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Phrases that scream a***hole

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1 hour ago, jimmy boo said:
5 hours ago, Ross. said:
There's a butcher shop on the old town not far from my flat, was taken over recently when the old guy who ran it died and he passed the company on to his son. The boy renamed it "Urban Food" which I had assumed was his attempt to make it a bit trendier. Turns out his surname is actually Urban(Pronounced "oor ban") and all he has done is put the family name on the place in honour of his dad.

So is he an arsehole or what?


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2 minutes ago, Manfred said:

Baby Boomers is a term used to describe those born in the post war baby boom in the ren years after ww2 you twat

I think it was established that the baby boomers generation ended in 1964 ish.

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I assume the OK Boomer thing is an attempt to noise up condescending GenX/Yers talking down to The Yoof, as being lumped in with their parents would piss the auld yins off no end.

Seems to be working pretty well. Well played, Oaksoft Jnr.

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22 hours ago, Herman Hessian said:

slightly OT but an admirable illustration of the arsehole/car juxtaposition: my (now) boss at work and me were at some tedious meeting with a very successful female print company director; he was braying on about his new mercedes f-class or whatever the f**k it was, some tawdry piece of shit anyway - to which her response,clearly intended to make him look more of a c**t than he had already managed himself, was "oh really - that's exciting for you - if you get a chance, do come up to Brooklands for one of our promo days  - I'm a co-owner of the track and quite often take my Veyron for a spin round there...."

This happened to me, too. We were at a meeting with Tunnocks and some German company who were building machinery for Tunnocks. Our gaffer has a Tesla and basically never fails to mention it or how he drove from point A to B without touching the steering wheel. Toe curling material.

German boy come out with something along the lines of "can we push this meeting on, the Learjet is fuelled and we were hoping to get home today."


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Haven’t read the whole thread so apologies if this has already been mentioned , but I’ve noticed a habit of folk saying “would’ve” instead of “had”.  Typically common from football pundits with Robbie Savage being the prime example , although by no means the only one guilty of this. 

eg “If Liverpool would’ve beaten Man United they’d still have their hundred per cent record”

Also , although I think Michael Stewart’s a good pundit and not an @rsehole , the way he actually emphasises the word “of” when he says “would of” when he means “would have” gets on my tits.

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