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What's The Worst Pain You Have Ever Experienced?

Dee Man

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Dislocated knee playing fives a couple of years back, entirely caused by trying to be a smart arse and trying skills way beyond my ability. It was the second time I’d done it, but far worse the second time round. I’ve broken bones before but the dislocation is by far more painful.

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Had a cist in my ear lobe which had to be removed by being cut out with a scalpel and stitched up. They gave me local anaesthetic and no pain killers, cut through every nerve in my ear lobe then told me to lie on the ear to keep the stitches shut. After some oaths were uttered a few hours later I was given pain killers which knocked me for six but in the interim I was squealing like a pig. Got a scar behind my ear now and still have no feeling in my ear lobe.

Sair like.

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11 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Had a cist in my ear lobe which had to be removed by being cut out with a scalpel and stitched up. They gave me local anaesthetic and no pain killers, cut through every nerve in my ear lobe then told me to lie on the ear to keep the stitches shut. After some oaths were uttered a few hours later I was given pain killers which knocked me for six but in the interim I was squealing like a pig. Got a scar behind my ear now and still have no feeling in my ear lobe.

Sair like.

How do you manage day to day life? At least those disabled parking bays will be a help.

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I had to get a lumber-puncture once in my early 20's, they insert a big b*****d needle into your spine to withdraw spinal fluid, never felt pain like it in my life, not ashamed to admit I screamed the place down, fucking horrific procedure. 

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2 hours ago, Trackdaybob said:

Having the scar tissue in my arm and shoulder ripped to free up the movement in my arm and shoulder post two operations to repair my collarbone, dislocated shoulder and separated acromioclavicular joint. Basically grabbing my elbow and thrusting it skywards vigorously resulting in what can only be described as a white hot ripping sensation that thankfully lasted less than 10 seconds. Never felt anything like it before or since. Thankfully. 

It being preceded by the phrase from the consultant "right Mr Campbell you'll feel a slight discomfort here" which did absolutely nothing to prepare me for what was about to follow :lol: 

There was lots of swearing. 

I've had my broken arm reset under gas and air and a colonoscopy  without anaesthetic. Not on the same day thankfully.  But both times I was assured discomfort would be felt.

The NHS definition of discomfort and mine are two different things.

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I tore my ankle ligaments and damaged my Achilles tendon last July, it felt like my ankle was facing the other way, the pain was so intense, then it just went numb and I felt a dull pain. I then had to drive home which was interesting as it was my right ankle that had been injured. Missed about 5-6 months of football after it and the ankle still feels weak and vulnerable.

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Kidney stone about 3 years ago. Was going into the doc's surgery and had to run back outside and spew in the bushes, it was that bad :lol:

I've had eye surgery under local anaesthetic, piece o pish.

Edited by The Mantis
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4 hours ago, The Master said:

When I was about 12 I shut my thumb in a car door. 

That in itself was painful, but worse was yet to come. At the hospital, they stuck a needle through the nail to drain the blood that had gathered underneath it. You know that stinging pain when you accidentally catch something under your nail? This was about a thousand times worse.

i occasionallyget spasms in my bowel which i can only edure and wait for them to pass.

i once was having a kick about and whilst in goal pulled off a spectacular flying tip over the bar.

when i landed my ankle gave way and everyone witnin tje 18 yard box heard the crack.

i obviously i had to go off and to make matters worse could only drive home with one foot so 1st gear for 1 mile.

when home had to phone gf at time to take me to casualty

turns out badlt sprained month off work and now i could turn my ankle walking on a bowling green

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5 hours ago, Brother Blades said:

I very stupidly jumped off a shed roof on to an old abandoned sofa, whilst very drunk (just for the shitz & giggles), the pain from shattering your heel bone is intense, never felt anything like it & I include popping a cruciate ligament in this (which is also very sore). But the worst pain I’ve ever felt was getting a green dot from Banana on P&B.
Actually@mo83 was present when I shattered my heel bone.

Broke my heel last year and have to agree, absolute agony. My accident happened when a few of us were playing football and the ball went over a fence and I went to retrieve it and came down funny on my foot. Trying to get back over the fence with a shattered heel bone was interesting.

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The very start of my cancer treatment, when they needed a sample of tissue to see if I was in fact just suffering from a blocked saliva gland. Expecting the "local and a wee sliceand a stitch" biopsy a few mates have had,I was intrigued to hear of this " fine needle aspiration" method they would use. Cue the hypodermic into the neck below my jaw. So far, so standard. Then the absolute bastárd of a doctor stated rotating the thing like he was winding a clock "to break up the tissue". He will never know how close he came to losing his balls for that sneak attack.
A close second was the day my regular stomach troubles turned out to be a duodenal ulcer, which ruptured a week or so before my nineteenth birthday, flooding the ol' chest cavity with gastric juices.

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