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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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The reaction of the UK media right now tells us exactly how powerfully regarded a figure Nicola Sturgeon has been, and we can expect a flood of hypocritical nonsense over the coming days.

The Queen is dead, long live the Queen.  But any unionists inclined to pronounce today as the death of the Scottish Independence movement would do well to resist that urge.  I'd like to think that the movement is stronger than that, and in any event it is broader, much broader than the SNP.

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Haven't thought much of Sturgeon for a while but I don't think many would fancy keeping going when Scotland and UK's disgusting political press, liberal commentariat and dinner party set decide it's your turn for a good monstering. She was never one of the lads anyway so fair play to her for keeping them off her back that long. 

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Not supported her or the party following the bizarre covid policies from September 2021 onwards, and the constant Molly coddling nanny state policies. 

Can only presume there’s a scandal brewing, or she’s realised she’s too toxic to keep going.

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4 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

I think that was on the basis that we were on to a third PM in the space of 3 months, as opposed to a leader leaving after 8 years.

Cant believe I had to waste time typing that for you......


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Put it this way - this is the top story across all UK news sites. This is the big story of the day. We've seen First Ministers of Scotland, Wales and Norn Iron come and go without anything like this level of coverage. Salmond's resignation was part of the indyref result and so wasn't as big news as this. 

This is a testament to her impact on the UK stage. Whoever replaces her will not be of the same stature. 

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She's been looking tired and bored at FMQs for a while, no wonder with having to swat aside wee Dougie Ross's tantrums every week. I thought she'd go before or just after the next Westminster election, better to give another leader time to bed in.


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