just because someone used to drive a Taxi doesn't make them an expert on the workings of the internal combustion engine..(or whatever it is you call it).
  22. Return of The Giant Hogweed Carpet Crawlers Watcher of the Skies Firth of Fifth Harold the Barrel
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