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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Conspiracy ( 2013 )

A found footage style movie as a documentary team talk to a conspiracy theorist, and when he goes missing, they start to try and pull on threads. It's a great example of the genre. The plot itself can get a bit up it's arse, but it remains properly captivating throughout. The characters are all guys who you can get behind in one way or another, and the leads do a magnificent job here, which is a problem with some of the smaller found footage style movies out there. The key to this though is the pacing, and the way the movie just draws you into it.


Based on your recommendation, I rented this from LoveFilm. The disc and sleeve arrived today, drenched in what looks and smells suspiciously like what I can only describe as 'spooge'.

Anything you'd like to confess...?

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Renny Harlin should be banned from making movies. Or at least to be given a budget to make the fuckers.

I know he's got the uber-hack reputation, but his films are sometimes fun, in a stupid way. His Exorcist prequel was more entertaining (as a bad movie) than Paul Schrader's snorefest, for example. And Deep Blue Sea is quality! :thumsup2

Totally agree with the nork budget though - the director's artistic vision should never be compromised! :P

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Thanatomorphose - some chick starts to rot and stays in her flat to let it happen.

That's it. The whole film. Think an entire movie of Jeff Goldblum's falling-apart scenes in The Fly. There's absolutely nothing of any value here, artistically or in terms of pure entertainment. It's an awful art-school short stretched out to feature length. Ponderous, barely-acted, appalling camera work, dire sound mix, clearly no script, even the fucking lighting is bad and the effects work seems to have been inspired by Nekromantic.

I'm actually appalled at the idea that somebody else might waste their time with this, in the same way that you might desperately hope that nobody else goes near the whore that you caught syphilis from. So, please, don't watch this film, and distrust anyone who suggests you do otherwise. It's one of the worst things I've ever seen, and I've seen so many bad films that suicide occasionally seems preferable to living with the memory of them all.

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Rush 9/10

I'm old enough to quite clearly remember that '76 F1 season, and this film certainly did it justice, without being maudlin or falsely heroic.

Only reason it doesn't get a 10 was it was too short!

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers

The 1950s original. Not as good as the 1970s version, but not far off. Just lacked the insane sense of paranoia that movie had. This one is fine as is though and has some terrific moments of tension.


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Transformers: Age of Extinction

I am a kid of the 80s so when the first film came out a few years ago it was a big deal for me. I loved the first instalment, it was a good film with loads of nostalgia and it filled my childhood wish to see a live action Transformers film. The second film was a mess and the third was just plain awful. As for this? I don't know where to start! With the film being so fucking long it goes up and down at a rate of noughts so is difficult to sum up. So here are a few basic positives and negatives -

Positive -

Better than 3 and possibly 2

A really good opening hour or so

Stanley Tucci is great (he is just a great actor anyway)

I find Mark Wahlberg really watchable

Some decent references to older Transformers

Wahlberg's daughter is hot as f**k

Optimus rides a dinosaur

Negative -

Too long

Some parts make no sense

The script is generally horrific

The 'Irish' guy is terrible

The 'funny' Transformers are not

Michael Bay is a horrible, horrible director

The big action set pieces have been done a million times before so there is nothing new there

The annoying thing is that there is a decent film somewhere in there. Transformers are in hiding, humans have their technology now, there is potential for a good, solid action film but Bay just loves his solar flares, his over the top explosions, his shit humour, his 'funny' dialogue too much to actually bother making something half decent. The sad thing is though that it will make its money back incredibly quickly. So there is no need to make a good film when people go and watch it anyway.

The most embarrassing thing about the film is the product placement. It is so bad it is laughable. The car crash involving a Bud Light truck and Wahlberg then drinking one of the Bud Lights is cringeworthy.

It is the Transformers so I will always kind of like the series but as an actual film it is a total clusterfuck.

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POSSIBLY better than 2?

Think I'll give it a miss.

To be honest 2, 3 and 4 have just been one big long mess. It is difficult to describe in words what is actually going on in any of the films. I was genuinely worried for a few of the older people in the cinema yesterday. I thought that at any moment their brain would just shut down because they couldn't handle it anymore.

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers

The 1950s original. Not as good as the 1970s version, but not far off. Just lacked the insane sense of paranoia that movie had. This one is fine as is though and has some terrific moments of tension.


As a child I think the final scene of the 70s version scarred me deeply. Scared me more than other much more explicit horrors just due to the shock nature of it.

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To be honest 2, 3 and 4 have just been one big long mess. It is difficult to describe in words what is actually going on in any of the films. I was genuinely worried for a few of the older people in the cinema yesterday. I thought that at any moment their brain would just shut down because they couldn't handle it anymore.

Loved Transformers when I was a kid. The storylines on these movies are chronic. And I've found the character designs utterly baffling - they're all just an unrecognisable shifting mass of triangular shards. It's like something went wrong during an initial render and they decided to run with it. Stunning that so much money could be spent on making something look so terrible.

The casting people seem to love horrible actors too. Shia LeBeouf, then Marky Mark? Not mentioning the women, as acting isn't a requirement to wash cars in your skants.

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Add me to the '70s Body Snatchers love-in. I've liked them all, actually, but the Donald Sutherland one is easily the best, and quite chilling.

What happened to Donald Sutherland? He stopped being in decent films around the time that Keifer started his career. Other than Don't Look Now, does anyone have suggestions for quality Sutherland flicks?

Here's my personal favourite:

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Loved Transformers when I was a kid. The storylines on these movies are chronic. And I've found the character designs utterly baffling - they're all just an unrecognisable shifting mass of triangular shards. It's like something went wrong during an initial render and they decided to run with it. Stunning that so much money could be spent on making something look so terrible.

The casting people seem to love horrible actors too. Shia LeBeouf, then Marky Mark? Not mentioning the women, as acting isn't a requirement to wash cars in your skants.

I watched Transformers: The Movie again the other day.

To be honest, they would be far better off doing a live action remake of that.

You've got the touch...

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I watched Transformers: The Movie again the other day.

To be honest, they would be far better off doing a live action remake of that.

You've got the touch..

The movie was great.

I was really excited at the prospect of the live action movie, Since the cartoon was a big part of my childhood. seeing Blackout transform from the helicopter and tearing shit up at the air force base was outstanding .

But i soon realised the direction the franchise was going. I went to see the 4th movie last week, and yes it's long, and yes it's a poor story, with nothing but things blowing up and robots fighting, but i wasn't expecting anything else. I knew exactly what i was in for, so it didn't let me down.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Watched this last night, some hideous acting from her out of Harry Potter.

Emma Watson. She's fucking horrendous. When she arrived on the scene with HP she acted very well and I thought she could go on to be a cracking actor. I watched a more recent one a while back and she was truly awful. I doubt she'll fail to get work now but by christ I'll avoid any film where she has a major role. Just awful.

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Under The Skin

Scarlett Johansson plays an alien who goes round Scotland seducing saps. Not one for those who demand a fast-paced, action-packed movie. Be warned/alerted that it contains a good deal of nudity.

Some will love it, some will hate it. I'll put it in the "intriguing" category and give it 7/10.

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Drinking Buddies

A guy and his female friend who are very flirty make and drink a lot of beer whilst wrestling with a will they, won't they gey together dilemma.

It's actually fairly enjoyable although very little happens. It's a proper 'Indie' film (think Juno or Garden State) with some decent performances from Olivia Wilde, Ron Livingston, Anna Kendrick and Jake Johnson (Nick from New Girl). It won't be your favourite film, but you won't hate it either. 7/10.

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Just back from secret screening at cineworld where we were treated to....

Rise of The Planet Of The Apes 8/10

Very impressed the first 20/25mins of the film was spent with the apes with most of the conversation done via sign language which worked very well. Glad they focused more on the ape side of things than the human. CGI was fantastic as well

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Just back from secret screening at cineworld where we were treated to....

Rise of The Planet Of The Apes 8/10

Very impressed the first 20/25mins of the film was spent with the apes with most of the conversation done via sign language which worked very well. Glad they focused more on the ape side of things than the human. CGI was fantastic as well

You mean Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Was at the secret screening in Dundee Cineworld - really enjoyed it.


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For us townies, more specifically, us doonhamers who only have a shitty Odeon with one screen (even Annan has 2 FFS!) and films normally out well after Annan and Carlisle (dunno how it stays open in all honesty!), what is a secret screening? My two educated** guesses would be it's either a screening where you were invited to and the general public weren't, or it's a case of you going into a screening and not knowing what film will be played. I would be edging towards the former :wacko:

** I imagine after I find out the answer then this word may well require removing :ph34r:

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