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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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1 minute ago, Double Jack D said:

I must be missing something regarding this kit launch.... was it only a select few who got invited? Trawled my emails and can't find anything!

Club1883 Gold members were invited to RSVP for a space at the launch on Thursday evening last week. The consistency of comms regarding the event are questionable which is why it's being discussed in here.

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3 minutes ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

He was sitting next to Ruaridh, Andy Barrowman was sitting next to Potter.

I assumed he was sat next to Potter when he walked up the stairs past us. Didn't even realise that the board had joined them also.

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3 minutes ago, ohnononowheredidRossgo said:

Poor Vaughany trying to get himself into the swing of pre-season and xavi's are sifting photos of golf days and pictures of the stands like a jealous ex.

Only thing swinging is his driver by the looks of it

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Can't read the article as I'm at my limit for courier items for the month however if we are trying to suggest that we are not one of the biggest wage budgets in the league then we are in fucking lala land.

There isn't any shame in it. We earned the most prize money from last season, our crowds and hospitality were vastly increased and we made literally millions from pie sales.

Whilst I do think there is an element of players signing because it is a good place to be for the minute, lets not kid on that they are taking significant wage drops for the privilege! 

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