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Quite late since Ad Lib has already said he's discussing it but I do feel a university environment would be one of the most understanding places to disclose mental health problems as it's probably very common on campuses what with the amount of young people attending and the stressful environment.

Had an interview for Teacher Training at Strathclyde University today to do History. It went really well I feel, definitely came across as one of the best candidates in the presentations as I was one of the few to stick to the strict time limit and he commented on my wealth of knowledge for the Curriculum for Excellence in secondary schools. I feel I nailed the interview as well and by all accounts I should have a place secured for the course which has around 26 places but it's the suspense in waiting to hear back that's stressing me out at the moment. There's nothing more I could have done. I definitely know that I did well but there's so much competition for these places and Strathclyde's the one I feel I have the best chance of getting into so I would rather hear back as soon as possible. I have an interview for Edinburgh University as well on Monday which I sort of applied to as an afterthought but I imagine competition will be much more intense for there.

I'm sort of rambling but it's making me incredibly anxious waiting to hear back on something that's going to decide the rest of my life at the moment because I put everything into it and I should have a place but I just don't know.

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I'm sure you'll be fine.

Look at it like this; the very worst thing that happens is that you don't get in but get loads of feedback. You then have a year (you said it's the rest of your life, so what's a year?) where you can travel or work knowing.it's a temporary thing and you're under absolutely no pressure and the chance to save a bit more or just get pissed up at football and gigs. During that year you could maybe get some work experience in your field. A year will pass quick and you'll be the best prepared guy at the interviews.

But you'll have breezed the interview anyway.

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This year was my year off and I think I would have to take a long look at what I want to do but yeah, I guess. Cheers. I did do really well I'm just not sure if I'll lose out to the competition for places if most had already gone.

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I started on Sertaline last week,anyone had any experience with it? Ive found myself absolutely bloody knackered!

Been on it since October, dosage increasing every 6 weeks so on 100mg atm, have noticed they tire me out a lot and i've started recieving bad stomach cramps recently

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome :)

AdLib my uni have been good when I got diagnosed, it was actually my personal tutor who recommended I went to see my GP. Hopefully you'll get the support you're needing from them. Even if you do need to go on medication, it may not be for a long period of time, just to get you over this period of time.

Calderon: I'm on sertraline (started on 50mg, went up to 100mg, back down to 50mg and up to 100mg now, along with the diazepam when required) and find it works well. I had side effects of nausea and really bad headaches for the first 10 days when going up a dose and when I started taking them. It soon settled. My sister changed from citalopram to sertraline and finds it much much better for her.

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I don't have to be in college til the end of January and have a bit of work that i should be cracking on with but can't find the motivation to do it and the thought of doing the work actually scares me - i sleep like a log but wake up almost always at one point feeling anxious and depressed and can't find the effort to help myself during the day i just want to go on netflix and here and hardly leave the flat :(

You sure that you aren't me? :huh:

I've just permanently dropped out of my part-time degree course. Was supposed to spend this year on a couple of maths courses; all stuff that I've done before, but it turns out my brain hasn't held onto that information, and it has no intention of holding onto anything new. Incredibly annoying, as I was already a year in and enjoying it a great deal, but sometimes you have to accept your limitations, I suppose.

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Definitely reckon a regular sleep pattern is good, usually I struggle to get tired until after midnight despite exercising. Sucks when your workplace won't consider flexitime and have to start early.

As for the festive period it's pretty shit being stuck in by yourself that time of year but on the plus side I was hardly hungover and ate ok. Actually lost weight a bit due to taking a week off from the gym.

Got too many things to sort out this year but trying to just be happier and more content every day and hope things follow from there. Going on ten years now since I started staying in and moving away from so called friends who just let me disappear without so much as a phonecall then acted annoyed when I tried to get back in touch.

Don't know why I find it so hard to make me friends or just get out but I'm quite reserved and really have lost confidence after not being able to trust people.

Have felt like putting up the lies and pointing the finger at one or two of them on facebook then deleting my account.

Either that or asking if they fancied a game of baseball without a ball....

Really need to just let it go but when gullible people are thinking you're the problem when it was the other way around it's hard to deal with. Been trying to prove myself since and need to stop it and just try and be happier.

People are evil. Sorry I don't have much more help than that. Don't do the facebook/baseball bat things though; that'll just make you look like a psycho to people that aren't aware of what's going on. Everybody is better off without folk who give credence to rumours anyway, so the liars are actually doing you a favour.

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Don't do the facebook/baseball bat things though; that'll just make you look like a psycho to people that aren't aware of what's going on.

Thats been one of my shortfalls, moaning and ranting on facebook for people to comment asking what the hells happened to me etc.

Things are better just either kept to yourself, or discussed with people you know you can trust.

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Dunno where to start here...

I'm 22, and my health has been failing for the last year or so. Was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome in November 2013 and ended up bedbound for a couple months as a result.

Managed to get up and get myself back to work in February, even got to the stage where i was able to play 5-a-side with my work's team. In late February, while playing 5-a-side, i apparently skinned someone and got fouled, and as i got up i was punched from behind and knocked unconscious. To this day, i still have no recollection of that night at all. All i remember is waking up in hospital the next day!

Since then, i've had constant severe headaches, and with anyone being unable to determine the cause, i've been stuck on various painkillers (Pregabalin, Co-Codamol. Tramadol, etc) masking whatever is wrong.

I've not been able to return to 11-a-side football, but have since returned to work. Unfortunately, i was getting bullied by my line manager, to the extent that he broke me. I burst into tears in the office in front of everyone, after working 36 out of the previous 48 hours and him subsequently giving me bollocking after bollocking. Luckily. the company owner took my side, and moved me to another department that i've been enjoying a lot more!

What i don't understand, is why i'm not happy. I'm never happy anymore, and it's completely unlike me. I look in the mirror, and i don't see the same person looking back anymore. All i see is an empty shell. My GP has been good to me so far, probably because he sits beside me at the football, but i find it really hard to open up to people, and often lie about how bad things really are.

I've been on Mirtrazapine for the last couple weeks, after previously using amitryptyline and sertraline. Nothing has changed, other than feeling hungover all the time!

Every day i have to convince myself to not deliberately crash my car at high speed, usually thinking about the effect it would have on other people puts me off, but that's about it. I have everything i could ever want, and i'm completely fucking miserable.

I don't know if any of the above makes sense, if not i apologise, but ahh well. f**k it.

I hope to get involved in this "group", i think talking about things could really help.


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Dunno where to start here...

I'm 22, and my health has been failing for the last year or so. Was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome in November 2013 and ended up bedbound for a couple months as a result.

Managed to get up and get myself back to work in February, even got to the stage where i was able to play 5-a-side with my work's team. In late February, while playing 5-a-side, i apparently skinned someone and got fouled, and as i got up i was punched from behind and knocked unconscious. To this day, i still have no recollection of that night at all. All i remember is waking up in hospital the next day!

Since then, i've had constant severe headaches, and with anyone being unable to determine the cause, i've been stuck on various painkillers (Pregabalin, Co-Codamol. Tramadol, etc) masking whatever is wrong.

I've not been able to return to 11-a-side football, but have since returned to work. Unfortunately, i was getting bullied by my line manager, to the extent that he broke me. I burst into tears in the office in front of everyone, after working 36 out of the previous 48 hours and him subsequently giving me bollocking after bollocking. Luckily. the company owner took my side, and moved me to another department that i've been enjoying a lot more!

What i don't understand, is why i'm not happy. I'm never happy anymore, and it's completely unlike me. I look in the mirror, and i don't see the same person looking back anymore. All i see is an empty shell. My GP has been good to me so far, probably because he sits beside me at the football, but i find it really hard to open up to people, and often lie about how bad things really are.

I've been on Mirtrazapine for the last couple weeks, after previously using amitryptyline and sertraline. Nothing has changed, other than feeling hungover all the time!

Every day i have to convince myself to not deliberately crash my car at high speed, usually thinking about the effect it would have on other people puts me off, but that's about it. I have everything i could ever want, and i'm completely fucking miserable.

I don't know if any of the above makes sense, if not i apologise, but ahh well. f**k it.

I hope to get involved in this "group", i think talking about things could really help.


Sorry to hear that mate. Sounds really rough.

You can think you have everything you want but still suffer from depression. Often the reason(s) are hidden from you until you speak to someone and they pick up on a possible source. For me it took a long time to identify the source.

It does sound like you've had your confidence and sense of self worth shattered by your illness, which your previous scum boss exploited (knowingly or not), especially when you can't do things you enjoy (you mentioned playing football). You feel vunrable probably, due to your current illness. It must mentally wear you down and can't be easy.

I know you said you don't find it easy, but you really need to speak to someone. Your GP is the first point of call, although you mention you're pretty much friends with your current one. This might make it easier to open up to them, or it might make you feel awkward if you see them at the football. You can request to speak to another one.

It's an obvious start and I know you said you find it hard, but you need to do it. You've already done it with your great post. Depression is like any illness and can require treatment. Try writing things down before you do it (even use your post which would say a lot to a professional; you could just print it off and let them read it).

Also try Breathing Space and Mind. You've already opened up here which is brilliant and shows that you can do it.

Like most here I'm always available for a PM.

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Stephen Fry has a great quote regarding depression. He asks people to resolve never to ask anyone why they are feeling depressed. Depression very often has no reason, or at least no one specific, easy to spot cause. It is, he says "like the weather. It just is".

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Stephen Fry has a great quote regarding depression. He asks people to resolve never to ask anyone why they are feeling depressed. Depression very often has no reason, or at least no one specific, easy to spot cause. It is, he says "like the weather. It just is".

That's almost word for word what I was told at counselling. I thought I knew why I was unhappy (long term girlfriend leaving me, large part of my life plans up in the air) but once I'd understood that wasn't the end of the world I expected to feel happier. My counsellor said whilst this incident may have had an effect on my depression, there is nothing to say that is the sole cause and when that was dealt with I would feel better. She mentioned it was like the weather as above and that it was just as plausible for me to wake up next week and feel happy for no reason in particular. She asked if I would question why I was happy if that were the case and to be honest, you don't. When you feel happy, you get on with things, you don't sit there and think "why am I happy" even if you aren't aware of why you feel happy. It's obviously more difficult to "get on with things" if you're unhappy but I've found that treating my happiness as something that I don't have full control over has helped me feel better overall, if that makes sense.

I'd try and speak to someone qualified that you don't know cults-sheep, tell them everything no matter how embarrassed you think you might be, really did help me.

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Stephen Fry has a great quote regarding depression. He asks people to resolve never to ask anyone why they are feeling depressed. Depression very often has no reason, or at least no one specific, easy to spot cause. It is, he says "like the weather. It just is".

Stephen Fry: To regard it as being like the weather. It's not your responsibility that it's raining, but it is real when it rains, and the fact that it's raining does not mean that the rain is never going to stop. The only thing to do is to believe that, one day, it won't be raining and accept it so you can find a mental umbrella to shield yourself from the worst. The sun will eventually come up.

Variant of that @ 3:30 on this video:

Edited by Hedgecutter
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That's one of my problems too. People ask me why I'm depressed or why I binge and I just had no answer - which doesn't lend yourself any credibility. Some days I'm absolutely jovial, the next all I just want to do is curl up, sleep and whatever - I'm just too lethargic. I've had one therapist who tried to make me tell stories of my past but I was often hesitant as I know just how fuzzy memory can be and I hated joining up the dots like that.

Anyway, recently I've tried enlarging my social circle by joining in various groups, volunteering and exercising for mental health. Also, I've got an interview with Lifelink - not too sure what to expect though.

Hope everyone well.

Edited by JogaBonito
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They put me on mirtazapine when I started at the CDU in December, predominantly for depression, but also to try help me sleep. It took a couple of weeks but I would say my mood has improved significantly (and not just because of the new job, in fact it probably helped me there). Sleep is still an issue, best I've managed recently is about 3 to 3 1/2 hours a night, but I've no doubt that working and actually having to use my brain again will help.

I really liked Fry's comment, actually I think he has said a lot of constructive things re depression. His programme on bi-polar aired about a month after Mrs. RN#2 killed herself and could have been describing her as one of the very extreme cases. Certainly helped me to deal with it better (although I still have feelings of guilt at times, however rational or irrational they are.)

As ever, always available for a pm from anyone who wants more privacy than this mb offers.

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