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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Brain On Fire (2016)

Based on a true story about a young newspaper reporter in New York whose life and career start to spiral downwards due to a mystifying illness. Chloe Grace Moretz who plays Susannah gives a very convincing and harrowing performance. Good supporting cast also as we see her being diagnosed by a number of doctors before the truth behind her apparent mental illness is finally discovered.


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On 28/10/2020 at 23:00, stanton said:

Vertigo -  Considered to be in the top 3 of Hitchcock's films and it's easy to see why , James Stewart is superb as an ex cop who's haunted by his past and ends up being drawn into web of intrigue and deceit when an old friend asks him to follow his wife . Definitely should be considered a classic , highly recommended for anyone who's a fan of Stewart or Hitchcock. 9/10 

I've never really taken to Vertigo. The stupidity of the plot twist loses me every time and Stewart's character is just a straight up creep compared to a charming perv in Rear Window.

It's still has loads of great qualities though with Kim Novak looking hot and the nightmare sequences being incredible.

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I struggled with it. I did laugh a few times but it did feel very largely scripted this time.
Agreed. SBC was quoted saying it was all genuine. Obviously talking shite unless the two rednecks he stayed with had their house fully connected with remote cameras purely by chance.
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The Hill

I thought I'd pay tribute to the passing of Sean Connery by digging out and watching this classic.

Connery plays a disgraced NCO who is sent to a military prison in North Africa during WW2 for disobeying orders and assaulting an officer. He then comes into conflict with sadistic, bullying guards who take great pleasure in degrading prisoners by making them march over "the hill", a large mound of sand, in the scorching desert heat.

This is a very tense and gripping film. Definitely one of Connery's better efforts.


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The Lighthouse (was on tv last night). Definitely the weirdest film I've seen in a long time, with William Defoe putting in a rather creepy appearance.


When I saw it was about a young and an elderly lighthouse keeper being cooped up together, the advance "contains scenes of a sexual nature" warning seemed rather disconcerting. Thankfully it was just a guy shagging a mermaid.

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1 hour ago, Hedgecutter said:

The Lighthouse (was on tv last night). Definitely the weirdest film I've seen in a long time, with William Defoe putting in a rather creepy appearance.

Trying to think of a Willem Dafoe performance that couldn't be summed up thusly  :lol:

He even managed to make Jesus of Nazareth, the saviour of mankind, seem like somebody you wouldn't want the weans being around.

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Was on ch4 earlier (prob still on actually) abiut 3 parents who try and stop their 3 daughters from having sex on prom night. It was always going to be pretty bad but I was expecting a few laughs along the way, unfortunately there weren't any and I gave up after an hour or so! Also, f**k knows how John Cena has become a 'proper' actor now!
Bonus points because Leslie Mann is a wid (despite her really annoying voice)

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Saw Evil Dead 2 in the cinema for the first time last weekend. I'd forgotten how funny it is, and what a great physical performance Bruce Campbell puts in. To this day, there really isn't another film quite like it. Managed to smuggle in BigFatTabbyBoy, who was impressed and wasn't expecting the comedy. He had a similar reaction to most people in 2002 - "they let that guy make Spider-Man films?!"  :lol:

BFTBoy wanted to watch through the Nightmare on Elm Street films, and we're on to #2, which I remembered as being the worst, but was surprisingly OK this time round. The kid pointed out that the film's as gay as a very gay thing and, by thunder, the boy's not wrong. Interesting to see a horror film that spends its time objectifying the bodies of young men instead of women.

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In Search of the Titanic

This is the worst thing I have ever seen. Rapping sharks, bad animation, a talking racist dog...semi-mer people. Singing clams. Communism, I think? My brain hurts. Help.


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On 31/10/2020 at 20:32, tongue_tied_danny said:

The Hill

I thought I'd pay tribute to the passing of Sean Connery by digging out and watching this classic.

Connery plays a disgraced NCO who is sent to a military prison in North Africa during WW2 for disobeying orders and assaulting an officer. He then comes into conflict with sadistic, bullying guards who take great pleasure in degrading prisoners by making them march over "the hill", a large mound of sand, in the scorching desert heat.

This is a very tense and gripping film. Definitely one of Connery's better efforts.


Great film with a great cast. 

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Master Z

Spin off from the Ip Man series featuring a previously defeated rival as the good guy. 

There's absolutely nothing innovative about it at all, pretty much Hong Kong Martial Arts by numbers. But it is really good at everything.

All the characters fit into their allocated stereotype with the volume at 11. The baddies are proper OTT dicks.

Some of the visuals and wire work are top class. I loved the fight on the bar signs, up there with any other kung fu set pieces i've seen. 

Definitely benefits from dropping the air of reverence for the main character that made the later ip man films a bit po faced. Great fun. 

Like all of the Ip man films it does have a bit of a xenophobic undertone. I guess that goes down a treat in china. Saying that, i'm not chinese and i hate the colonial brits in these. 

Solid 8 from me. 

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