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38 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

It's like VAR. The technology and minute accuracy of tests allows experts to make decisions they couldn't have before. You can be a millimetre offside and it'll get picked up. You can be on whatever spectrum at a minimal level and it'll get identified and diagnosed. Previously you were just thick/a c**t.

We have a family friend who is a teacher in a special needs school and they once remarked about the increasing prevalence of autism diagnosis - the kids they worked with were severely disabled and often unable to communicate. Now you have kids at a much lower level being diagnosed, with a spectrum within that of kids who have meltdowns and can’t cope with over stimulation to kids who are just obsessed with Dr Who. 

I was born in 1980 and in school until 1998 and there were a few kids who looking back would clearly meet a diagnosis for Asperger’s or autism spectrum disorder etc. Maybe kids like that have easier lives in school now, maybe too many are swept up in it. I also know that there is huge anxiety among parents about their kids being on target for milestones and normal, in many many different ways so I bet that drives some of it.

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The wife works in an additional needs setting and they recently had a bit of a training course where she basically, in layman's terms, described it to me that it was about studies into how early years parental neglect can contribute to autism. When you think about it, brain development is happening at such a rate when young and parents have a big role in that. I'm not sure that autism can be "caused", but it certainly seems to be the theory that it can made much much worse by shite parenting in those early years.

One of the saddest things about it was an example used where someone was doing studies in the effect of the parent denying eye contact to their baby. 

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I'm sceptical that parental neglect contributes to autism since autism is a neurological processing difference, but it undoubtedly contributes to malformed personality and resultant behavioural issues. I have no doubt that autistic children whose parents are neglectful will display different behaviours, possibly magnified disfunction, to those who have decent parents, but that's true of any child regardless of autism, so if anything I would say that it's a case of neglect leading to bigger behavioural issues in all children, and not necessarily anything to do with autism at all.

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42 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

The wife works in an additional needs setting and they recently had a bit of a training course where she basically, in layman's terms, described it to me that it was about studies into how early years parental neglect can contribute to autism. When you think about it, brain development is happening at such a rate when young and parents have a big role in that. I'm not sure that autism can be "caused", but it certainly seems to be the theory that it can made much much worse by shite parenting in those early years.

One of the saddest things about it was an example used where someone was doing studies in the effect of the parent denying eye contact to their baby. 

The term "refrigerator mother" was coined by Austrian psychiatrist Leo Kanner in the 1940s to describe a mother whose cold, uncaring style so traumatized her child that they retreated into autism.1 The concept caused enormous pain for many families for decades before it was debunked.

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21 hours ago, virginton said:

The deputy leader of Inverclyde Council got a front page splash this week in the local rag for 'bravely disclosing' an ADHD diagnosis. Discarding the usual, unquantifiable bullshit like 'brain fog', the tangible effects of this crippling obstacle amounts to, err, having to take lots of notes at council meetings. 

The reality is that she visited an educational psychologist - psychologists being the lightly regulated, quack discipline of medicine - and got a purely self-affirming 'diagnosis' in exchange for a healthy fee. 

See also the increasingly widespread diagnosis of 'anxiety' - not some demonstrable, extreme anxiety disorder: just generic 'anxiety' in younger people (early 20s and younger) as an Issue Which Needs Accomodation. That generation are only responding naturally to the cues given to them by adult society about how to game the system in their short-term favour and avoid leaving their comfort zone, but are setting themselves up for much greater failure in the future. 

Some woman on Tiktok (I think) got absolutely torn to shreds (by people with ADHD) for saying that "Time Blindness" related to ADHD should be accommodated for by Workplaces.

In other words... "I don't know how to set an alarm..."

a lot of people with ADHD/"Time Blindness" called her out for her pish and told her it was as simple as setting an alarm...

But no. "I have something wrong different with me, so the rules have to be bent around me." Odd.


Not as bad as people claiming things like math and getting to work on time are "racist", mind you.

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On 26/08/2023 at 10:13, ICTChris said:

Now you have kids at a much lower level being diagnosed, with a spectrum within that of kids who have meltdowns and can’t cope with over stimulation to kids who are just obsessed with Dr Who.

My step daughter is doing this. Her eldest is "waiting on his diagnosis". 

The symptoms? Meltdowns at school, getting obsessed with some of his toys, and having trouble getting to sleep. 

Nowt to do with her utterly pish parenting, and the dad of her kids being a complete waste of space. 

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Theres an increasing tendency by fannys nowadays to treat pet dugs like they are actual human children. Im not just talking about spoiling them or bring paranoid about foreigners in vans.. Theres the ones who will barely ever leave them unsupervised at home, talking about not being able to go out for long for having to get back for them, what the f**k ever happened to just leaving the dug out the back gairden or even the kitchen and asking a neighbour to let it out for a shite? The worlds gawn mad!

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3 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Theres an increasing tendency by fannys nowadays to treat pet dugs like they are actual human children. Im not just talking about spoiling them or bring paranoid about foreigners in vans.. Theres the ones who will barely ever leave them unsupervised at home, talking about not being able to go out for long for having to get back for them, what the f**k ever happened to just leaving the dug out the back gairden or even the kitchen and asking a neighbour to let it out for a shite? The worlds gawn mad!

Don't get a dog please 👍

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I heard a thing (possibly on forth one) this morning, talking about someone who has full birthday parties for their dogs, complete with invites for the other dogs. Don’t get me wrong, dogs are sound wee c***s, but i find it all a bit strange. 

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2 minutes ago, buchan30 said:

I heard a thing (possibly on forth one) this morning, talking about someone who has full birthday parties for their dogs, complete with invites for the other dogs. Don’t get me wrong, dogs are sound wee c***s, but i find it all a bit strange. 

@effeffsee_the2nd's wife, I think.

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I like dogs or I used to like dogs, but in the estate I live in it's like it's become compulsory to own at least one little fucking yappy dog and then do absolutely zero obedience training with it. Every neighbour on the section I live in now has two of these yappy dogs, one guy (a good c**t) has managed to train his wee dogs not to bark at every other dog or little thing that happens but the rest, once one starts they all go mental many times a day and almost always around the time the weans go to bed, which is really useful and also coincides with the daily 'who can open and slam their car door the loudest and as many times as possible' contest. 

I know the world doesn't revolve around my weans going to bed, but when you've had fuckall sleep for the majority of the year and you want one night of peace, these things start to get to you a little. "Pregnancy and parenting thread" for this pish etc... The parent thing aside, it's fucking annoying anyway. 

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18 hours ago, thistledo said:

I like dogs or I used to like dogs, but in the estate I live in it's like it's become compulsory to own at least one little fucking yappy dog and then do absolutely zero obedience training with it. Every neighbour on the section I live in now has two of these yappy dogs, one guy (a good c**t) has managed to train his wee dogs not to bark at every other dog or little thing that happens but the rest, once one starts they all go mental many times a day and almost always around the time the weans go to bed, which is really useful and also coincides with the daily 'who can open and slam their car door the loudest and as many times as possible' contest. 

I know the world doesn't revolve around my weans going to bed, but when you've had fuckall sleep for the majority of the year and you want one night of peace, these things start to get to you a little. "Pregnancy and parenting thread" for this pish etc... The parent thing aside, it's fucking annoying anyway. 

I have always had dogs as pets, and I trained my own ones as my parents did when I was young. But since my springer died 2 years ago, then I  moved house & changed job, I've not had another pet.

I still like dogs but I'm growing to hate (irresponsible) dog owners. There's dog shit all over the pavement & regular continuous barking competitions in the morning & evening, it's just not necessarily imo.

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On 01/09/2023 at 07:04, Cosmic Joe said:

Apostrophes are important. 

^^^ fan of Look and Read



21 hours ago, thistledo said:

I like dogs or I used to like dogs, but in the estate I live in it's like it's become compulsory to own at least one little fucking yappy dog and then do absolutely zero obedience training with it. Every neighbour on the section I live in now has two of these yappy dogs, one guy (a good c**t) has managed to train his wee dogs not to bark at every other dog or little thing that happens but the rest, once one starts they all go mental many times a day and almost always around the time the weans go to bed, which is really useful and also coincides with the daily 'who can open and slam their car door the loudest and as many times as possible' contest. 

I know the world doesn't revolve around my weans going to bed, but when you've had fuckall sleep for the majority of the year and you want one night of peace, these things start to get to you a little. "Pregnancy and parenting thread" for this pish etc... The parent thing aside, it's fucking annoying anyway. 

Every estate seems to have a house that punts their dug out in the morning to wander the streets until the evening, apparently not caring that they're responsible if it eats the face off a toddler.

Presumably they think they live with a really odd looking cat.

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