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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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We shouldn't be looking to rely on one individual who can pull the plug at any moment and throw us into chaos. We're already too dependent on Caira and Hutton and don't need to expand on that. What we do need is to look towards a sustainable business plan as suggested before. Just because our club has narrowly avoided critical trouble before doesn't make us exempt from it happening.

Edited for Roverthemoon :D

Edited by rw89
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We shouldn't be looking to leech from one individual who can pull the plug at any moment and throw us into chaos. We're already too dependent on Caira and Hutton and don't need to expand on that. What we do need is to look towards a sustainable business plan as suggested before. Just because our club has narrowly avoided critical trouble before doesn't make us exempt from it happening.

Replace the word leech with rely and this is exactly my view

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"We" need to try and get the club into a position where it's operating sustainably, no matter who's on the board.

Ideally yes I agree but that ain't gonna happen, name me one professional club in the UK perhaps even Europe who are sustainable without individual owners/board members cash (other than maybe Stirling Albion now.)

To simplify my point let's say we had one person bankrolling the club (like Gretna) and that one person walks away, the club is screwed, 2 people funding the club and 1 walks away, we have problems, 10 people funding the club and 1 walks, no biggie.

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Ideally yes I agree but that ain't gonna happen, name me one professional club in the UK perhaps even Europe who are sustainable without individual owners/board members cash (other than maybe Stirling Albion now.)

To simplify my point let's say we had one person bankrolling the club (like Gretna) and that one person walks away, the club is screwed, 2 people funding the club and 1 walks away, we have problems, 10 people funding the club and 1 walks, no biggie.

Stirling Albion and Arbroath both have turned profit in the recent past and I believe - though may be wrong - that Albion Rovers, Alloa and Montrose are in a pretty healthy financial position as well. At the other end of the scale, Arsenal, Spurs and West Brom have been turning profit for much of the past decade and although I haven't seen Blackpool's accounts I'm willing to take a bet that they're pretty healthy.

Now, these are the exception I'll grant you but it can be done and it should be done. As much as I'm not overly concerned by short term loans or a small loss at the end of a season, these really should be kept as rare as possible.

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As for our club, as far as I know the gentleman has not invested much if anything in RRFC. He stands as guarantor for the mortgage on the ground but I'm not sure whether or not he has actually lodged the funds to cover the guarantee with the Allied Irish Bank or whether he'd only have to do so if RRFC defaulted on the repayments.

I would go with the not having funds lodged .I suspect as a guarantor he would only need to show he has the disposable income in the event of the club not being able to meet payments . Someones making up the shortfall on ground rental as its my understanding that the club have or were not meeting the agreed amount. If I remember correctly Sims aim at the time of the rescue was to do his best to gauarantee football at Stark's Park until 2021,thereafter hoping that bank debt would be retired,unlikely imo.

Its also my understanding there has been little if any contact between club and sim for sometime,whos doing that is i dont know.

I think if Sim had not came forward as a guarantor for our ground i think we would be in a far worse state than we are now.

Edited by Mij
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Money men aren't the solution. "Investing" in football is a great way to lose a lot of money. Rich people, by and large, are very much adept at not losing lots of money. Sooner or later, the losses become too great and they walk away, or the money runs out.

I'm eternally grateful to guys like Turnbull Hutton and Mario Caira for putting up their own money to keep the club going. There's no logical reason for it, they're never going to see that money again. I'd love to say that if I had a bit of dosh I'd be doing the same thing, but I tell you, it's not that likely.

If money men are putting money into a club, any club, they should be gifting money directly to the club, for one-off spending on things like infrastructure. Anything else is far too risky for my liking. Some Oligarch makes the right noises about transfer budgets are "war-chests" and suddenly the manager and the chief executive are in a Travelodge off the M6 agreeing a five-year contract with a star striker for twice as much money as anyone at the club has ever been paid before. Two years down the line and the benefactor has seen all of his money go down the drain and he hasn't had so much as a semi-final appearance, his wife's constantly harassing him that he spends all his time taking calls about finance for a new Director's Box and that he's twice as stressed as he was when he ran a multinational corporation, and he decides to chuck it for the good of his health, and his bank balance. Now you've got a club who are lumbered with three years of a contract they can't afford.

The desperate cries for Money Men in football are as dangerous as they are pathetic.

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We need away from Stark's Park to a new stadium that is capable of bringing money in throughout the week and not just on match days.

There's a decent business to be had at the core of Raith Rovers and most clubs like us but until we have other facilities to supplement the match day revenue, that potential will lie dormant.

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Plastic pitches are a great idea I think. I'd love to see us be involved there, hiring the pitch out for use for 7's and 5's etc.

I agree with Andy though. Look at the Falkirk Stadium as a shining example.

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No money men are coming to Starks lets face it :(

Good. If we've learned anything about money men in Scottish league football, it's that they are unmitigated financial disasters.

We ourselves have suffered at the hands of one of these types before; I don't want to see it happen again.

Plastic pitches are a great idea I think. I'd love to see us be involved there, hiring the pitch out for use for 7's and 5's etc.

I agree with Andy though. Look at the Falkirk Stadium as a shining example.

This crops up from time to time, but a plastic pitch wouldn't really do us many favours from hiring it out. There are already two such venues in Kirkcaldy for this and I highly doubt the demand is there for another.

The Falkirk Stadium was built by Falkirk Council (I think).

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Do we still have a manager as the BBC said the hearts team will meet their new management team tomorrow.

Sure I heard on radio that Gary Locke was to be new manager, also I'm not sure McGlynn would work for Romanov anyway

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