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Have you tried just getting outside for a walk or some fresh air? Sorry if this sounds like I'm being over simplistic but it does genuinely work to physically get away from the area or place causing you harm.

I've hated a few jobs over the years and I found the act of just going outside the building for a few minutes worked wonders. You aren't getting paid for lunch so to me it's your time. Also after a holiday coming back feels awful.

I walk to and from work and usually go out for a walk at lunch.

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Chin up mate. I'm due to go back to my work on Monday, can't really afford to take another week off, I've got an interview on Friday for another job, so hopefully I'll be handing my notice in when I go back on Monday. I don't feel a fraud for job hunting while I'm signed off, at the end of the day I need to think about myself.

Nor should you. The vast majority of companies think loyalty is only due to them and not from them to employees.

I'm looking for other jobs. I want to move to Glasgow but can't afford it right now so just looking at something short term for now. Would even do something like an internet shopper at a supermarket again for a couple of months. At least I'd be on my feet and not slumped in front of a computer screen struggling to stay awake.

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Chin up mate. I'm due to go back to my work on Monday, can't really afford to take another week off, I've got an interview on Friday for another job, so hopefully I'll be handing my notice in when I go back on Monday. I don't feel a fraud for job hunting while I'm signed off, at the end of the day I need to think about myself.

Nothing too feel guilty about, back in 2013 I booked a 2 week holiday at my last job with the sheer intention of getting a new job. Had an interview at my current place, was informed I had the job and handed in my notice on my first day back.

Load lifted, felt happier and mentally stronger than I'd been for months.

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Went to the doctors today. Got prescribed some pills (Fluoxetine).

They're not suppositories but they can go up my fucking arse as far as I'm concerned. Really not keen on taking pills at all.

I'm pretty worn out. Going to ask my work for next week off (got nothing on and have plenty of holidays to take. Going to hand in my notice if they say no.

If the usual P&B fandans want to take the piss then go ahead. I'm pretty low anyway just now

How are you sleeping? I understand that you're worn out, most of my crap days are closely associated with how badly I've slept.

You should be praised for seeking help.

Medication is usually best paired with behavioural therapy like cbt /dbt , whether that's with a professional or a book.

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Erratically. Gotca decent sleep last night but been waking up randomly the past few nights before that.

Doesn't mattee hoe much sleep I get though as I"m always knackered. Regularly have to fight sleep at work where I often feel really drowsy

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Don't think I'm going to take them. Not keen at all on the idea of pills. I'm worried I'd get hooked on them for one.

It's obviously entirely up to you but I would say do your research before you make a decision. Read up on side-effects, find out about other people's experiences, but always remember, your experience is your own - you may never get the same effects as other people, you may not find it as helpful, you may find it to be the answer (many people do, I and other didn't).

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Don't think I'm going to take them. Not keen at all on the idea of pills. I'm worried I'd get hooked on them for one.

Warning the following is based on my experience alone.

I think there is a lot of misinformation about anti depressants. They are not happy pills, you won't be doped up to the eyeballs. They aren't Valium or sleeping pills. They just restore a chemical imbalance in the brain that allows you to function.

I stopped taking fluoxetine one day after 2 years use as I felt I didn't need it any more. No ill effects or side effects. No one will know you are on them and nor will you other than you become a bit more rational in your thought process and reactions to life.

I would 100% recommend it.

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Been taking anti-depressants (mirtazapine) for a while now. Tried quite a few of the other ones which were okay, apart from venlafaxine, which I wouldn't recommend anyone take.

I was very resistant to the idea of taking them at first but I've changed my opinion. I would barely be able to function without them. I've suffered from depression my whole adult life and the only time I've really stuck with the tablets for a solid period of time is the past few months. Subsequently, this is the first time in about 6 or 7 years when I've not woke up feeling miserable. I'd really recommend you give it a try, DA.

Hedgecutter, they definitely do make you gain a bit of weight but you can offset it by staying active. The vivid dreams will stop eventually.

Edited by JamboMikey
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Hedgecutter, they definitely do make you gain a bit of weight but you can offset it by staying active. The vivid dreams will stop eventually.

Hope so. Last night I was trapped in an airplane seat (en-route to Cairo, the supposed capital city of Saudi Arabia) by the guy in front who was having a stroke with one side of him turning red. Odd seeing as I never previously had such dreams on a nightly basis. Presuming you mean that they get stranger before they disappear.

The house is completely out of snacks and drinks now btw despite last week's arrival of a pile of free broken biscuits from the Walkers (shortbread) factory. :unsure:

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Not feeling great at minute.

I was in a destructive relationship and got out finding my beautiful fiancee.

I can't help but want to be with her all the time and worried I am pushing her away.

I am not jealous and in no way think she would ever hurt me I just constantly worry I will lose her.

I would lay down my life for her and love her with all my heart but know I will lose her.

I need help as my life would be over without her.

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You need to find a way to be comfortable alone, and maybe join a band. Putting your happiness on someone else's shoulders isn't fair.

You are correct I know.

I'm scared of being alone though.

Just before I met my fiancee I had purchased the means to take my own life and was more than willing to carry it out.

I am not as strong as I thought I was and am worried my downward spiral is starting again.

I will make appointment at docs as know this needs addressed.

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You are correct I know.

I'm scared of being alone though.

Just before I met my fiancee I had purchased the means to take my own life and was more than willing to carry it out.

I am not as strong as I thought I was and am worried my downward spiral is starting again.

I will make appointment at docs as know this needs addressed.

Mate you and I aren't so different. Although reading your own plight is making me feel guilty for being down about my own because my issues pale in comparison :(

PM me if you need to talk it out

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