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The James McClean Sponsored Poppy Thread

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41 minutes ago, HoBNob said:

To be a boring, pedantic b*****d, which I am... 

It was Wootton Basset, it's the nearest village to what was RAF Lyneham.  It would've changed to Brize Norton around 2013-15?

But all the photos of that era of the funeral cortages going through the crowds will have been Wootton Basset. 

On wearing poppies, years ago I was in the Army Cadets (would not recommend) and you'd do poppy selling? Not sure on the correct terminology. But the vast majority of people donate without taking a poppy, which is what I tend to do. The paper ones last about 4 minutes, there a bit of a pain to attach, so most people just gave loose change and went on there way. Which IMO is a pretty classy way to do it. It's gotten lost along the way but the poppy was just a vehicle for the charity's to fundraise, somewhere along the line it's turned into who can be seen to be sadder and more upset. It's a bit of a stretch admittedly, but my parents speak about the hysteria around Princess Diana dying, and how grief became fashionable, you were buying basket loads of Elton John to show you really cared etc. 

I always thought remembrance was meant to be quite solemn, we've gone past that now with the way we deal with death in general IMO. 

What people are noticing with the behavior of some people who have a bit of an obsession with poppies, the armed forces and so on, has nothing to do with death, greif, remembrance etc. the problem people have had with poppies in the the social media age is that they have become a way of chest beating jingoism for aggressive nationalistic types of people. Rangers fans if you like

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34 minutes ago, gannonball said:

You should add it your already very brexity looking profile interests




I did not vote for Brexit. Anyway what a strange post to make. 

Because I like football, pool and the pub means to your mind I voted for brexit.

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4 hours ago, Steelly said:

What is a poppy weirdo? 

You'll surely know them by one of their other names:

• Rangers fan

• Orange b*stard

• Lodge Member

• Yoon

• Royalist

• 'The People' (they say they "are the people")

• H*ns

• Nazis

• Oddballs

• Lunatics

• Scotland's Shame

• etc.,

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Can't speak as someone who primarily posts in General Nonsense (I'm mainly here to keep up to date on football more than because I have anything helpful to say on it!); but can admins not implement something to stop new accounts posting in certain areas before x posts or y days membership? So many half decent topics get derailed by aliases and gibbering newbies, who, in a forum covering everything from the ins and outs at Motherwell to match reports from some wayside field in the Highlands, graviate straight into social/political chats.

At least spend a week yakking away about Montrose before coming on here to say 'this bad, that good'.

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