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I know this is a tried and tested P&B argument, but this morning I turned on the TV and there was wrestling on. I’ve always slated it despite not having watched any since I was about 8 years old.
I genuinely cannot believe that adults watch this. I used to say it’s basically Coronation St, but after watching it, it’s actually worse. The acting is beyond abysmal, they can’t even make it slightly realistic. I understand why children can watch it and think it’s real, but adults? Really? There are no fans in at the moment, so they’ve got screens showing fans watching from home. Grown men going mental in their living room watching this. Hilarious.

I’ve no evidence to back this up but I’m fairly certain that there’s a higher than average chance, that grown men who watch wrestling are likely to be named on a register exclusively for sex offenders.
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14 hours ago, Snafu said:

Glasgow comedian Gary Faulds asks if banana on curry is an 'Edinburgh thing'

We've certainly never seen this in Glasgow... but have you?


A banana curry


I've never heard or seen of such a thing.

The closest we got was in Primary school where the cooks added sultanas and sliced pineapple to a chicken curry, quite nice if I mind.

My old man used to eat a banana fritter with his chicken curry on a Friday night.   

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After @NotThePars recently put me on to Adrian Chiles' columns in the Guardian, turns out he's got one in the Sun as well. Today he outed himself as a sex pest: After a year of quiet nights in, will a crowded night out ever feel safe enough? (thesun.co.uk)


How will we ever be ready to touch each other again? At first I enjoyed a break from touching. It wasn’t that I never liked it, I suppose I kind of liked it too much.

I’d like a hug, a handshake, a kiss, a double kiss or even the odd treble kiss. I was up for them all, I just never knew which one, or which combination of the above, to go for with whom.

Not infrequently, I’d get into a right old tangle of handshake, kiss and hug. That was embarrassing but at least it wasn’t, as far as I knew, a health risk.

When that elbow-touching business started replacing the handshake, I thought it was daft. By the time I’d got used to it, and even enjoyed it, elbow-touching itself was deemed too risky.

What I wouldn’t give now for a little rub of someone’s elbow.


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