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COVID-19 In Scottish Football

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3 minutes ago, LiviLion said:

Limiting the chances of players catching covid, mainly.


We don't have a Euros or World Cup to worry about next summer, so I'm not sure why the season can't be pushed a week or two and a couple extra games slotted into free midweeks? No idea what the plan is for next season with the Qatar WC being in December so that might not be possible.

Are we really going to mitigate that risk though? If we were bothered about protecting the players, we’d have introduced vaccine mandates or similar. We’d probably be pretty shocked if we knew just what the vaccine uptake was among footballers - I’ve heard whispers of what the uptake is at Rangers for example, and it’s… not great.

I assume there would be some scope for moving the season back a bit, but the problem will be contract issues. Let’s say the season goes into June and, for example, John Souttar signs a pre-contract with the OF or a team in England. What happens then? 

It seems like it’d be tough to implement and if the restrictions are here long term then I’m not sure there’s a huge amount of benefit to be gained. But who knows, maybe there is a case for it.

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Just now, AJF said:

I have once, and even then it was a momentary glance.

My main point was that the introduction of vaccine passports was supposed to let us attend these events safely (essentially causing a divide and promoting the ridiculous opinion that unvaccinated people are a danger to vaccinated people). Now they are saying we cannot attend these events even with a vaccine passport which just highlights how ridiculous it was in the first place.

Mate i don't disagree with you, if vaccine passports were the solution to allow us to attend then why isn't more being done to check them? Even my kids are all fully vaccinated (granted one has Cerebral Palsy and gets his before us) to ensure we can get to go the football together which didnt always go down too well 🤷‍♂️

Unless there is some sort of financial safety net for clubs and this goes on as expected i can't see every club surviving this time around

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Just now, G51 said:

We’d probably be pretty shocked if we knew just what the vaccine uptake was among footballers - I’ve heard whispers of what the uptake is at Rangers for example, and it’s… not great

I have a degree of sympathy for footballers who don't want to get vaccinated during the season, despite the public push against them. Even if you don't get the ultra rare side effects it still can f**k you up for a few days and for a player on the fringes of the squad that can cost you a run of games and maybe a new contract etc. If there's a winter break of a few weeks though then I'd have no sympathy with anyone who hasn't gone for as many jags as they're allowed during it. 

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You can bet zero consultation with the spfl and sfa, just ban the bastrds and make ourselves look human by allowing in 500. If the snp had a track record of good government it would maybe be tolerable but this is a shower of incompetents and charlatans just making it up as they go along. Unless you are FrankChickpen of course.

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1 minute ago, Snifter Pee Rot said:

You can bet zero consultation with the spfl and sfa, just ban the bastrds and make ourselves look human by allowing in 500. If the snp had a track record of good government it would maybe be tolerable but this is a shower of incompetents and charlatans just making it up as they go along. Unless you are FrankChickpen of course.



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7 minutes ago, G51 said:

Are we really going to mitigate that risk though? If we were bothered about protecting the players, we’d have introduced vaccine mandates or similar. We’d probably be pretty shocked if we knew just what the vaccine uptake was among footballers - I’ve heard whispers of what the uptake is at Rangers for example, and it’s… not great.

I assume there would be some scope for moving the season back a bit, but the problem will be contract issues. Let’s say the season goes into June and, for example, John Souttar signs a pre-contract with the OF or a team in England. What happens then? 

It seems like it’d be tough to implement and if the restrictions are here long term then I’m not sure there’s a huge amount of benefit to be gained. But who knows, maybe there is a case for it.

The Nations League has 4 games in June doesn’t it?

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1 minute ago, FrankChickens1 said:

I have a degree of sympathy for footballers who don't want to get vaccinated during the season, despite the public push against them. Even if you don't get the ultra rare side effects it still can f**k you up for a few days and for a player on the fringes of the squad that can cost you a run of games and maybe a new contract etc. If there's a winter break of a few weeks though then I'd have no sympathy with anyone who hasn't gone for as many jags as they're allowed during it. 

But there’s two considerations there:

1) Lots of footballers, particularly those from BAME/foreign communities, don’t have a lot of trust in government/institutions, often for perfectly understandable and justifiable reasons. This isn’t just a football thing, it’s why vaccine take up is lower across these communities. So what we have to work out is how we reach these communities.

2) Even if a footballer did try that, all they’d be able to get is one jab in the winter break, which is hardly worth it.

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15 minutes ago, K.T said:

Dens going from close to a sell out for the derby to only 500 season ticket holders is some loss for the club. And I’m sure there will be many worse than us since it seemed a few were on the brink last time.

it’s a kick in the balls for the fans for sure. Triple vaccinated does seem like it didn’t make a difference. 

They need to postpone it.

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3 minutes ago, FrankChickens1 said:

I think vaccine passports were always a little flawed. 

But btoh you and G51 are wilfully ignoring the actual reality in front of us. 

2 jabs mostly killed delta in vaccinated people. So life comes back. Then omicron comes along and 2 jabs does little, so life goes away again. It sucks, but it's hardly the fault of any domestic government. 

A lot of people seem to forget that part of the reason death rates aren't particularly high is because 170k people with vulnerabilities are already dead.  Magically bring them back and things would be fairly awful again no doubt. 

I'm not wilfully ignoring anything. My point was to criticise the notion that somehow unvaccinated people were to be blamed for these further restrictions while simultaneously criticising the introduction of vaccine passports. If we are to believe that 2 jabs does little to combat Omicron but 3 jabs provides protection then why aren't they allowing people in who have been boosted?

Nothing you've said I particularly disagree with, but there is also nothing you've said that changes my opinion either.

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42 minutes ago, LiviLion said:

Does make most sense to me to postpone the games after tomorrow night. Can either slot them in for midweeks or extend the season by a few weeks.

Would give clubs and the SPFL a couple extra weeks to figure things out. Bit of a break for clubs being hit by outbreaks and less chance of further outbreaks you'd think.

 Boxing day and new years day/2nd are games that you look forward too, with restrictions being placed on us the fitba is a wee light in the dark.

No fans isn't the same tbh but I'd prefer that to no games. Though your point about giving clubs a break makes a lot of sense, St Mirren appear to be in a bac way right now.





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2 minutes ago, AJF said:

 If we are to believe that 2 jabs does little to combat Omicron but 3 jabs provides protection then why aren't they allowing people in who have been boosted?

I don't have any objection to that in theory, save that it's near impossible to enforce in the UK, as shown by the aggression against the flawed input of vaccine passports. 

As it wouldn't work as a system, the only alternative is to shut it all down in the short term. 

That said, things should be opening up again in a few weeks. I agree with G51 that they almost certainly won't be. The people to blame for that are, in my book, the ones who decide they won't follow rules just because Sturgeon has set them. Football is fucking littered with people like that, including at saints, based on twitter today. 

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32 minutes ago, Snifter Pee Rot said:

Hey Frank ChickensDumb and other krankies, go do one will you. Carved up by Sturgeon and sitting on her platter like prize winners. You are not a football fan, you are cultists and sheep.

Are you as angry as you come across in written word right now? I’ve got some fantastic imagery of you destroying your flat like a tenth rate Clash. 😄

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2 minutes ago, Drew Brees said:



I'm not sure how reliable this account is but if it's true then there's not going to be a game on the 2nd. 


Exclusive: Celtic and a few more clubs are exploring ways to bring the winter break forward. They are hopeful that a majority of the stakeholders will agree. *If* this plan is successful, it will mean that Old Firm Vs Rangers on 2nd Jan won't go ahead.
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46 minutes ago, Crawford said:

Honestly can't believe it.

Get jabbed and get back to normal was the deal.

Between passports and being pin cushions, this will do nothing but alienate those like myself who complied and embolden those that didn't.

I think the deal was a little more nuanced than you're suggesting.

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