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P&B Relationship Advice Thread

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Now with the added benefit of amazing 20/20 hindsight...was nearing the end of a similar road to the one you are on about 15 years ago but went the traditional (spineless) path, relented, got married (one good friend even said on steps of church that it wasn't too late to back out (didn't)), one child, 6 (six!!!! FFS) years of marriage guidance counselling at her behest, then the inevitable happens and you're back at square one.

Five years later after going our separate ways, all sorts of amazing ups and downs in my world, weird shit with birds and I finally met the most amazing woman and we're now married. And this time I know it's right.

If you think the current bird isn't working for you, trust me, it's not.

If you have the backbone to accept such (I didn't at the time), walk away, accept 2 or 3 years of real shite til the dust settles and you will get back on your feet with everything much much better for everyone is the end result.

Or you could just keep pussying about (as I did for too long..)

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Don't be sorry for it! I give my Mrs a slagging on here for a laugh, we get on like a house on fire despite her being ridiculously air headed at times (recently she made us miss a bus) and she is quite fat which is partially my fault as I constantly drink so she uses this as an excuse to eat crisps. Can't imagine being with anyone else, most women/other people piss me off far worse than her.

Sounds like true love Throbber
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1 hour ago, Throwaway_tosser said:

Throwaway account since it's a little embarrassing to ask these kind of things on a public forum.

I'm struggling.

Been with the lady for a few years, living together for the past couple. I'm mid thirties and she is late twenties. She's been hammering for marriage for some time now. I have been resisting because I can't get my head around it for some reason, especially having a family. Just quite daunted by it all and not feeling the drive or enthusiasm.

She has a temper and as she has grown more frustrated with me the verbal attacks have gotten worse (she'll be sweet as can be for a week and then explode, real Jekyll and Hyde stuff). For my part I am cynical, a worrier and anxious about everything, especially big life decisions.

It's all come to a head. My stuff is packed and ready to move out. Of course at the 11th hour she is now pleading for me to stay and being really nice (for now).

In my own head I'm at a crossroads - I already miss the good times (of which there have been many) and she is lovely most of the time, but I also live in constant fear of the next meltdown. I can't bring myself to get married but leaving is proving to be more traumatic than I expected.


For those of you that have left under similar circumstances, did you move on or regret your decision in the long term? How about those that went ahead and got married when they weren't quite sure? How did that work out?

This isn't reddit, mate. Get your shame up here for all to see. Although if the story you've posted is true and you're too much of a bitch to stand up to your burd then it's not really surprising you're too embarrassed to put your name to it.

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Throwaway account since it's a little embarrassing to ask these kind of things on a public forum.

I'm struggling.

Been with the lady for a few years, living together for the past couple. I'm mid thirties and she is late twenties. She's been hammering for marriage for some time now. I have been resisting because I can't get my head around it for some reason, especially having a family. Just quite daunted by it all and not feeling the drive or enthusiasm.

She has a temper and as she has grown more frustrated with me the verbal attacks have gotten worse (she'll be sweet as can be for a week and then explode, real Jekyll and Hyde stuff). For my part I am cynical, a worrier and anxious about everything, especially big life decisions.

It's all come to a head. My stuff is packed and ready to move out. Of course at the 11th hour she is now pleading for me to stay and being really nice (for now).

In my own head I'm at a crossroads - I already miss the good times (of which there have been many) and she is lovely most of the time, but I also live in constant fear of the next meltdown. I can't bring myself to get married but leaving is proving to be more traumatic than I expected.


For those of you that have left under similar circumstances, did you move on or regret your decision in the long term? How about those that went ahead and got married when they weren't quite sure? How did that work out?

Why would you even bother considering staying with a psycopath. Other than you basically saying you are scared of her what are you actually getting out of this?
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Not sticking around just for my hole. I wouldn't put up with shite just for that. 

What seems to be harder to let go of is the bonds and shared experiences that have been built over the years (during the good times).

That said, I can't see myself getting married when every week is capped off with a barny about something stupid, so in the end I probably have no choice but to move on. Not really fair on either of us to waste more time on a lost cause.

There's just part of me that's worried that in 10 years I'll look back and think f**k I shouldn't have let that one get away. But mostly I'm thinking marriage would be fucked before it's even begun.

Can't quite figure out if she is just normally mental by female standards or actually got some serious issues that would scupper my long term health and happiness.



Easy to say man up and get on with it but there's going to be (and already is) a fair bit of collateral damage and recovery for both parties here so it's important I make the right call.

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