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35 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

It's you being the snowflake if you're so worried about what other folk thought of you.

And i don't think anyone has any issue with despising tories. Wishing them dead was seen as excessive.

But you're perfectly entitled to openly wish folk to be dead. Don't be surprised if folk think you're a c**t though, and call you out on it on the Internet.

Where do I say that I’m worried about what folk think about me?

You’d be better caring about the 40,000 plus folk who have died, many because of this government, than the fat austerity supporting, NHS hating c**t.


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2 minutes ago, Gaz FFC said:

They'll be mobbed with all the new found fatties we've created

Making millions from  "this time I really mean it" after forking out for membership multiple times in the past without turning up.

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45 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

It's you being the snowflake if you're so worried about what other folk thought of you.

And i don't think anyone has any issue with despising tories. Wishing them dead was seen as excessive.

But you're perfectly entitled to openly wish folk to be dead. Don't be surprised if folk think you're a c**t though, and call you out on it on the Internet.

I can think of a few folk I wish were dead. (see below). So call me a c**t

28 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:
1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:
So is it alright to despise the fat Tory c**t again or will that trigger the hand-wringing snowflakes on here that were all praying for his recovery?

Honestly? I have never stopped despising the mendacious, adulterous, incompetent racist - or any of the wretched scum we're supposed to call a Government. I don't see this changing anytime soon, tbh.

Me as well

1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

Where do I say that I’m worried about what folk think about me?

You’d be better caring about the 40,000 plus folk who have died, many because of this government, than the fat austerity supporting, NHS hating c**t.


Precisely! I pray they all land up in hell (and I'm an atheist)

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1 minute ago, Wee Willie said:

I can think of a few folk I wish were dead. (see below). So call me a c**t

Me as well

Precisely! I pray they all land up in hell (and I'm an atheist)

There’s no hell like atheist hell.

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3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Dunno but it'd be class if they did but with limits on how many folk can be in at any one time. Imagine rocking up at 5pm and getting through a workout in the order you wanted to do it because there aren't folk hogging benches/weights/machines.

Queues to take selfies

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1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:


Most people have the common sense to know what the advice is without it having to be legislated for, surely?


Needs to be legislated for the police to be able to act on it though. Far too many mixed messages imo which is why it's crumbling around us. 

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A question about the 1her exercise. I like to go up a small hill in my town, I can be up it and back home in an hour. What difference would it make if I decided to take a sandwich up there and sit and enjoy the views for another hour? I never encounter anyone up there so I don’t see the difference in being up there 10 mins or 3 hours 🤔

Edited by Thereisalight..
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A question about the 1her exercise. I like to go up a small hill in my town, I can be up it and back home in an hour. What difference would it make if I decided to take a sandwich up there and sit and enjoy the views for another hour? I never encounter anyone up there so I don’t see the difference in being up there 10 mins or 3 hours [emoji848]
The hour thing has never been anything more than the opinion of Michael Gove and some other c**t.
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Looks like there's been a group decision to get back to work around here. Lots of shops open for cleaning that have been closed for more than a month. Similarly, there's a definite increase in folk who've stopped even paying lip service to social distancing.

I can't help but feel that a fair percentage of the population have treated this pandemic like they'd treat health and safety at work. Yes, they know the things they're supposed to do and not do, but it's not going to kill anyone if I just do it this way, is it?

Tell you what, though. I'm looking forward to the first horror film that includes fuckwits clamouring to be allowed the freedom to go out during the zombie/flesh-eating bacteria/many-tentacled rape monster epidemic. I genuinely can't think of a movie that's included that plot element, mainly because it would've broken suspension of disbelief up to now.

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5 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

A question about the 1her exercise. I like to go up a small hill in my town, I can be up it and back home in an hour. What difference would it make if I decided to take a sandwich up there and sit and enjoy the views for another hour? I never encounter anyone up there so I don’t see the difference in being up there 10 mins or 3 hours 🤔

That's the thing, it's all about common sense. Nobody would be bothered unless you tell everyone about it on social media and hunners turn up.

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6 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

A question about the 1her exercise. I like to go up a small hill in my town, I can be up it and back home in an hour. What difference would it make if I decided to take a sandwich up there and sit and enjoy the views for another hour? I never encounter anyone up there so I don’t see the difference in being up there 10 mins or 3 hours 🤔

Do as you please. Everyone else is.
I repeat, we will not be getting any more hot tubs until July.

Going back to normal apart from opening times and social distancing. People still being c***s, old c***s doing as they please, still some good c***s out and about.
All a bunch of c***s really

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