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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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21 Grams - 8/10

Great film. Straight from the start, scenes jump from present day, to the future, and then back again. At first it's a bit confusing, but all comes together as the film goes on. The three main characters are played brilliantly as their lives are thrown together by a tragic accident, particularly by Naomi Watts, who is probably my favourite actress. I've not seen a film she's not been great in.

I don't think I ever thanked you for recommending Buffalo '66 to me. Great film

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I don't think I ever thanked you for recommending Buffalo '66 to me. Great film

At the risk of ending this budding friendship before it's properly begun, i've never seen Buffalo '66. :(

Can we still be pals?

EDIT: Having just watched the trailer, i think a purchase may be needed. It looks brilliant.

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At the risk of ending this budding friendship before it's properly begun, i've never seen Buffalo '66. :(

Can we still be pals?

EDIT: Having just watched the trailer, i think a purchase may be needed. It looks brilliant.

Ah well, you can thank me for bringing it to your attention :D

Was it Dead Mans Shoes you recommended then?

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The Final Destination 3D

Wasnt expecting alot from this because ive heard from everyone that its shit but bought it because I had vouchers and fancied seeing my first 3d film. Honestly thought it wasnt that bad but thats more than likely down to me being a fan of the rest of the films. The deaths are gruesome but the concept was hard to follow for me .

And plus this gets marked down because i flinched when i thought a pin from the car was coming out the screen , I was watching with my girlfriend! <_<


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Got the Alfred Hitchcock DVD collectnio for my Xmas and I'm really enjoying it. Pyscho is just simply a masterpeice from Hitch.

Norman Bates is easily one of the best villains of all time and there just so much suspense created. 10/10

I then watched Rear Window which was also very good. Was only planning on watching half of it and watch the rest later on but the suspense kept me going and I really enjoyed it with a good ending to the film. 8/10

Overall I'd recommend both movies to someone who is into their classics, both masterpeices by probably the best director I've ever come across.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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The Untouchables - 7/10

Bought this ages ago but just got round to watching it for the first time today. An enjoyable film definitely, but i didn't think it was as amazing as the hype suggested. It's a cool movie, with some really good performances, particularly Costner and the token evil b*****d

who shot Connery

but i thought some of the comedic elements of it looked a bit out of place.

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I then watched Rear Window which was also very good. Was only planning on watching half of it and watch the rest later on but the suspense kept me going and I really enjoyed it with a good ending to the film. 8/10

One of the finest movies ever made. James Stewart was such a fantastic actor.

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Inglourious Basterds - 2/10

Tarantino takes a plot you could have written on the back of a postcard and stretched it to a buttock numbing 2 and a half hours.

Pitt's accent is ridiculous, there are plot holes everywhere and the cinema climax laughable.

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