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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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22 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Even if Raith were to punt Goodwillie, Raith fans should not be satisfied with that alone. How can they trust those who remain now to not make a similar ludicrous decision. Any sacking now of the player will not be for the right reasons but, and very transparently so, because of the bad publicity and, most of all, loss of income. 

Raith fans need to get the board and the manager out before they should think about returning (in my view). 


Regarding the protest on Saturday, the Raith fans should be contacting every media outlet going. Contact the Fife papers and the national papers. Contact the BBC and Sky. Contact any outlet that has already covered the story. I would recommend having someone film it too (have someone for this specific purpose) and then upload clips to Twitter and tag in as many outlets as you can (email clips as well). On that front, perhaps a dedicated Twitter account should be set up for this? 

I think most agree with you that they all need to go, Goodwillie while expensive is easy, just pay him off.  McGlynn after that if he’s got a shred of decency will fall on his sword. The board is a lot harder.  Unless we’ve got a takeover ready to go, we don’t.  It may be that fans have to return with the 4 still in place (possibly just Sims) and get them out at the earliest opportunity to avoid the club going under completely.  I would love to see a Penman or McDermid lead takeover to try and salvage something but I don’t see it happening. The number 1 priority for now has to be Goodwillie out before a ball is kicked by him! 

Edited by San Starko Rover
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7 minutes ago, RRPT said:

Devil's advocate but I think Bene is in an unfortunate position here; he probably has media obligations as part of his contract so has to say something to the journalists all the while not publicly lambasting his employer for fear of losing his job. Not sure I agree with what he's said but there's bigger fish to fry.  

Any sane media adivser would have told him to say this: "We have met David and he is training with us. We're all aware of the controversial nature of his signing. Our job is to concentrate on football so I will not be commenting further. If you wish to discuss his signing you'll need to speak to the chairman".

That of course pre-supposes that 1. there's still a media adviser that hasn't resigned 2. the chairman isn't "riding things out" having locked himself in his own safe in Bangkok.


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4 minutes ago, virginton said:

Do you have any supporting evidence for this theory? I could maybe buy that the lads, lads, lads stereotype is a bit overblown compared to 15-20 years ago (RIP - Scotland's shitehole town nightclubs), but the average footballer still comes across as being thicker than a whale omelette. 

Yeah, but not really more so than the average person. There's a lack of curiosity and a pretty narrow field of interest but that's hardly unique to footballers.

Speak to the average colleague at work & see how long it takes them to out themselves as pig ignorant and utterly uninterested in changing that.

Edited by forkboy
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10 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:

I think most agree with you that they all need to go, Goodwillie while expensive is easy, just pay him off.  McGlynn after that if he’s got a shred of decency will fall on his sword. The board is a lot harder.  Unless we’ve got a takeover ready to go, we don’t.  It may be that fans have to return with the 4 still in place and get them out at the earliest opportunity to avoid the club going under completely.  I would love to see a Penman or McDermid lead takeover to try and salvage something but I don’t see it happening. The number 1 priority for now has to be Goodwillie out before a ball is kicked by him! 

Yeah that sounds like it will be difficult. The worry is that is the player is punted and folk return that those in charge may feel they have 'got away with it'. Pressure would need to be kept up on those in charge and fan sentiment made clear regularly.

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I have been struggling the past few days to fully digest this news.

I feel like I have been cheated on by a loved one.  The other night I couldn't sleep and I was just lying there reminiscing about the good times of supporting Raith I have had.
Being Glasgow born and bred I have always had a sort of pride in telling people who I support when prompted and educating the "aye but who is your big team" follow up questions.
I think this is gone.  Reputation in tatters. 

I feel so sorry for the other players on the team that I feel the allegiance to and love watching and cheering.  I suspect many were as shocked as we were when the news dropped.

I was keen to pop down the road to cheer them on at Celtic Park but I really don't think I can do this anymore, that is even with my assumption Goodwillie is cuptied.

I am at a loss as to where we go from here as a club and where I go as a fan.




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14 minutes ago, virginton said:

Do you have any supporting evidence for this theory? I could maybe buy that the lads, lads, lads stereotype is a bit overblown compared to 15-20 years ago (RIP - Scotland's shitehole town nightclubs), but the average footballer still comes across as being thicker than a whale omelette. 

Well I don't have any empirical evidence of it but any time I've encountered any footballers they are generally decent guys.  I also know people who work with and interact with footballers on a daily basis and they also speak pretty highly of most of them.  A few of my mates run a podcast for Caley and most of the players they have spoken to don't really fit the stereotype.  Clearly though there are big exceptions and it's the exceptions that people will remember.

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Just now, Flemboflem said:

I have been struggling the past few days to fully digest this news.

I feel like I have been cheated on by a loved one.  The other night I couldn't sleep and I was just lying there reminiscing about the good times of supporting Raith I have had.
Being Glasgow born and bred I have always had a sort of pride in telling people who I support when prompted and educating the "aye but who is your big team" follow up questions.
I think this is gone.  Reputation in tatters. 

I feel so sorry for the other players on the team that I feel the allegiance to and love watching and cheering.  I suspect many were as shocked as we were when the news dropped.

I was keen to pop down the road to cheer them on at Celtic Park but I really don't think I can do this anymore, that is even with my assumption Goodwillie is cuptied.

I am at a loss as to where we go from here as a club and where I go as a fan.




It's absolutely no reflection on Rovers fans (well, apart from the few apologists). If anything it shows the Raith support in a good light given the overwhelmingly negative reaction. 



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2 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Yeah that sounds like it will be difficult. The worry is that is the player is punted and folk return that those in charge may feel they have 'got away with it'. Pressure would need to be kept up on those in charge and fan sentiment made clear regularly.

Totally agree, I’ll be calling for all their heads until they’re all gone.  With any of them still involved we’d still be very toxic for sponsors.  It’s an utter shite situation.  Sims unfortunately holds all the cards as he’s the major shareholder and owns the stadium. Even ousting him he’ll probably own Starks Park for the foreseeable unless someone has a couple of million down the back of their couch. 

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18 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

As much as we all get sick of constant e-learning etc, diversity and awareness is addressed daily in most "normal" work places. As far as I know football doesn't have that kind of culture.

I could imagine the face on Manager X when he is told that cross and finish practice is cancelled because the guy from LGBTQ is giving a talk on his experience of coming out.

I suppose so - I remember a few years ago there was a spate of drug bans because players didn't know when they had to be available and a top flight manager blamed this on the fact that the anti-doping agency sent a young woman to give the players an overview on their responsibilities so they couldn't be expected to listen to her because she was too good looking.

I'm not saying that football dressing rooms are full of people debating the relative merits of post-Kantian idealism, obviously they aren't.  I do think that the stereotype of them all as complete idiots does footballers a bit of a disservice.

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

Do you have any supporting evidence for this theory? I could maybe buy that the lads, lads, lads stereotype is a bit overblown compared to 15-20 years ago (RIP - Scotland's shitehole town nightclubs), but the average footballer still comes across as being thicker than a whale omelette. 

It depends on your definition of "thick", which is a word that should be filed in the bin alongside "ned", "chav", etc. If you sneer at people who aren't academically bright and paint them in negative terms as a result don't be surprised if they live up to your negative typecasting, with interest. As the actor Peter Mullan said, "If you want a ned I'll give you a ned" having been serially written off / beaten by Glasgow Corporation school teachers when at school.

Yes the majority of footballers may not be academically gifted, but not all by any means. Steven Tweed was very smart, and a gifted financial adviser / investor. Stuart Petrie is a pretty senior banker. You also have lawyers, doctors (Deuchar, K.), teachers (Danny Denholm), plenty of pretty smart business people. Sports science & nutrition has been a pretty well established field of academic study for a long time now and it's increasingly important. The younger managers have to be all over that stuff if they want to progress.

The broader point of course is that academic qualifications are perhaps over-valued and held in too much reverence by people over 35/40. Younger folk going through it pretty much see through the structures of the degree and its weaknesses. I say this as someone who has a great deal of academic qualifications, having spent my life working in and around academic instiutions. The average football dressing room- just like any group- will have a range of abilities and plenty of bright folk, regardless of their employment.

It's a weird snobbery, this "thick" stuff. Everyone has a contribution to make, and shouldn't be written off just because they can't write an essay. I would be lost hanging a door, wiring a house, servicing a car.

It's a one-way snobbery, too. I'm a very poor footballer but on the odd occasion where I've played fives or had a kick about with an ex-pro or a junior player on the park they've been nothing but encouraging. Imagine if pro footballers sneered at amateurs the way academic people sneer at the "thick". If we got even 10% of the contempt some of us show to the academically non-gifted we'd put our kit on e-bay and never go near football again.



Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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Just now, Against The Machine said:

Benedictus, for all his faults, didn't ask for this. He's not in the same bracket as Sim, McGlynn, Macartney et al. 

It's quite pathetic that Sim et al are letting Benedictus essentially be the spokesman for the club. Sim needs to crawl out from the hole he's covering in and face the music. Sim's email is publicly available (I'm not suggesting people harass him) and I've voiced my displeasure to him personally as I feel bad for the Raith office staff having to deal with all this- not that it'll make any difference of course. 

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26 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

As much as we all get sick of constant e-learning etc, diversity and awareness is addressed daily in most "normal" work places. As far as I know football doesn't have that kind of culture.

I could imagine the face on Manager X when he is told that cross and finish practice is cancelled because the guy from LGBTQ is giving a talk on his experience of coming out.

For full time footballers in particular this is their main job, how hard in reality would it be to arrange this post lunch? The SPFL / SFA could send people round the clubs or have them up to Hampden or another conference area to speak enmasse. Alot of teams only train for a few hours in the morning or afternoon, so even one day a month extend things a little. 

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As i see it, the next step if the board and players wont listen or budge is to hit them where it hurts...financially.

Get the celtic fans to boycott the cup tie, maybe they can make one off donations to cover their own club, and this will badly knock the income the club gets. I bet the board are counting on that money to pay Goodwillie, or maybe get rid of him. 

Maybe even boycott or message premier sports to stop the broadcast. That will be the only way to guarantee a reaction.

And if fans worry about long term finances of the club, the cup money is a bonus that wouldn't be budgeted for. So no worries there.

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2 minutes ago, FBadgers said:

As i see it, the next step if the board and players wont listen or budge is to hit them where it hurts...financially.

Get the celtic fans to boycott the cup tie, maybe they can make one off donations to cover their own club, and this will badly knock the income the club gets. I bet the board are counting on that money to pay Goodwillie, or maybe get rid of him. 

Maybe even boycott or message premier sports to stop the broadcast. That will be the only way to guarantee a reaction.

And if fans worry about long term finances of the club, the cup money is a bonus that wouldn't be budgeted for. So no worries there.

Celtic will still get £30kish for the TV so won't be out of pocket. But yes I would imagine this would be a big worry for the Raith board.

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