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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I found Birdman a bit naff. It's quite boring and bland. Nothing much happens, and the characters aren't very interesting or endearing. Didn't hold my attention, caught myself looking at the time on my phone a few times. Wasn't funny either.

And to tell you the truth, I never even really noticed the whole one continuous shot stuff, one of the biggest selling points of the film, until after I'd seen it and started reading some reviews. :lol:


I might go see it again tbh, everybody else seems to loving it.

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Wild 4.5/10

Not sure why this has been praised so much tbh, pretty standard troubled woman goes on journey to find herself and comes out other side stronger and happier type story. Was reasonably engaging, nice scenery, Laura dern was good, Witherspoon was not bad although I wasn't buying her in her junkie period, but there's a sort of dishonesty to these types of films where there's like a hollywood sheen over everything so you don't really believe it.

Edited by Christophe
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Requiem for a Dream is grim stuff. Makes Trainspotting look like a Disney film. One of those films that should only be watched late at night when you're feeling miserable anyway. Unless you're suicidal; don't watch it then FFS :shutup

Pisses all over that Noah keich. π is excellent too. Ashamed to admit that I haven't seen any other Aronofsky films :ph34r:

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Requiem for a Dream is grim stuff. Makes Trainspotting look like a Disney film. One of those films that should only be watched late at night when you're feeling miserable anyway. Unless you're suicidal; don't watch it then FFS :shutup

Pisses all over that Noah keich. π is excellent too. Ashamed to admit that I haven't seen any other Aronofsky films :ph34r:

Black Swan is very special- especially on big screen or blu-ray.

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American Sniper. 7 out of 10.

Would have scored higher if it wasn't for Cooper holding a doll in one of the scenes. Looked very naff.

They showed that clip on The Last Leg last night. FFS! They were saying that there were two babies supposed to be there for the filming, but neither one turned up, so they just shoved in a plastic doll and hoped nobody would notice. :D

Saw the Theory of Everything today, excellent imo. A lot more humour in it than I expected and as already mentioned the two leads are superb. 9/10

Edit to add: There's a scene in a French hospital and I thought the guy playing the doctor looked familiar from something I've seen before, just had a look on IMDB and it turns out that it's Frank Lebouef the former Chelsea and France defender!

Edited by peasy23
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Folk don't like The Dark Knight now? Well I never.

It's only six years old BTW; it's not like we're talking about those old Spider-Man kung-fu films from the Seventies.

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