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52 minutes ago, Aufc said:

I can see the reasoning for sticking the central belt areas into tier 4 now and letting them claim furlough. However i cant see why other areas should go to full lockdown. The likes of orkney etc have very low numbers so f**k knows why they would get completely locked down

Might stop our econony getting trashed for another few weeks, not ideal for a lot of folk but WE chose to be governed by Boris & Co for the foreseeable. 

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2 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

No I wouldn't get confused but so many voiced their confusion last week stating that they didnt know the difference between the Tiers in England and Levels in Scotland - Tories in the Borders were being deliberately obtuse.

Now that the Tier system in England has been put on hold for a month it's not so much of an issue but just curious as to why so many refer to the termininology used in England when discussing Scotland.


I'm really not getting this at all - does it matter whether we use the word Level or Tier?  The important point is the number.  I doubt if 1 single person will be confused.  

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More nonsense from Sridhar:



It’s time to stop fighting each other over how serious Covid-19 is, or whether PCR tests work, and agree on collective goals that everyone wants: to protect health services for all patients, a strong economic recovery, to ensure schools stay open, and to minimise illness and mortality. 


Those most responsible for causing the debate about the seriousness of Covid are in fact clowns like Sridhar herself - who believe that picking their pet interests to magically protect during a global pandemic is going to fly with those on the receiving end of utterly pointless restrictions instead. Not to mention that sacrificing everything else 'to save schools' acheives none of the other collective goals but instead ensures more infections, more deaths, poorer healthcare and an economy on government life support yet again. 

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2 minutes ago, hk blues said:

I'm really not getting this at all - does it matter whether we use the word Level or Tier?  The important point is the number.  I doubt if 1 single person will be confused.  

Maybe not but it just fuels the “am pyoor confused by at all” brigades excuses. 

Can’t see what’s wrong with using the correct terminology.

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Just now, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Maybe not but it just fuels the “am pyoor confused by at all” brigades excuses. 

Can’t see what’s wrong with using the correct terminology.

Of course there is nothing wrong with using the correct terminology but using the alternative shouldn't be a justification for claiming confusion, surely? 

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Just now, hk blues said:

Of course there is nothing wrong with using the correct terminology but using the alternative shouldn't be a justification for claiming confusion, surely? 

Have you met, well, anyone?

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Enforcing a national lockdown on Scotland just because furlough money is available would be overkill. If it was genuinely needed then every region of Scotland would be under Tier 4. 

But then, this is what Johnson's gone and done anyway isn't it? The regional approach has failed in the North of England because measures weren't taken quickly enough. Far as I can see, the regional approach in Scotland seems to be doing alright so far*. 

There's been a lot of press about the JRS being extended because the South of England needs it, and to be fair it's hard to defend that given the various refusals to extend it. What hasn't been covered is exactly why this area of England needs to be locked down given the rates of the virus are well below the national average. It isn't justified. 

*Give it a couple weeks of the schools being back and this may be revised. 

Edited by Michael W
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Whats all this about we needs lockdown to get furlough, a business doesn’t have to be closed to put staff on furlough, some have been open right the way through. Shutting down pubs in Orkney so they can claim money instead of just letting them stay open when it’s safe is just mental

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1 hour ago, Wee Bully said:

Talk me through why it’s “obvious”.

It's not difficult tbh. The JSS is supposed to support "viable jobs" and not "support jobs that only exist in the furlough scheme" (Sunak's words, not mine).

If you can't see why the treasury cannot offer Scotland access to the JRS for an indefinite period to protect and support jobs here, whilst at the same time people in identical jobs in England lost their "unviable" jobs, or got no support, then i'm inclined to suggest you are at it.

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23 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

It's not difficult tbh. The JSS is supposed to support "viable jobs" and not "support jobs that only exist in the furlough scheme" (Sunak's words, not mine).

If you can't see why the treasury cannot offer Scotland access to the JRS for an indefinite period to protect and support jobs here, whilst at the same time people in identical jobs in England lost their "unviable" jobs, or got no support, then i'm inclined to suggest you are at it.

So the availability of JRS in Scotland, Wales and NI is driven entirely by infection rates in England?


If you have Douglas Ross and the STUC joined at the hip on an issue that's quite something.

Edited by invergowrie arab
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If covid rules force temporary business closures anywhere in the UK, the same furlough payments and assistance should apply. Seems fucking obvious. Either that or allow the devolved powers borrowing rights so they can fund it themselves.

Edited by welshbairn
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They can claim furlough without being in Tier 4 as far as I can see

Yeah but most places are open to some degree in tier 3 so this is probably better than claiming furlough. Whereas tier 4 would see everything shut and thus claiming furlough would be the viable alternative
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Just now, Szamo's_Ammo said:

This might be a wind-up but I received a text saying the SG are going to introduce mass testing for shopping centre Santas and his elves to make sure Grottos can open as normal this Christmas. 🎅

so when are you getting tested?


It's going to be a tough festive period for guys like you in that line of work - good luck

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1 minute ago, Aufc said:


Yeah but most places are open to some degree in tier 3 so this is probably better than claiming furlough. Whereas tier 4 would see everything shut and thus claiming furlough would be the viable alternative


Might be financially advantageous for the business to shut anyway, though. Which is why Sunak has only extended it when he's been forced too - his view is very much that businesses should be open as much as possible. 

I suspect he'll be extending it again after December, however. 

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Might be financially advantageous for the business to shut anyway, though. Which is why Sunak has only extended it when he's been forced too - his view is very much that businesses should be open as much as possible. 
I suspect he'll be extending it again after December, however. 

Aye the use of the word “probably” was a caveat.

I am hoping NS sticks to her guns and doesnt go full lockdown.
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