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EXIT Polls.

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f**k you Nick Clegg you sell out c**t. Get it up you. He's paid the price for it now. Very pleasing.

UKIP revealed to be the utter irrelevance they are.

If the poll is accurate, he gets what he wanted. He'll prop up another Tory government.

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It still means at least another 5 years of the less fortunate getting shafted by that horrible, dish-faced c**t.

The less fortunate would have been getting shafted anyway.

If we can ride it out for the next 5-10 years we will have enough people wanting Independence to skoosh another referendum.

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If the poll is accurate, he gets what he wanted. He'll prop up another Tory government.

If the poll is accurate, Clegg is surely gone, coalition or not. Losing 47 seats surely leaves a leader's position untenable.

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It still means at least another 5 years of the less fortunate getting shafted by that horrible, dish-faced c**t.

Yeah, let's not lose sight of this. Like it or not we're still part of the UK and people will suffer from another 5 years of the Tories.

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Yeah tears of laughter,vote snp get conservatives.

Who's winning if every seat in Scotland voted Labour, Kev?

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If it's accurate, it's unlikely that Clegg is one of the 10.

Fair point.

Harriet Harman spinning to high heaven. "The government has had its majority wiped out with those Lib Dem figures". Hmmm...

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Yeah, let's not lose sight of this. Like it or not we're still part of the UK and people will suffer from another 5 years of the Tories.

Which would be England's fault for once again voting for a Tory government, and in Scotland, the fault of the No-voting shitebags last September. Not that the people of the UK would actually benefit from five years of another Red Tory government, so let's not weep for their demise.

People need to ditch their soft-sponging of Labour: they are finished. They achieved nothing. Let them die in laughter.

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