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13 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

All those rumours about McGlynn, Murray, Wright et al makes for great speculation and debate but I can honestly say I have never heard anything emanating from the new board which has any credibility. In fact, this board appear to be keeping things very tight which is good.

Im just happy to wait and see what they’re cooking up.

Or as is more likely they have read your posts and concluded you are the last person they would leak any story to.

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Going by what I seen v Raith that season we played them off the park with 10 men and the game at Kirkcaldy where we went for a draw but when we needed to play equalised. I'd have considered us favourites to go up that season, however I never said it was 100% certain we could easily have lost. If being top of the league is a major criteria in a season anyone know why we finished 5th last season? Maybe people should think about their posts a wee bit more!

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24 minutes ago, LatapyBairn. said:

Agree it COULD be turned around in one season but it would take a fantastic effort with everything having to fall into place very quickly, if you take into account Dunfermline, Kelty, QP and possibly QOTS will all be full time and have similar or larger playing budgets to ours. For us to win the league we need the next manager to be 100% on it from day one, we can’t afford a bad signing or a project type player, we’d also need a bit of luck with moving out players under contract to free up wages and a bit of luck with injuries over the course of the season. I’d say it’s possible to win this league but probably now more on the unlikely side and I certainly no longer have us down as favourites as would have been the case in previous seasons. We may as a group of fans have to try and be patient which is obviously a bitter pill to swallow have already been stuck in this league 3 seasons.

I totally agree here but what I was asking is what is this behind the scenes stuff that'll take years to sort out, not what players/manager comes in. As I see it right players/manager more support and finance and vice versa so what else is there that'll take years to fix? It keeps getting posted that things are a mess behind the scenes and it'll take years to sort, I just want to know what this involves?

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16 minutes ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Going by what I seen v Raith that season we played them off the park with 10 men and the game at Kirkcaldy where we went for a draw but when we needed to play equalised. I'd have considered us favourites to go up that season, however I never said it was 100% certain we could easily have lost. If being top of the league is a major criteria in a season anyone know why we finished 5th last season? Maybe people should think about their posts a wee bit more!

You used the word "would". Conveying certainty, absolute conviction, leaving no room for any doubt. We would have won the league but for...

You're now rowing back on that see. No surprise.

Look a bit closer to home with respect to your "think before posting" advice.


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23 minutes ago, knee jerk reaction said:

I totally agree here but what I was asking is what is this behind the scenes stuff that'll take years to sort out, not what players/manager comes in. As I see it right players/manager more support and finance and vice versa so what else is there that'll take years to fix? It keeps getting posted that things are a mess behind the scenes and it'll take years to sort, I just want to know what this involves?

Not sure where you’ve seen “years” being quoted to sort out the mess but it’s certainty not a 5 minute job. As an outsider looking in the obvious things on the surface of it the new BOD need to sort out other than the football team would be issues like our shirt sponsorship deal that we are now tied into, if it’s true no DD was done on the company and we haven’t been paid that has to be a big priority as it’s a major source of income. The pitch has also been allowed to overrun its lifespan so money will have to be found and something done there, we have players singed up on three year contracts many of whom a new manager will want to shift to free up budget so negotiations need to take place there, small things like the hard core car park rear to the south stand has been allowed to deteriorate with huge pot holes everywhere and the council pulling us up for it (although I do see it is now being sorted) , dealing with the mess Fergus and Holt left the new youth set up in ect ect. I’m sure there is a lot more going on behind the scenes that needs sorted as well which we as fans don’t see or notice provided the first team is winning, if they can just get that bit working first and win some games of football it gives the new BOD some breathing space and time to sort the rest of the mess out. 

Edited by LatapyBairn.
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21 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

You would drag your baws over broken glass for miles for a sniff at McGlynn. It’s apparently a straight choice between you lot and us now. Be v sad if he were to leave us for you. 

V sad for us, no doubt.

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46 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

All those rumours about McGlynn, Murray, Wright et al makes for great speculation and debate but I can honestly say I have never heard anything emanating from the new board which has any credibility. In fact, this board appear to be keeping things very tight which is good.

Im just happy to wait and see what they’re cooking up.


It would also be relatively easy to nail your colours to the mast and say that an appointment is a done deal then claim there must be a leak from the board because that appointment then happens. Just going by the recent example, if McGlynn was appointed it wouldn't be a big shock but you can guarantee somebody will claim it was leaked weeks before and criticise the board for it.


This thread has took a very snide turn in the last few weeks. It is changing from understandable frustration and anger to complete paranoia and undeniable agendas.

It will be a long summer....



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36 minutes ago, 18BAIRN76 said:

I personally think that if we’ve sounded him out and he’s indicated he’d be interested, we should wait for Murray. If it doesn’t work out or Airdrie go up, we’ll know in two weeks and a good board would have a back-up/plan B.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, whilst Falkirk have clearly sounded him out, I highly doubt he’ll have given any indication about how interested he’d be. Especially given no details around the role, budget, etc. will have been discussed. 

If Falkirk take the call to put all their eggs in the Murray basket, that’s entirely up to them but it’s a huge gamble in my view.

I’m obviously biased and I’ve already said that I think it would be the wrong move for him, even if we don’t go up this season. However, all that aside, I genuinely think there are more scenarios where he doesn’t go to Falkirk than ones where he does - question is, how much are your board willing to risk to wait on him?

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2 minutes ago, kiddy said:

I fear they're about to make the same mistake, as they did in the 70's (in not appointing Ferguson), with the obvious candidate as a player/manager.

This is not the time, in my opinion, to appoint a player/manager such as Scott Brown.

Is that who you’re referring to? Otherwise please enlighten us.

This is a time for a grizzled, tried and tested, grumpy, unlikeable old manager who knows our leagues.

Thats how I feel. Murray is a bit young but he’d be good although I just don’t think we can wait till after the play-offs and then find that Airdrie are promoted.

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15 minutes ago, thediamonddude said:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, whilst Falkirk have clearly sounded him out, I highly doubt he’ll have given any indication about how interested he’d be. Especially given no details around the role, budget, etc. will have been discussed. 

If Falkirk take the call to put all their eggs in the Murray basket, that’s entirely up to them but it’s a huge gamble in my view.

I’m obviously biased and I’ve already said that I think it would be the wrong move for him, even if we don’t go up this season. However, all that aside, I genuinely think there are more scenarios where he doesn’t go to Falkirk than ones where he does - question is, how much are your board willing to risk to wait on him?

If Murray wants to wait until after the play offs I’d rather we opted for one of the other candidates, we can’t afford to hang about waiting on the off chance Airdrie stay down (presuming that’s Murray’s thinking) especially if a McGlynn or a Tommy Wright is available and willing. Of the three I’ve mentioned I actually think McGlynn is the one that fits the job criteria best despite the fact I’ve always found his personality a bit abrasive. 

Edited by LatapyBairn.
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Two echoing thoughts that keep coming up that I’d rather we stopped talking about.

1. Raith only won the league by default. They were better than us. M&Ms disastrous defensive performance at Starks Park a symbol of that season. Too defensive, never beat Raith the full season up to that point either. It’s an injustice we didn’t get the chance at playoffs, but Raith were the better team that year.

2. That Fckin Neil Harris video. Posted 3 times now.

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1 hour ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

As I have said before either the Board leaks like a sieve or the forum's got bullshitters.

How can the board be credible in the eyes of the support when certain individuals give the lowdown to all and sundry on what's going on.

If it is true them McGlynn will be far from impressed and rightly so.

If the bod leaked like a seive we'd know who the manager was now. Instead we have numerous rumours and he said she said on about 3 or 4 different names definitely getting the job.

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2 hours ago, 18BAIRN76 said:

Didn’t a Raith fan come on here yesterday say they were in advanced talks with McGlynn over a new contract?

We have. It was confirmed by our local radio by the guy who hosts the hospitality at Stark's and who has numerous connections within the club.

It's incredible that Falkirk have a team full of jobbers, and have lurched into a sixth place finish in league one but some of your fans still think you're better than McGlynn. 

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1 hour ago, knee jerk reaction said:

This is the same Mcglynn that would've lost the league to M&M but for COVID? When did he become super? 

I get the negativity over the last few seasons, we've been terrible. The idea that it'll take years to turn around though, why should it? Loads of teams have turned around in a season and we still have advantages over most teams in this league. I'd like to know what (as we keep seeing posted on here)will take years to fix behind the scenes that we always hear about? The shop? The hospitality? The website? I'd genuinely like to know. If we get the right manager and some new players to go with and improve some of our squad then what behind the scenes would hold us back, or is this just excuse for the new board set up? 

And before anyone says, I'm in the FSS, I agree with fan ownership and want everything to be a success.

We don't need anyone super just someone competent . He managed to have Raith above us despite his budget being about a third of McKinnon/m and ms. Whether Raith would've won it who knows but was a much better achievement than us considering how much money we had to throw about. 

Nobody has said anything will take years to fix but it won't happen overnight either. The bod are currently working 7 days a week and uncovering more by the minute but if we get the right manager in and recruitment is far better we should be there or there about next season.

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1 minute ago, Broken Algorithms said:

We have. It was confirmed by our local radio by the guy who hosts the hospitality at Stark's and who has numerous connections within the club.

It's incredible that Falkirk have a team full of jobbers, and have lurched into a sixth place finish in league one but some of your fans still think you're better than McGlynn. 

I don't think many believe it's his managerial  ability that should be questioned - rather his morals

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11 minutes ago, Just a bairn said:

I don't think many believe it's his managerial  ability that should be questioned - rather his morals

Goodwillie was about 10 fucking minutes from signing for Falkirk before he signed for us ffs. 

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10 minutes ago, Just a bairn said:

I don't think many believe it's his managerial  ability that should be questioned - rather his morals


The Goodwillie incident for me is such that McGlynn should probably be moving on from Raith. Does it mean that he should be cancelled and never able to work in management again? Not for me. I can't support this cancel culture that's going on.


As a minimum though, I'd be asking for his truthful side of the story in the interview and asking him to explain what he's learned from it and what he'd do differently if he had his time again.

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34 minutes ago, Just a bairn said:

I don't think many believe it's his managerial  ability that should be questioned - rather his morals

You'd probably struggle to find many managers that won't sign a player like dgw if allowed by their bod. Christ how many managers have signed Lithgow now or Declan Gallagher. Down south guys like Lee Hughes who killed someone and was jailed for 6 years for dangerous driving  had managers queuing up to sign him when he got out of jail . Ched Evans was courted by numerous teams before his conviction was quashed.  Managers jobs is to put the best 11 players they can on the park .

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