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36 minutes ago, coprolite said:

The worst hangover headache i ever had was after a night of "power shandy" made with equal parts hooch and stella. I was only in my teens but it felt like my brain was being sawed with a red hot rusty log saw for a whole day. 

I'd risk the hipster brew. 

When I was younger my drink of choice on a Saturday afternoon after a night out on a Friday followed by a Saturday shift was a pint of Miller, drink the top then top it up with a Southern Comfort and Lemonade. Few of those and you were good to go again.

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1 minute ago, Bert Raccoon said:

When I was younger my drink of choice on a Saturday afternoon after a night out on a Friday followed by a Saturday shift was a pint of Miller, drink the top then top it up with a Southern Comfort and Lemonade. Few of those and you were good to go again.

I feel quite queasy reading that. 

I've known a couple of folk who drank Southern Comfort thinking it was bourbon, i guess because it looks like it should be. 

I can't drink any sweet liqueur at all, but the smell of cinzano makes me actually retch, due to an underage misadventure. 

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12 hours ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I'd take a bottle of Hooch over any Rasberry flavoured beer brewed in Devon any day of the week.

Used to love that purple hooch. A couple of them and some orange ones and a couple of Marlboros was the breakfast of champions. 

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Early 2000s alcopops were brutal when you look back. Can only imagine some of the nonsense that was in them!

As a younger man me and some friends once made a drink called 'Snake Shock'.

It was a quarter pint of beer and cider each topped up with a Smirnoff Ice. A shot of vodka was chucked in and it was all topped off with a shot of your Aftershock of choice. Surprisingly it tasted ok, but it was a rather savage drink.

Talking of Aftershock, me and some other friends made a drink called '50-50s'. It was a basic drinking glass that was filled 50% with Aftershock (the red one, which was and remains the best one) and 50% coke. This was one of my first drinking experiences in my defence. Thankfully that time I did not have too much and was fine.

On the topic of Jack Daniels, even the smell of the stuff makes me gag. This was due an over imbibing incident in 2002ish. Got absolutely buckled on the stuff, passed out in the car home, woke up, and had to get the car to pull over to copiously spew. We had been at a caravan owned by a friend's parents. Sadly I did not join the Caravan Club, but I did get naked. There was a curtain over the living room area, and after getting up for a pish, I had said pish then fully disrobed (even the socks for some reason). I covered by boab with a straw hat then threw open the curtain to reveal myself. The hat belonged to my friend's dad. I don't think he told him.

Good times.

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1 hour ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

I used to drink Blastaway, ie cider and Castaway. It was lethal.

I once won a case of Orange Reef in a pub quiz, I went home and drank half of it and felt pretty ill, not from the alcohol but it was so harsh and acidic that it felt like it was burning a hole through my stomach. 

Me and my mate used to do "Reef Racing" in the pub on a Saturday, we'd see who could down a bottle of Orange Reef the quickest, pretty sure I managed it in three seconds.

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3 hours ago, Bert Raccoon said:

Me and my mate used to do "Reef Racing" in the pub on a Saturday, we'd see who could down a bottle of Orange Reef the quickest, pretty sure I managed it in three seconds.

Ah, a good old strawpedo!


Anyway, I agree that there are too many IPAs and not enough other beer types in the shops. I mind there used to be a whole section of different 4 packs of bottles of beer, often from different countries. Cusquena, from Peru, was a great one. Sadly you don't get them any longer. Asda used to do 3 of them (the various 4 pack of bottles) for a tenner I think.

Edited by DA Baracus
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A shot of Jagermeister in a glass of Heineken was my go-to drink while being a student in the Netherlands, because the student bar in town sold both for one Euro each. The Jager was sold as a test tube shot though, so it was a choice of either tanning it or spiking the beer.

Being Heineken the addition marginally improved the flavour if anything. 

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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Jagermeister. Fucking hell, must be years since I had one of those.

Ice cold it's ok, but warmer it's absolutely rank.

I'm coming out in a sweat just thinking about Jagermeister thanks to one long and terrible night, sometime around 1996. Never, ever, ever again.

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27 minutes ago, Slenderman said:

Double Impact is actually a good film.

Furthermore, Jean-Claude Van Damme actually had a decent streak of entertaining films in the late Eighties/early Nineties.

...but that film will always remind me of the night I spent in a friend's bed with double Van Damme staring at me from the ceiling, roughly two feet away from my face  :shutup

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