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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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35 minutes ago, Starkiplier said:


Anyone who knows, has worked with or has even just spent any time in the company of McGlynn will know that this couldn’t be further from the truth.


Why would he sign a rapist knowing full well it would make the club a national laughing stock. He then did so and didn't even bother explain himself to the fans. 

Hes completely toxic and should be no where near modern football.

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I think there is s narrow path to redemption for McGlynn. It requires A major apology to the fans for the colossal error in judgement. No excuses, no pish about footballing reasons, no pish about rehabilitation, no pish about what Clyde did. A heartfelt, honest and without exception apology for the harm done by this idiotic episode.

He only has this slim chance because of the goodwill earned over 2 extended periods as manager where he has gone above and beyond his role as manager and supported many community initiatives and supporters events.

He deserves a small chance at redemption for me. A very small one.

The board deserve none. They should be gone with Goodwillie. The longer they stay the more and more harm being done to the club.

Finally this pish about DG being compensated for us ruining his career. Get in the fucking sea with that. His actions alone ended his career... dirty rapist c**t.

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Obviously emotions are still very raw given what’s unfolded at the club this week, so I can understand that todays statement hasn’t done much to calm the fury of some fans. However I don’t think that sacking the manger is the answer.

Nobody has done more for Raith Rovers over the last 20 years than John McGlynn, on or off the pitch. He turned us from a shambolic outfit rotting away in League 1 into a team challenging for promotion to the top tier. Twice. Even in the years he wasn’t employed by us, he was at every club event, fundraiser or testimonial he could manage. He was out in the community delivering supplies to the vulnerable during lockdown, and again at Christmas. He lives, sleeps and breathes this football club. He has dedicated his life to Raith Rovers and always given everything he could to try and bring us success.

In signing Goodwillie, he has made a monumental error of judgement. Perhaps he thought that because the player had been at Clyde for 5 years without causing too much of a stir that this wouldn’t go down too badly and people would see it the same we he did, as a good signing who would score goals. I don’t believe for a second that McGlynn would have signed the player if he understood the hurt and the outrage that it would cause, that’s obviously extremely naive on his part and I’m sure in hindsight he deeply regrets ever even considering it. However it’s not up to me to make his excuses for him and it would be good to hear him come out and say as much in an interview before Saturday.

The man is in our club’s hall of fame and there’s barely anyone more deserving of that status than him. I can’t control what other fans do but the thought of us hounding out one of our greatest ever managers over a mistake, even one as catastrophic as this one, is crazy. Cancel culture is rife in our society and people seem to believe that the only way to right a wrong is for a man to lose his livelihood and disappear from the public eye. I completely disagree with that and I think that if anyone has earned a chance to put this right it’s John McGlynn.

All he was trying to do was all he has ever tried to do during both his spells in Kirkcaldy, and that is bring success to the football club we all love.
I couldn't have put it better myself.

My feelings on the matter have changed since Monday and today's statement was the start I was looking for. The McGlynn involvement has been the most troubling for me. I was going to post that I had a sliver of understanding in his case, given what we know about him - tunnel vision for success at the club, eat, sleep Rovers etc - that he'd simply been blind to the wider aspect and that's why we have a board (in theory!) I didn't post it because I couldn't be arsed justifying my opinion to argumentative types, because why should I? I'm coming to the same place as Starkiplier - that it was a monumental error of judgement and I think he knows that. His post match interview looked like a broken man. If the bit about eat, sleep Rovers is true, and we know it is, I'm sure he will now be worried sick about what his short sightedness has done to the club he clearly loves. I await his next interview with interest, as I await the club's next move, but I'm no longer convinced he needs to be fired into the sea. The board on the other hand should be objective with wider vision and they've failed. I'm going back on Saturday to support the team. I won't applaud the management on as I usually do, but I won't boo them either. This is OUR club and we need to show our passion. Hard to do by staying away.

And I'm not going to argue with you.
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44 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Isn't 'McGlynn deserves some leeway because he's been good for our club' not too far away from 'signed for footballing reasons first and foremost'?



Scratching my head at how quickly some Raith fans are doing an about turn. 


It's fine to have a rapist apologist as your manager because he's a good manager, sound. John McGlynn is more culpable than anyone at the club for that signing. 

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30 minutes ago, McGuigan1978 said:

I really hope the board don’t think that their statement this morning fixed anything  

From what I can gather, four board members and the manager thought that signing a rapist was a good idea. With that being the case, I’d like them all to leave the club 

I really couldn’t care less what McGlynn has done previously, championing Goodwillie is a hideous route to go down, and he should leave. 

The Board is also a disgrace, and the fact they’re hiding behind anonymous statements says a lot about them. Pathetic. 

This morning was a start, but nothing more than that. 

This is my viewpoint as well. I can understand to an extent some people's willingness to forgive McGlynn but I have no room for sentiment here. He is equally culpable as the board members in my opinion for the current situation and my anger towards the club. He needs to go.

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1 minute ago, Grant228 said:



Scratching my head at how quickly some Raith fans are doing an about turn. 


It's fine to have a rapist apologist as your manager because he's a good manager, sound. John McGlynn is more culpable than anyone at the club for that signing. 


Sentiment seems to be clouding people's judgement. 

Just a few days ago folk were rightfully calling out rapist apologists but now are trying to justify their actions. 


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Aye, I dunno lads. I appreciate that I’m not a Rovers fan so don’t have the emotional attachment to McGlynn but it really feels from the outside that you’d be better off with a clean break from everyone who made the decision in order to move on. Maybe just letting him leave when his contract is up is best, otherwise it would seem that you’ll still have a deeply divided fanbase.

I think an explanation and apology can recover some of his standing and legacy as your manager, but I don’t think it can justify him remaining in post - if that makes sense? 

Edited by oneteaminglasgow
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1 minute ago, Grant228 said:



Scratching my head at how quickly some Raith fans are doing an about turn. 


It's fine to have a rapist apologist as your manager because he's a good manager, sound. John McGlynn is more culpable than anyone at the club for that signing. 

Don't think that's what anyones saying chap.

If he continues to justify it in any way then he can GTF.

My view though is that he has done a tonne of good in his role at Rovers, more than just on field stuff, and should be allowed a shot at apologising first.

The tone and content of that matter very much. 

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1 minute ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Aye, I dunno lads. I appreciate that I’m not a Rovers fan so don’t have the emotional attachment to McGlynn but it really feels from the outside that you’d be better off with a clean break from everyone who made the decision in order to move on. Maybe just letting him leave when his contract is up is best, otherwise it would seem that you’ll still have a deeply divided fanbase. 

On the other hand this is a very valid point.

I don't think he will survive this but I do think he has earned a shot at explaining first.

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14 minutes ago, roverthemoon said:

Finally caught up. Most of it has been covered by others but for what it’s worth here are my jumbled thoughts. 

Sim - the main culprit. The final call was his and am told the actually put a price on what he thought the club would lose as a result of this, then decided it was a price worth paying if we got to the Premiership. Unbelievable. Having one person with complete control of our club isn’t healthy, especially when it’s someone like him. He is the person we need the f**k away most. Unfortunately also the hardest to remove. I still worry about the murkiness of our structure and the finances under him. No transparency. Hope I’m wrong but after this week it is the biggest thing gnawing away at me. 

Sinton, Morgan and MacDonald - nodded it through and also need to go. Don’t know if they are either dinosaurs, stupid  or simply Sim’s stooges. But all three have to be cleared out

McCartney - lied to Val McDermid so either did so knowingly and can’t be trusted or is completely out of the loop, so useless as a CEO. Also needs punted. 

McGlynn and Smith - The hardest one for me. If you’re being generous he only cares about the football and it’s up to Sim to agree or veto, but that doesn’t really cut it. He should have known the backlash that would come particularly after what unfolded in December. Should have thought, ‘I’d love his football talent, but he’s not worth it.’ Should he go immediately or finish the season? I honestly don’t know. Something in me says that it’s been such a shitshow that we probably need some sort of continuity or stability on the football side until the end of the season. Particularly if the boardroom side starts to unravel. He’s definitely culpable in this though and he shouldn’t be here next season. 

On the stay or go back conundrum. I think it’s up to each person to decide what feels right. The main barrier to me watching the team has gone - Goodwillie. While I want the people who made the decision out, especially Sim, that’s not going to happen immediately. And I’ve watched the side before even when I’ve not been supportive of the manager or the board. I can still be a Raith fan and work towards getting them out as we’ve done before.

My biggest worry is that we are going to need all the good people we can get to get our club back and create a club and set of directors we can trust. If we all walk away then that might never happen.  Ultimately I think I’ll probably go back to games and support the team, but not give the club a penny more this season. Put my money into something like the Trust who can work to get Sim out. 

Final thing is to say fair play to all the folk who stood up and spoke out. Especially to the volunteers who made a stand and walked away from something they probably loved doing. And to the fans of other clubs who also spoke up and who didn’t point and laugh but sympathised that this was happening to our club. The sad reality is that most of us are at risk of some fuckwit ruining our club given how Scottish football is structured. Will go before I start greetin. There’s still a long way to go until we properly get our club back, but today was a start. 

Barack Obama Applause GIF by Obama

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21 minutes ago, Ex Machina said:

This is my viewpoint as well. I can understand to an extent some people's willingness to forgive McGlynn but I have no room for sentiment here. He is equally culpable as the board members in my opinion for the current situation and my anger towards the club. He needs to go.

I am torn between what the bigger problem is - is it McGlynn or the board? I think it's the latter. We can't do everything at once. 

McGlynn and Smith are out-of contract at the end of the season so we have a natural endpoint. That isn't the case for the board and I have zero confidence in them. They sanctioned the signing well aware it would, at a minimum, cost a sponsor and provoke outrage. They can tell the Manager 'no'. 

I am not in the 'McGlynn stay' camp at the moment. I just think the board is the bigger problem and we have an avenue for the Manager issue to take care of itself.

Edited by Michael W
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24 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

The thing with McGlynn is, he just happens to be the guy that we know tried (and succeeded) to get him, IMO others will have suggested it and been telt no way.

McGlynn is 100% to blame for the whole thing. His logic was obviously get him in, and we have chance of promotion…. Goals above all else etc

Raith fans who do not see this, are looking through rose tinted specs…

The board are almost as bad for agreeing to it, but it was McGlynn who presented DG as a legitimate transfer target…

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1 hour ago, pub car king said:

Regardless of the moral position and everything else. The fact is he has a contract and the club as employers have a duty of care towards him. 

This could get very messy because I'd imagine he has all kinds of promotion bonuses, appearances and goal bonuses. 

Wouldn't the easiest thing been to have arranged a closed doors friendly against Brechin and asked Davo to cement Goodwillie?

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35 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Aye, I dunno lads. I appreciate that I’m not a Rovers fan so don’t have the emotional attachment to McGlynn but it really feels from the outside that you’d be better off with a clean break from everyone who made the decision in order to move on. Maybe just letting him leave when his contract is up is best, otherwise it would seem that you’ll still have a deeply divided fanbase.

I think an explanation and apology can recover some of his standing and legacy as your manager, but I don’t think it can justify him remaining in post - if that makes sense? 

I think most people are looking through tinted specs clouded in sentiment and it’s hard to blame them, he’s been a big part of the club over the last decade+ but I think fans of other clubs commenting are seeing it more clearly. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on this and I’ll not slate any of them even if I disagree.  For me the only way to send the right message out to sponsors and the community to allow us to start our recovery is to remove everyone involved in the decision to sign Goodwillie ASAP. Some are easier than others but ALL need to go.   

Edited by San Starko Rover
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Not much else to say that hasn’t been said by others but the worst week ever of being a rovers supporter, so much hurt , anger and embarrassment watching this car crash unfold . The board need to go as does the management team but first Mcglynn has to apologise to the fans (and I think he will ) and announces he is leaving at the end of the season as I think we need some stability at the moment for the players sakes. The board have no way back and hopefully some sort of fans buyout maybe possible, this week has even got me thinking of joining the trust , today was a start nothing else but didn’t go on Tuesday but probably will Saturday just to support the players who imo had no control over this.

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1 hour ago, itzdrk said:

The thing with McGlynn is, he just happens to be the guy that we know tried (and succeeded) to get him, IMO others will have suggested it and been telt no way.

Bids from Falkirk and Livi rejected in the past and as you say probably other interest too.

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