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Work colleagues

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I really don’t understand why people seem to get so upset about someone complaining about work colleagues on a jovial thread on a football forum?
If you don’t like to read it then don’t. Do I deserve or have I created a situation where I’m partly to blame, yes because I willingly chose to work there despite the red flags at the interview stage. I also should have stuck up for myself but during a probationary period it’s not easy. 
I fully understand that it comes across as whiny and pathetic but I’ve literally tried everything and exhausted every path which involved some serious backbone and took me completely out of my comfort zone. I don’t think it was the unwarranted threats to my employment or the occasional physical threat that was the worst it was the gaslighting and social exclusion of decent people that hurt the most. I was taking it all to heart and it was seriously effecting my quality of life to the point where I had to tell a family member that it was making me depressed and had suicidal thoughts because I just wanted to get some release from it. The emotional outpouring as a result does make me seem unstable and reactionary and I’ve probably spent hundreds of hours researching the topic and studying it to the point where I’ve read almost every blog or article online.
I did genuinely turn a corner recently when it just got so obvious and out in the open. Again that’s the worst thing the lying and denial it’s happening. Not just to me btw. To clarify I’ve worked in several places I’ve had one bullying boss in my last workplace and this time it was full on mobbing which is worse. I also realise that I’ve probably carried some of it over and have trust issues but there’s really not much blame on my part, in my opinion. 
It is entirely possible for somebody to experience the same or similar things twice. Yes I can be whiny about other things but I feel that’s a result of the situation too. I do know that I have to change and to move on and accept it and it’s probably for the best for me and other posters to ignore this thread. One day maybe some people reading this thread who thought I’m some weird paranoid Walter Mitty type will start experiencing their own toxic hell, I really hope not though.

Maybe you should just get a better job.
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15 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Not a great example but tourists are easily confused. The walking person symbol is incredibly clear for anyone, it's only because the stick figure's nomenclature  has been expropriated by the patriarchy to deny its gender neutrality that the issue has been mentioned by some virtue signalling sad act.


Is that Inverness?

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15 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

I'vaecame up with something..... Lights that say "WALK " and "DONT WALK"

I have patented this but if you are quick I will sell you it. PM me

Did you just assume I can walk??

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16 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

Have what they have in Spain, a countdown timer in green with time left until you get mowed down by the first car.

In Chile it has an animation of a green man walking and as time runs out he starts faster.  

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Sorry lads, bit of a heads gone. Not in a good place atm.

I hope you’re okay mate and find a job elsewhere as soon as possible.
Tbh, I don’t dislike my work or colleagues. I’m not sure how I’d cope with hating what you do for a majority of your waking hours.
As said, hope it picks up for you soon man.
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