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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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13 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

Also: Denise Welsh is no expert on anything, and she’s now exalted as a shill or a loonball or a voice of the everyman.  

In using her name in a post I made, personally speaking, I wasn’t holding her up as being a shining light in a sea of shite, or anything. I simply used her as an example of someone, anyone really, who gets shouted down if they uttered a dissenting voice. I think Noel Gallagher might have been another, and while I like a lot of his tunes, that’s about it. It absolutely seemed that unless you were out clapping heartily for the NHS, and following every single rule meted down from on high without question, you were bang out of order.

Anyway, I don’t take my cues on pandemic etiquette from Denise Welsh. I take them from Phil & Holly, Spit the Dog and Keith Harris & Orville.

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41 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Booster yesterday, fine up until to this morning.

Sore arm and aching joints, headache, plus back to smelling smoke again. Have to work tonight but would rather stay home and get some sleep.


There's a few at work due appointments who want to wait until after Xmas for concerns of being knocked for six unable to enjoy Christmas.

After today decision to throw restrictions at what now is a glorified cold virus I would think not many now will see the point of it.

Moderna? I got mine this morning and feel fine just now, but braced for a wild ride tomorrow based on some of the testimonies I've heard. 

Sturgeon being uber cautious and getting the banhammer out shouldn't surprise anyone by now TBH.  Council elections next May could be fun if there's a massive pile of SNP votes go #teamcockandballs

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5 minutes ago, Meldrew said:

that's why i've bulit a gym in my back garden shed

I now have the mental image of you lifting bags of compost / filled-up watering cans and continually pulling an old lawnmower cord, attempting to recreate a Rocky IV montage.

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I guess the old saying is true - absolute power corrupts, absolutely. That's where we stand in this country with no opposition. 

As an aside, as I said before I work in events so yet again myself and colleagues have been shafted. Some of these people have young kids and are on zero hours contracts with no furlough. Theyll be stressed enough with money worries without condescending p***ks at the job centre judging them and hassling them about work. So much for NS and her "care more" attitude. Shes fcked peoples mental health and for what? 

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4 minutes ago, Scorge said:

Moderna? I got mine this morning and feel fine just now, but braced for a wild ride tomorrow based on some of the testimonies I've heard. 

Sturgeon being uber cautious and getting the banhammer out shouldn't surprise anyone by now TBH.  Council elections next May could be fun if there's a massive pile of SNP votes go #teamcockandballs

Got a Moderna booster yesterday, arm is in agony and got a thunderb*****d of a headache, oddly enough have had to go for a slash 8 or 9 times since mid morning when usually it would only be a couple.

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I see Swinney has been quoted as saying having football matches with fans at the weekend could’ve been a mistake. I mean, what new info from the last 24 hours tells you this? Are they going to share it? Also, if it was a bad idea then stop it, you are the government. Don’t allow it go ahead and then mump about your own bloody decision a day later.

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