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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Miss Zombie 6.5/10

Monochrome, realist zombie film set in the near future. A well-to-do Japanese family procure a zombie house-servant woman. She is initially treated like a dog, stabbed, raped, stoned and generally mistreated by all who come into contact with her as she mutely does her duties. A tragedy changes the dynamic of the family's relation to her, and gradually she recalls some of her pre-zombie humanity, whilst the humans around her lose theirs. Slow-paced, but works the better for that. A refreshing take on the zombie movie.

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Inside Llewyn Davis 8/10

I'm not even going to pretend this is anywhere near the top 5 or possibly top 10 Coen Bros films but as a fan of early 60s folk I really enjoyed it. Carey Mulligan is probably the standout, stealing the show and playing against type as a caustic folkie rolling her eyes at everything Davis comes out with. The actor playing him does a decent job for a relative newcomer and the Coens clearly thought he had something as they let him perform the songs in their entirety. In contrast to the music love, the look of the film is quite a cold, damp NYC and none of the characters come out of it smelling of roses, you do start to get the impression they are sending up the whole scene as much as celebrating it.

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Dog Day Afternoon 10/10

Early Al Pacino flick from 1975, in shouty Rob Brydon mode for part of it but he really does hold the whole thing together and was a great actor at this point. The plot is two hoodlums holding up a bank so one can pay for his boyfriend's sex change operation (making it about 15 years ahead of its time in terms of the mainstream covering gay rights) and ensuing media scrum they create out of their rapidly failing heist. And its all set in the space of one day so is obviously magnificent because of this.

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Have you just discovered this topic Christophe? :o

American Pie 2

Not as good as the first obviously, but still good stuff and he last funny really funny one of the franchise IMO. Some genuine laughs throughout. The only negative when I watch these flims is the negative nostalgia I get. I'd love to go back in time and have a month of high school. Defo best days of your life!! :(

Anyway, 7/10.

Ace Ventura, When Nature Calls

Was on channel 5 the other week and I thought, ah f%ck it I'll watch it again. Haven't laughed as much at a flim for a good long while. I was laughing from start to finish. I forgot how funny Jim Carrey can be, even without having to speak. An hilariously immature 90 minutes :D


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Copy and paste from the Godzilla thread:

I watched it tonight and I felt it was really enjoyable. Fantastic use of lighting and the special effects were top notch. Didn't go in expecting a masterpiece and didn't leave thinking I'd seen one. Just a thoroughly entertaining film that takes itself seriously but IMO it only made it more fun. I get uncomfortable with the uber-cheesefests you get in some films so was happy this left it out. Creamed my pants every time Godzilla did his iconic roar as well. Sexy bassa.


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Coma - Seventies conspiracy thriller where doctor Genevieve Bujold discovers a disturbing pattern in deaths at the hospital she works at. Seventies conspiracy thriller is practically a genre to itself, and Coma has a similar feel to other members like Soylent Green. Decent viewing and a little tad chilling, as it doesn't seem as far-fetched as some. Oh, and it's directed by Michael Crichton, but isn't based on one of his books.

Contact - Jodie Foster unsuccessfully dedicates her life to finding extraterrestrial transmissions, until finally she intercepts one...or does she? The movie builds quite nicely through investigation of the alien message, before reaching the point of actual contact, and...well, pissing a lot of people off, frankly. Personally, I didn't mind the resolution, but I can see why others felt cheated. It's a decent, solid drama with sci-fi overtones, and well worth giving a try on an empty evening.

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Bad Neighbours 0/10

Despite the good reviews this was so shit that I left after 15 minutes. That Seth Rogan really is a c**t.

Definitely not going to see this now after your scathing review after a whole quarter of an hour.

Amazing Spiderman 2 was pretty good but not as good as everyone was raving about. Ending was very weak I thought and felt really rushed, even though it was a long film, and they just wanted to tie everything up quickly for the next one. The death also lacked emotion and it seemed like he forgot about it quickly. Rhyno completely underused despite being on the poster. Enjoyable enough though. 7/10.

Really need to up my cinema game. That was the first time I've been in two/three months.

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X-Men: First Class 5/10

Just watched this recorded from the telly last night. One of the origins ones. It was basically the Cuban Missile Crisis with some mutant back stories and a couple of action scenes. Fassbender was good, McAvoy way too earnest. They never do a very good job of getting Professor X to explain why it's better for the mutants to work with the humans. But yeah, it's a bit of a tick box exercise... How Pro X ends up in a wheel chair, how him and Magneto meet and become friends, 'hilarious' cameo from Wolverine. Jennifer Lawrence's blue boobs are better than Rebecca Romijn's though. I always figured these origins films were going to be shit. It's not that shit tbf.

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True story of Vince Papale who walks off the street and plays in the NFL for the Philadelphia Eagles without any college football experience. Mark Wahlburg and Greg Kinnear star, Elizabeth Banks is also there for something pretty to look at.

Just a feel good film which I like as an NFL fan.


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Bad Neighbours was always going to be shite and uninspiring. It's a standard Seth Rogen film with a tired premise. There was also absolutely no reason why the wife was Australian. No reason.

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Seven Pounds

Really enjoyed this. Will Smith changes the lives of 7 people before committing suicide (Death by jellyfish)

Very emotional story but Smith played it well


People who haven't seen the film should use your spoiler as an excuse not to watch it. It's pseudo-emotional shite.

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