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Teen slasher/ghost flick told through a skype conversation. Interesting but kind of annoying and stupid. One of the deaths is a guy killing himself witha blender I LOL'd.

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Really enjoyable Bond-style film with over the top plot and silly humour. Action was done really well.

I watched it on Saturday night, really enjoyed it. Quite a good supporting cast as well with Michael Caine, Colin Firth, Mark Strong and Samuel L Jackson

Prob give this a 7.5/10

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ICTChris, on 04 May 2015 - 07:11, said:


Teen slasher/ghost flick told through a skype conversation. Interesting but kind of annoying and stupid. One of the deaths is a guy killing himself witha blender I LOL'd.

It's fucking terrible. Genuinely the worst found footage movie ever. I feel dumber for having watched it.

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Sexy Beast

Channel 4 film from 2000 starring a youngish looking Ray Winston as the lead character and Ben Kingsley as a psychotic gangster. I watched this year's ago so could still remember bits and pieces.

Winston's character has retired to Spain but Kingsley shows up to persuade him to do one more job. Kingsley is great in this and its a fairly enjoyable movie but nothing outstanding.

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The Mist

Always assumed it was one of those shite ones purely because the name tbh, watched it and was pretty riveted into it and then that ending. Without expecting it you get completely fucked. Imagine its a sort of one view film due to that though.

Watched it last night, didnt think it was any great shakes. Im a big fan of Darabonts work but this didnt do much for me. Felt like an 80s horror with they shitey special effects. The ending was extremely good however though i didnt understand his thinking. Prob a 6/10 for me

Just watched The Imitation Game. Really impressed throughout with Cumberbatch. Great story and well acted. To hear what happened to Turing afterwards was a bit of a sin though, poor man. Thankfully we seemed to have moved past the darker ages when it comes to that sort of thing. Id give it an 8.5/10

Earlier on i watched Glory, an 80s film about the American Civil War and the recruitment of blacks into the armed forces. Denzel Washington was excellent and won an Oscar for his role but he is only one of a good cast including Morgan Freeman, Cary Elwes and lead Matthew Broderick. A solid 8/10 for Glory

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Watched it last night, didnt think it was any great shakes. Im a big fan of Darabonts work but this didnt do much for me. Felt like an 80s horror with they shitey special effects. The ending was extremely good however though i didnt understand his thinking. Prob a 6/10 for me

I assume he heard the noises and assumed it was one of the monsters. And bearing in mind he made a promise to his son to not let the son be taken and after seeing folk being eaten alive by wee spiders, he decided to save everyone else from that horror.

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The Cobbler

The latest Adam Sandler film. Before everyone passes, it was far from his usual stuff. It didn't try to be a comedy and it's a more light drama than anything else. It's an original idea although the premise was predictable very early on, as was 'the twist' near the end. But the journey was good nonetheless. It's very farfetched, especially nearer the end but if you go in with an open mind you should really enjoy it.

Easily the best Sandler has produced in a while and just like Reign Over Me or Spanglish, he shows that he is actually a pretty decent actor in a more serious role.

A solid 7/10 for me.

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I assume he heard the noises and assumed it was one of the monsters. And bearing in mind he made a promise to his son to not let the son be taken and after seeing folk being eaten alive by wee spiders, he decided to save everyone else from that horror.

I just dont see why he would keep himself alive. Why didnt either of the others especially the older ones, offer to stay alive and face the monsters? I certainly wouldnt have taken his course of action regardless. Maybe if the car had been surrounded by the bugs, then fine but it seemed a little rushed

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Loved The Mist, BTW. Couldn't understand why it took so long to turn into a film; the short story was always one of my favourites. End was brilliant too; a real sucker punch.

The book just drifts off with the party hoping they can finally drive out of the mist before running out of petrol IIRC.

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I did a bit of reading on it once it had finished and allegedly Darabont would only do the film if he was allowed to change the ending to the one we see. Heartbreaking stuff

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I just dont see why he would keep himself alive. Why didnt either of the others especially the older ones, offer to stay alive and face the monsters? I certainly wouldnt have taken his course of action regardless. Maybe if the car had been surrounded by the bugs, then fine but it seemed a little rushed

You'd have left one of the elderly folk to face the danger alone? My hero! :lol:

Yeah, it does seem a tad rushed if you take it like that, and I can't say it's what I'd have done. But they're presumably utterly resigned to their fate, having driven quite a distance. And it probably seemed better to murder his own son while he was sleeping rather than to wait until he was screaming in terror at the monsters pulling the car apart. Pretty brave to do something so awful, then have to try to arrange your own, presumably much more awful death afterwards.

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I did a bit of reading on it once it had finished and allegedly Darabont would only do the film if he was allowed to change the ending to the one we see. Heartbreaking stuff

Stephen King thought it was a stroke of genius too.

Would be nice if Darabont made an adaption of something like The Long Walk, or a more faithful Running Man.

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I just dont see why he would keep himself alive. Why didnt either of the others especially the older ones, offer to stay alive and face the monsters? I certainly wouldnt have taken his course of action regardless. Maybe if the car had been surrounded by the bugs, then fine but it seemed a little rushed

It probably was rushed. But they'd just spent days trapped watching folk being ripped apart in utterly horrendous ways and were probably resigned to dying before they even got to the car. Add in the fact there seemed to be no end to the mist, they had no fuel or any idea where they were, and it sounded like mere minutes until they were ripped to shreds. I'm not certain you'd want to mull getting shot in the head in those situations all too much, and would rather just end it before becoming a human shell of spiders. The fact he kills the others is completely heroic, and tbh, he was the one holding the gun.

Thought I better put this in spoilers, since it spoils part of the plot and folk might want to watch it, its possibly already been spoiled though.

Edited by RandomGuy.
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Father Dougal McGuire, on 06 May 2015 - 00:08, said:

I thought The Mist was fantastic. The religious lady was good in the c**t role and the ending was both shocking and brilliant.

Aye, probably Marcia Gay Harden's finest hour. I was wanting to reach through the screen and strangle the fucker at times.

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