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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If Rangers were to take legal action, continuing up the tree to CAS, would that mean the punishment would be suspended? Not sure if that is the case but it would be interesting to know if they could hold off the enforcement of the embargo as it works through relevant courts allowing them to sign and play players. Granted they would be ineligible if/when the original ruling was confirmed but by that time they could conceivably have built up enough of a points cushion to stave off any possible relegation.

As for the comments on RM, I had a quick look on there this morning and this seems a pretty fair summary...

Boycott the SFA. Resign from the SPL. Boycott the national side. Boycott SFA sponsors (except, of course, those who senior Rangers have connections with). Boycott all away games. Stop supporter buses getting to Hampden for the Cup Final. Handcuffing themselves to the turnstiles at Hampden for the Cup Final. The Daily Record has an agenda against Rangers and it's fans. The BBC has an agenda against Rangers and it's fans. Clyde has an agenda against Rangers and it's fans. All phone in shows are either implicitly bias and will filter out all Rangers fans while allowing any Celtic fan through. All phone ins actively seek imposter callers who claim to be Rangers supporters but then go on to say they accept they should be punished thus showing they are noting but timposters.

My response to all of that? And I hope there are a few RM posters who see this because I feel this sums up most of our opinions...


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Poor Greaves is part of the boycott :(

If they boycott Greaves, and JJB cos of the "selling of the Gerseys", that only leaves Sports Direct to get the white trackies and baseball caps frae, no whit ah'm sayin, n'at, man.

FFS Sandy, you've been a busy boy. must feel good feeling useful after so many years doing nothing while the club you claim to love in run into the ground and on the brink of liquidation

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Been reading this thread since page 300 or so and have been meaning to post however finding it a struggle just to keep up with the reading. It truly is a wonderful thing. I have to admit I was one of those feeling rather pessamistic over the past few days, thinking the SFA would buckle so to wake up this morning to this wonderful news puts a huge smile on my face. Looking forward to the additional fallout over the next days/weeks. Now where did I put that brochure for the new Astra?

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If Rangers were to take legal action, continuing up the tree to CAS, would that mean the punishment would be suspended? Not sure if that is the case but it would be interesting to know if they could hold off the enforcement of the embargo as it works through relevant courts allowing them to sign and play players. Granted they would be ineligible if/when the original ruling was confirmed but by that time they could conceivably have built up enough of a points cushion to stave off any possible relegation.

As for the comments on RM, I had a quick look on there this morning and this seems a pretty fair summary...

Boycott the SFA. Resign from the SPL. Boycott the national side. Boycott SFA sponsors (except, of course, those who senior Rangers have connections with). Boycott all away games. Stop supporter buses getting to Hampden for the Cup Final. Handcuffing themselves to the turnstiles at Hampden for the Cup Final. The Daily Record has an agenda against Rangers and it's fans. The BBC has an agenda against Rangers and it's fans. Clyde has an agenda against Rangers and it's fans. All phone in shows are either implicitly bias and will filter out all Rangers fans while allowing any Celtic fan through. All phone ins actively seek imposter callers who claim to be Rangers supporters but then go on to say they accept they should be punished thus showing they are noting but timposters.

My response to all of that? And I hope there are a few RM posters who see this because I feel this sums up most of our opinions...


Taking legal action against the governing bodies is explicitly forbidden in the articles. It would, almost definitely, mean expulsion. The new owners of Livy made lots of noise about taking legal action over their demotion to the 3rd but never actually went through with it. This will be the same.

Been reading this thread since page 300 or so and have been meaning to post however finding it a struggle just to keep up with the reading. It truly is a wonderful thing. I have to admit I was one of those feeling rather pessamistic over the past few days, thinking the SFA would buckle so to wake up this morning to this wonderful news puts a huge smile on my face. Looking forward to the additional fallout over the next days/weeks. Now where did I put that brochure for the new Astra?

Has this thread seen the highest number of 'lurkers' converted into proper posters? An unexpected bonus from the whole sorry affair :)

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Is this guy for real? Saying he fantasises about doing something to us :unsure:, treat rangers fans who see beyond the nonsense boycott as the nazis treated Jews and likening their lack of fight to the holocaust. Wowzers, what a worrying individual.

Must be someone on the wind up. In all likelihood one of the posters on here.....

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All we seem to talk about is the Orcs. But what about the those that have suffered at their hands for years, what do they think?.................................


Edited by PeeTeeJag
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Taking legal action against the governing bodies is explicitly forbidden in the articles. It would, almost definitely, mean expulsion. The new owners of Livy made lots of noise about taking legal action over their demotion to the 3rd but never actually went through with it. This will be the same.

I will go back and add...

Boycott FIFA. Boycott UEFA. Boycott CAS

To my previous post.. ;)

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The SFA have made decisions and taken action based on the evidence available to them. Haudit & Daudit have made decisions and taken action - most of their action of course being to take no action in decisively and ruthlessly cutting costs. Bill Miller made a decision - to get the fcuk out of Dodge while the going was good. Sandy Jardine has taken action - by stomping his feet and acting like a fanny. In short, the players in the game are coming to some sort of decisions.

This leaves Neil Doncaster and the SPL. An organisation who, to the untrained eye, look like they are clarting their nappies at the prospect of having to make a decision on anything. Maybe I'm doing them a big injustice. Maybe they felt that Haudit & Daudit and Soccerball Bill were trying to bully them into showing their hand first, and, indulging in a game of poker, the SPL simply adjourned meetings and postponed any decision to keep their cards close to their chest and make the other side blink first.

If Neil Doncaster & Co are still seeking 'clarity' - how much clarity do they need? It's patently obvious that even if there is still a desire within the SPL for the status quo to remain, for Rangers to be greased straight into the SPL as a Newco, and for all this to go away and for the SPL to pretend it never happened - that point has long passed. They may still want to save Rangers in the SPL, but what sort of Rangers are they hoping to save? It sure as hell won't be the old one, who 'added value to the product' Mr Doncaster. Wake up and smell the coffee. Do the right thing (if you ever get round to changing your nappies and make a decision on anything). Rangers 'the brand' is toxic, and for their own sake, as well as the sake of Scottish football, needs to face their fate head-on. Some sort of back-door dodgy deal to keep a crippled and disgraced institution in debt-dodging Newco form in the top flight, no matter what, is surely no longer in the best interests of anyone.

Yeah but, no but, yeah but.... we need Rangers or we die. Aye, sure we do.

Edited by pozbaird
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If William Hill are worried about the drop in revenue from the Rangers fans boycotting them, they could easily make it up by running a book on what date the Rangers will die....

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It appears the Rangers 'family' is a little bit disappointed that the SFA has not responded positively to the prompting from Ally and such and stood by their decision.

The list of people and things they hate is getting bigger by the day.

A posting on Rangers Media shows the way forward.

Let us start up our own league(s). Yes a Rangers league - so no SPL or Division 3 for us. This will be ours and we decide who is allowed to join in.

Given the size of our squad, that gives us 4 teams straight away. But we only want to play teams with the same hate list as ourselves. So let's rustle up a couple of teams from Belfast, maybe the glorious boys in blue at Linfield would be up for it, and I am sure the Millwall or Chelsea areas in London would be keen to raise a team or two.

Police our own games with our own security made up of fans who can look after themselves, and for home games at Ibrox the place would be jumping with quality songs without the SFA or Eufa sticking their nose in. Be good to have an Orange march around the pitch before every home game just to get us in the right mood.

We need our SFA equivalent, I would trust the BNP to take on that role.

We could even set up a European tournament against German Nazi team, Dutch fan and Scandinavian Hells Angels teams. Now that would be good. Think of the pure joy away games like that would bring, only no complaining afterwards whether you won the battle or not.

Just like Manchester all over again. Only it would be every fortnight. No more watching Embarrassing Bodies for me on Wednesday at 8 o'clock. .

We don't need clowns like the SFA or SPL to tell us what to do. Show that we do not need these people. Time we stood up for ourselves to do what we want and the freedom to do it 'our way'. We are the people.

(ok I made it up, but I am sure elements of this will appear on Rangers Media at some point)

Edited by thelegendthatis
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1337245475[/url]' post='6245816']

I see Leggat is touting Kenny Dalglish, yes that famous Rangers sympathiser, as the person about to join the Green revolution at Ibrox.


I think the cooking sherry must have been flowing freely in the Leggat house the other night.

I said this on here yesterday as a joke. blink.gif

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